Celestial Trend Asteroid Trend
Sink Hole Trend Sonic Boom Trend Fireball Trend
MysteriousTrend Earth Cracks Trend
Animal Deaths Trend
Human Crisis Trend
Human Crisis In Danger Pacific Ocean
by Veronica Davis 2018-6-23
Will the Danger of the Pacific Ocean bring a massive Human crisis trend.
Today an asteroid the size of a football field will be passing the Earth over 4 million miles away. Will it bring impact to Earth Natural occurrences. The impact that an asteroid has to the Earth's natural existence in the long run has not been proven like the gases brought about in a volcanic eruption. Perhaps it is because an Asteroid is more or less a foreign object not Earthbound. Also read:
Looks like the Ring of Fire is hiccuping and yawning as Volcanoes are waking up from a long night sleep.
Will the Danger of the Pacific Ocean bring a massive Human crisis trend.
Today an asteroid the size of a football field will be passing the Earth over 4 million miles away. Will it bring impact to Earth Natural occurrences. The impact that an asteroid has to the Earth's natural existence in the long run has not been proven like the gases brought about in a volcanic eruption. Perhaps it is because an Asteroid is more or less a foreign object not Earthbound. Also read:
Looks like the Ring of Fire is hiccuping and yawning as Volcanoes are waking up from a long night sleep.
As the volcanoes are spitting out their wrath to the world the climate is changing. The atmosphere around the volcanoes affects wildlife and nature and human crisis begins. The Human Crisis trend can be man made or the uncontrollable wrath of God. Is the Earth Tilting. Over two decades it was more a secret or a myth to say that the Glaciers of the Arctic and Antarctic would melt one day. You were seen more of a nutty if you claimed the sea level would rise. Now there are too many facts that it is undeniable to hide. Just recently there was a news report how the American Coastlines will have over 2 million homes destroyed due to water Sea level Rise in 30 years. I believe that the numbers is more. A couple of days ago,
As many as 311,000 coastal US homes, with a collective market value of about $117.5 billion today, are at risk of tidal flooding caused by sea level rise within the next 30 years, according to our new analysis: https://t.co/IbvfJBbwYp pic.twitter.com/UhYjlVMtCv— Union of Concerned Scientists (@UCSUSA) June 18, 2018
Here is what I would have to say about trends, that they change over time. Take for example the nutties out there will one day be considered the wise. And those that will be looking nutty will be the ones believing that the Sea level rise will not occur.
Since then the most recent eruption have been Shinmoe-dake Volcano the Telica Volcano in Nicaragua erupts on June 21, 2018 at 8 am in the morning and days earlier the La Cumbre Volcano in Galapagos Island Ecuador has erupted on June 16, 2018. The Sakurajima volcano, El Fuego Volcano in Guatemala, another in India, Kilauea Volcano in May 2018 and in the Philippines
Telica volcano eruption in Nicaragua - June 21, 2018
Volcano Shinmoe-dake, Japan Coordinates: 31°54′42″N 130°53′00″E
Kilaueau Volcano Hawaii Coordinates 19°25′16″N 155°17′12 W
See Central Arc Volcanoes
Volcan de Fuego Guatemala Coordinates: 14°28′29″N 90°52′51″W
Telica Volcano Nicaragua 12.602°N 86.845°W
Sakurajima Volcano eruption in Kagoshima, Japan
Volcano eruptions can bring earthquakes and tsunami to the nearby region. According to the Volcano Hazard " even if magma never reaches the surface, gases can often escape continuously into the atmosphere from the soil, volcanic vents, fumaroles, and hydrothermal systems.". Some dangerous gases are:
Sulfur Dioxide (colorless gas and pungent ordor)
Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen Halides (halogen flourine, chlorine, bromine)
But one does not have to wait for the sound of the train to choo choo to warn us of its take off.
In 2009, three deaths occurred in a popular resort in California, United States in Mammoth Mountain where a well known fumarole collapsed. A fumarole :
A fumarole (or fumerole – the word ultimately comes from the Latin fumus, "smoke") is an opening in a planet's crust, often in areas surrounding volcanoes, which emits steam and gases such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen sulfide.
This means that Volcanoes may seem dormant and the Earth is safe at times. I would like to say that humans all wait for an eruption to warn us that their is danger in the Planet's survival and existence.
But there are better warnings. Take for example craters. A non active crater looks like a large sinkhole or pit. The planet Earth has craters that are active. What comes to mind when I think of an active crater is Earth's way of smoking a pipe as it releases smoke. The Earth has thousands of ways to smoke its pipe. The Planet that God created for mankind is Earth an he created it to be active and alive and well thought of . Another time I will explain my Theology behind the bottomless pit and the place where the Devil lives. I find it more hard to believe that God is dum and did not know how to create a perfect planet than the actual wonders that he created for the Holy and the Wicked. I believe that mankind is looking always how to get to Heaven and where Hell lies on Earth. Perhaps that is why naming nature as the Devil's Throat for a Hawaiiain crater says a bit more about our ancestors and their beliefs.
Anyways getting back to an active crater. When a crater is active it is a sign of upcoming danger take for example , the Halemaumau Crater that began to be active since April 2015. Halemaʻumaʻu Crater is a pit crater located within the much larger summit caldera of Kīlauea in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. And how many more are like those crater around the world unknown to the human eye.
So really God has created so many precautions to show us of the dangers in helping the survival of human existence. Thus the Planet Earth has all the drastic safety measures found at a regular basis more common than one thought. We are no longer as safe as we think if we do not become knowledgeable. Our ancestors must of known all of safety precautions as a proof that we are here still today on this Planet.
A 6.1 earthquake on June 17, 2018 hits Osaka Japan
The strangest part about volcanoes they seem to be closest to large waters. Most around the Ring of Fire. First eruption was the Guatemala Volcan de Fuego on June 3, 3018. In the small country of Nicaragua Area: 130,375 km² to be exact it has 19 volcanoes. All Nicaraguan volcanoes are located on the Pacific Coast. The latest volcano to erupt is the Telica Volcano on June 21, 2018. This couple of years most earthquakes has occurred in the northern pacific ocean near the coastline by the volcano region.

Hawaii Volcano: STRANGEST Things to SPEW from Mount Kilauea REVEALED June 17, 2018.
It has been now over six weeks and the dangers of the Volcano lava has been taking effect.
1. Gem Stones
2. Lava Mount
3. Toxic Fumes
4. Toxic Clouds, and Rain
5. Lava Haze
6. Glass Bubbles
Poisonous food is what kills local animals
Hawaii Volcano: Strangest by US Defense News June 17, 2018
Human Crisis in Nicaragua Family Killed by Ortega Regime sent Sniper
10 am 2018-6-16
Family dies after refusing snipers on their roof in provoked fire by Ortega regime . Two women, two men, and two children die on June 16, 2018. There is a commitee of mediation and testimony a dialog from the Catholic Church in Nicaragua, Cardinal Leopolo Brenez monseñor Ronaldo Álvarez transmits the countries pain of their country. See videos below
Diálogo Nicaragua alianza cívica Participa bajo protesta
Se recuerdan las protestas en Nicaragua 7 muertos
Sepultan a familia calcinada en Managua
By el Nuevo diario
Human Crisis Nicaraguan Journalist under Attack
2 pm 2018-6-14
#leon #censorship #sosnicaragua #journalism
Leon Nicaragua Journalism attacked
— Yane Palacio (@PalacioYaneyri) June 14, 2018
Periodista Gilbert Idiaquez de @Corporacion540 y camarógrafo de canal 10 fueron apuntado con arma por bomberos y policias en Nindiri. Los afectados afirman que pudieron reconocer a sus agresores. Nos solidarizamos y exigimos respeto a los periodistas.— Café con Voz (@CafeconVozNi) June 14, 2018
#BastadeOdio #NicaraguaQuierePaz— El 19 Digital (@el19digital) June 14, 2018
Entre la vida y la muerte se encuentra el Cro. Leonel Morales, delegado de UNEN ante el Diálogo Nacional, quien la noche de ayer fue secuestrado, golpeado y baleado por delincuentes de la derecha. pic.twitter.com/rUmeBDpdax
Human Crisis Trend #sosnicaragua Nicaraguan Priests Threatened
by Veronica Davis 2018-06-14
#genocide #sosnicaragua #ParoPorNicaragua
By Noon Today, a young woman from Leon sends out help....as attacks are happening in Leon, Nicaragua. The Church is the center of attention. They tweet their messages to Silvio Baez at 11 am.:
León, Nicaragua atacan el barrio de Zaragoza!! Quieren tomarse la iglesia!! Ayuda ayuda! #SOSNicaragua @silviojbaez atacan la iglesia por sonar las campanas en forma de aviso @laprensa
The Zaragoza Church Bells ring:
En León atacan Zaragoza pic.twitter.com/faw85PwAsh— Radio Dario 89.3 (@RadioDarioNi) June 14, 2018
Military Cuban Police begin to attack the entrance of San Carlos, Leon Nicaragua. The locals begin to tweet :
— La Kosovo vandálica (@kosovoestrada) June 14, 2018
At around 1:20 pm today An urgent message from a Yane Palacio @PalacioYaneyri "Esto necesitan en la iglesia Zaragoza!! #SOSNicaragua #Leon 11:18 AM - 14 Jun 2018 " church in Zaragiza in need of the following of items (bandaids,safety pins, needles, alcohol gel, acetomophin, etc all items to perform wounds":
— Yane Palacio (@PalacioYaneyri) June 14, 2018
León, Nicaragua atacan el barrio de Zaragoza!! Quieren tomarse la iglesia!! Ayuda ayuda! #SOSNicaragua @silviojbaez atacan la iglesia por sonar las campanas en forma de aviso @laprensa— Gabriela_Paniagua (@GabyNicaragua) June 14, 2018
On Tuesday of last week, A Body is Decomposing and can not wait so they are burying Eliezer Saballos in their Backyard in Nagarote
Church UNDER ATTACK NO HELP#URGENTE— Coyuntura (@CoyunturaNic) June 14, 2018
El joven Eliezer Saballos, asesinado la noche del martes en Nagarote, será sepultado en el patio de su casa debido a que la ciudad está sitiada por paramilitares de Ortega y el cuerpo está en estado de descomposición. pic.twitter.com/BDztmsYMCr
Locals are Urging To Bang their house Pots as an Emergency Alert that the Church is being invaded by police military.
#REPORTAN en zaragoza leon aun estan bajo ataque turbas de JS se quieren tomar la iglesia PUEBLO UNANSE SUENEN CACEROLAS AYUDEN!! #SOSNicaragua #Leon— king pinolero (@_be_heroes1) June 14, 2018
#REPORTAN en zaragoza leon aun estan bajo ataque turbas de JS se quieren tomar la iglesia PUEBLO UNANSE SUENEN CACEROLAS AYUDEN!! #SOSNicaragua #Leon— king pinolero (@_be_heroes1) June 14, 2018
Early in the Morning, The Church in Nicaragua has said it supports the Nicaraguan people to go in a 24 strike unemployment. The people of Nicaragua are documenting the fake movement by the Sandista state and sandinista state workers. They are boarding buses and showing movement in the streets but it is a strategic propaganda into fooling the world that the Nicaraguan people are safe.
#genocide #sosnicaragua #ParoPorNicaragua
The supermarkets today are closed and yet not known for how long. The people of Nicaragua are scared and need the world's help. The transition of the government will happen .
On June 11, 2018 the Priest of Masatepe have been ringing the bell to alarm the people of a possible attack against the Nicaraguan people. Until recently the Priest has been threatened that if it continued to ring the bells that the church would be burned according to Silvio Jose Baez tweet.
Yesterday Silvio Jose Baez lets the world know its biggest fear of urgency": he tweets:
+ + + + + + Urgent + + + + + + + + for several hours riots and mobs attack Masatepe. Pastor P. Juan Calero speaks to me of at least four dead and many wounded. They have the healing house surrounded. More riots arrive. There's a lot of fear in the population.
++++++ URGENTE ++++++++— Silvio José Báez (@silviojbaez) June 14, 2018
Desde hace varias horas antimotines y turbas atacan Masatepe. El párroco P. Juan Calero me habla de al menos cuatro muertos y muchos heridos. Tienen rodeada la casa cural. Llegan más antimotines. Hay mucho miedo en la población.
Today, "We support the nacional strike in Nicaragua because it will demand an end to the repression, and support democratic and peaceful change, and a return to dialogue. We support the national strike as an act of pressure and social protest.' he says.
We support the nacional strike in Nicaragua because it will demand an end to the repression, and support democratic and peaceful change, and a return to dialogue. We support the national strike as an act of pressure and social protest. #ParoPorNicaragua #paronacionalNi— Silvio José Báez (@silviojbaez) June 14, 2018
June 14, 2018 is national strike day against the Regime of Daniel Ortega
Estas fotos son de un paramilitar al que le dieron y dejaron abandonado. Todo eso llevaba consigo. Pero hay algo que me llamó la atención en la segunda foto. La pistola en el suelo es una Bersa 9mm. Y adivinen quienes usan ese modelo de pistola aquí? #SOSNicaragua pic.twitter.com/9vseWIWjxJ— Vandálico Pandemonio (@billyvargasp) June 14, 2018
En medio de ataque el padre Juan López salió en compañía de los pobladores para pedir a las fuerzas policiales y paramilitares que se retiren. Se ha intentado una tregua pero no fue posible #GritoPorNicaragua pic.twitter.com/cfV2r5P2SI— La Prensa Nicaragua (@laprensa) June 14, 2018
Jinotepe has been heavily attacked. It's been going for around 3 hours now, there are many wounded. #SOSNicaragua— #SOSNicaragua (@fromvictonn) June 14, 2018
Beasts of One Nation 📸 #SOSNicaragua pic.twitter.com/oy1JHGFdQc— Jonathan Machado (@DirectedByJMAC) June 14, 2018
The people of Nicaragua urge Florida's politicial Marco Rubio for SOS and intervention against this genocide:
@marcorubio @RosLehtinen @Almagro_OEA2015 Help!! The People of Nicaragua are asking for your support. #SOSNicaragua pic.twitter.com/nHsLvXLCAn— Joaquin Solorzano L. (@JoaquinSolorza3) June 14, 2018
June 13, 2018
Father searches for his 14 year old son Joshua Mercado Fuentes among the military attack in Masatepe.
El niño Joshua Mercado Fuentes (14 años) desapareció después del ataque paramilitar en Masatepe. Su padre Aaron Mercado está pidiendo ayuda para encontrarlo. #Artículo66 #DerechoAInformar #Nicaragua #SOSNicaragua #GritoPorNicaragua pic.twitter.com/iKOufio3lg— Artículo 66 (@Articulo66Nica) June 14, 2018
#Urgente | Cámara de seguridad capta a paramilitares en Masatepe pic.twitter.com/WJxsJrcEB8— Radio Corporacion (@Corporacion540) June 14, 2018
— Gustavo🧔🏻 (@Ricardo_Es_Mio) June 14, 2018
Since May 30, 2018 a petition has been created to :
We the people demand to see the socialist dictator of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act for human rights violations. These include censorship, repression, torture and the murder of over 76 citizens since April 19th (as documented and reported by Amnesty International and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.) We can help stop this ongoing bloodshed by restricting Ortega's assets while raising awareness of his crimes.