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Human Crisis Trend #sosnicaragua #ParoPorNicaragua

Human Crisis Trend

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Human Crisis Trend #sosnicaragua Nicaraguan Priests Threatened

by Veronica Davis 2018-06-14
#genocide #sosnicaragua #ParoPorNicaragua

By Noon Today, a young woman from Leon sends out attacks are happening in Leon, Nicaragua. The Church is the center of attention. They tweet their messages to Bishop Silvio Baez .:

 León, Nicaragua atacan el barrio de Zaragoza!! Quieren tomarse la iglesia!! Ayuda ayuda! #SOSNicaragua @silviojbaez atacan la iglesia por sonar las campanas en forma de aviso @laprensa

The Zaragoza Church Bells begin to ring:
León, Nicaragua attack the Zaragoza neighborhood !! They want to take the church !! Help help! #SOSNicaragua @silviojbaez attack the church by ringing the bells in the form of notice @laprensa

Military Cuban Police begin to attack the entrance of San Carlos, Leon Nicaragua. The locals begin to tweet       :

At 1 pm a local sends out a tweet how they are about to take over the Zaragoza Church.
At around 1:18 pm June 14  An urgent message from another local Yane Palacio @PalacioYaneyri "Esto necesitan en la iglesia Zaragoza!! #SOSNicaragua #Leon .The church in Zaragoza in need of the following of items (bandaids,safety pins, needles, alcohol gel, acetomophin, etc all items to perform wounds":

On Tuesday of last week, A Body is Decomposing and can not wait so they are burying Eliezer Saballos in their Backyard in Nagarote.

Locals are Urging To Bang their house Pots as an Emergency Alert that the Church is being invaded by police military.

Early in the Morning, The Church in Nicaragua has said it supports the Nicaraguan people to go in a 24 strike unemployment. The people of Nicaragua are documenting the fake movement by the Sandista state and sandinista state workers. They are boarding buses and showing movement in the streets but it is a strategic propaganda into fooling the world that the Nicaraguan people are safe.

#genocide #sosnicaragua #ParoPorNicaragua

The supermarkets today are closed and yet not known for how long. The people of Nicaragua are scared and need the world's help. The transition of the government will happen .

On June 11, 2018 the Priest of Masatepe have been ringing the bell to alarm the people of a possible attack against the Nicaraguan people. Until recently the Priest has been threatened that if it continued to ring the bells that the church would be burned according to Silvio Jose Baez tweet.

Yesterday Silvio Jose Baez lets the world know its biggest fear of urgency": he tweets:

+ + + + + + Urgent + + + + + + + + for several hours riots and mobs attack Masatepe. Pastor P. Juan Calero speaks to me of at least four dead and many wounded. They have the healing house surrounded. More riots arrive. There's a lot of fear in the population.

Today,  "We support the nacional strike in Nicaragua because it will demand an end to the repression, and support democratic and peaceful change, and a return to dialogue. We support the national strike as an act of pressure and social protest.' he says.

June 14, 2018 is national strike day against the Regime of Daniel Ortega

The people of Nicaragua urge Florida's politicial Marco Rubio for SOS and intervention against this genocide:

June 13, 2018

Father searches for his 14 year old son Joshua Mercado Fuentes among the military attack in Masatepe.

Since May 30, 2018 a petition has been created to :

We the people demand to see the socialist dictator of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act for human rights violations. These include censorship, repression, torture and the murder of over 76 citizens since April 19th (as documented and reported by Amnesty International and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.) We can help stop this ongoing bloodshed by restricting Ortega's assets while raising awareness of his crimes.