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Megatrndz Social Trends Week 12 March 12 - 18, 2018

Megatrndz Social Trends Week 12 March 12 - 18, 2018

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Leave a comment below and share your view on this issue. Email me at Together we can change for the best. God Bless You. Megatrndz Founder Veronica Davis.

Related trends Red water trend, Biological Warfare Trend, chemtrails, Weather warfare, sound warfare, climate chaos, genocide trend, silent energy weapons, atmospheric geoengineering, weather manipulation

Stop Spraying The Lies.. The Earth No Longer What Use To Be

by Veronica Davis 2018-03-19

#lookup #wedonotconsent #WeThePeople #OpRestoreFreedom #WeAreNotWetWare @POTUS #StopGeoengineering #WeDoNotConsent #CellManipulation #5G #DisconnectFrequency #SoftKill #QAnon #WatchTheSky #Expose #climatechaos #chemtrails #OpChemtrails #geothermal #redpill #HAARP

Are we living under a dome. Is that what all the spraying is all about.  Stop spraying the lies. It is happening climate is chaotic and the awareness is not enough. Managing the climate chaos should be taught in schools at all educational levels. It is not like the indoctrination of simply spraying chemicals into the environment as a false solution rather a delusion.

The National post newspapers needed to educate their readers by letting them know that it is called Geoengineering. And that after a study reversal global warming is the answer.

On January 22, 2018 The National post entitled the article Geoengineering could reverse climate change but might have dire effects if abruptly stopped: study The idea is to spray sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere and mimic the effects of major volcanic eruptions, which have been followed by periods of global cooling. Is fooling the reader the endgame.

A massive spiritual awakening needs to occur very quickly in our planet so our next generations can enjoy a clear free conscious. Free thinkers and not an oppressed repressed humanity like in the past historically enslaved society. Our collective positive minds are capable in reaching far and beyond than we can imagine. 

Also read : Biological Warfare Trend : The Wicked Demonic Flu present on Earth

In the past few years Rivers, Lakes are turning red around the world. Snow is also turning red. The sky is seen red before an enormous climatic chaos. Could we blame it on the chemicals sprayed on the atmosphere. Cancer, Dementia, Alzheimer are among a few blamed health problems.With the quick health symptoms after the airplanes spray over our heads the chemicals allergies and headaches immediately occur.

The ground is shifting in some areas near the coastlines and continents like Australia are moving inches up North. The Ground this week March 14, 2018 opened up drastically in Africa calling it a torrent of fury.

Young girl dies in Maī Mahiu flash floods 1,174 views NTV Kenya Published on Mar 14, 2018

The Narok Mai Mahiu highway was cut off after a section of the road caved in due to flooding KTNKENYA • 1.6K views

Islands like in the Artic, Yellowknife will be totally gone in 2020. The world needs to be informed and better taken care of. Beginning from prohibiting plastic production and other harmful chemicals production that harm the Earth's Ocean Waters.

Another trend that is happening is that smaller snowfalls are made to look bigger. Are they preparing us for something bigger. Can we call it small drills getting ready for a bigger one. Yesterday, In the Uk 100 people slept in a school due to snowfall . And in places like where the real danger is, they make it look like its nothing to worry about like in Africa.
Today March 19, 2018 it was tweeted that UK weather: nearly 100 people spend night in a school after snow

Similar Skies all around the World

Skies around the world are looking the same.

Los Angeles March 10, 2018

Moon And Sun Proven to Be Only Miles In the Sky Oops!10,671 views by

Megatrndz Social Trends Week 12 March 12 - 18, 2018

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