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Feminist Trend: So what you are a Feminist but I am a Woman

Feminist Trend: So what! You are a  Feminist and I am a Woman

by Veronica Davis 2018-03-14

So what! You are a Feminist. But I am a Woman. To be a Feminist does not mean you are a woman. Woman for centuries have been fighting for rights and equality that simply is a mirror image of society.

What is a women fighting for in one country simply is not the same in another.

Besides just exactly what are  women fighting for.


These are simply social rights not Heavenly blessed gifts not rights. Cause God gives us all gifts. Man creates rights on this Earth.

I am a woman and I fight for nothing.
Atleast in these realm of reality on Earth.

 No man or Woman can give me or take away anything from me.

Is it physical.
Is it Spiritual.

One man can not give me anything physical so I can become an identical match to my opposite sex.
Can another man give me its equal body parts .
Not one man can be equal to another man.
It is simply impossible.
Genetically nor Spiritually.
Not even a clone, not even a twin.

We are each born equal and yet so very different from one another.

One man can not give one another spiritual equalness.

 Only our Lord Jesus Christ can take away what has already been given to him from Heaven from the day I was born.

International Woman Day was a marked day around the world. But this trend of feminist movement has had people nodding their heads and scratching their scalps with confusion.

Is it a political, collective, Marxist, playing the victim card.

In various countries feminist woman are behaving aggressively and have burned Catholic Churches.
Other feminist marches has brought violence in the streets.

So the feminists movement is a cover up of what is really in question here.
It is shrouded with what is truly going on inside of the human being mind and spirit .

Far from what a woman or man has been blessed with long before the time birth.
The moment that God created each and everyone of us.

No generation has taken away from us.
No history has taken anything away from us.
What God gave us, has always been there for us to have.
So the power is with in us, only we have abandoned the power within.
What a man lacks a woman has been blessed.
What a woman lacks a man has been blessed with.

On March 1, 2018 Skywatch tv brings into light  the women rights issue in the video entitled Donna Howell Returns For Part 2 of Groundbreaking  The Handmaiden Conspiracy :

With all the talk in media today about women’s rights to be heard and treated with fairness and decency in all public platforms, Donna Howell’s timely new book boldly establishes how it was JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF who settled THIS issue a long time ago… and at a time when it would have been considered revolutionary… and prophetic!

Donna Howell Returns For Part 2 of Groundbreaking The Handmaiden Conspiracy.

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