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Celestial Signs Partial Solar Eclipse Super Blood Moon Earth Cracks in Yellowstone

Climate Change Trend    Tectonic Plates Moving Continent Trend  Continental Drift Trend   Island Disappearing Trend   

 Climate Chaos Trend   Fireball Trend  Volcano Eruption Trend   Asteroid Trend  Q Anon Trend  Biological Weapon Trend   False Missile Alert Trend  Sinkhole Trend   Unusual Earthquake Trend    Laser Technology Trend    Mass Genocide Plan Trend  Direct Energy Weapon Trend   Emp Attack Trend 

Human Crisis Trend   The False Prophet Trend        Blackout Trend   Weather Warfare Trend  The A.I Trend  Evacuation Order Trend    Full Moon Disaster Correlation Trend   CME Trend  Chem trail Trend   Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend    Weather Manipulation Trend       Account Suspension Trend   

Celestial Signs Friday 13th Partial Solar Eclipse Super Blood Moon Earth Cracks in Yellowstone

#bloodmoon #tasmania #superbloodmoon #partialeclipse  #solareclipse #yellowstonevolcano 

Previous Stories

Climate Chaos: Unusual Earthquake Trend Fji 551 km depth
Secret Space Program Trend Mysterious Crop Marks  July 11, 2018
Celestial Trend and Signs in the Sky

Genesis 1:14   Saint Luke 21   Saint Luke 25   Saint Luke 28   Joel 2   Acts 2    Revelation 6  Isaiah 24:20

Partial Solar Eclipse over Tasmania on Friday the 13 th

14 days before the July 27, 2018 Blood Moon which will be over Jerusalem

20 Fireballs

6.4 Mega Earthquake New Caledonia and Vanuatu 74 km from Vanuatu at 4:46 a.m.

Mars is Closest to the Earth in 15 Years on July 27

Is this the 5 ways of energy.
Mars will be 10 times brighter on July 27, 2018

Large Earth Crack opens in  Fissure at Yellowstone park

Unique Planetary Alignment on

Fisher #8 is spitting hot lava in  Kileneau Volcano in Hawaii

The Partial Solar Eclipse

The last partial solar eclipse has not happened since 40 years ago. Another Biblical Sign. The solar eclipse on Friday the 13th since December 13, 1974 and the next one will be in 2080. The number 40 is linked to the Bible as one of the most important number as Moses had been in the wild for 40 years before liberating the Jews Slavery from Egypt. The lord Jesus Christ was out in the dessert for 40 as he too came in contact with Satan. There were 40 days of Elud .

The next partial solar eclipse will be August 11, 2018.  God Uses solar eclipse as signs.  After Jesus Christ died on the Cross there was a solar eclipse.

Super blood Moon

The longest super blood moon in a century will occur on July 27, 2018. It will not be seen in the United States or America. The blood moon will last over 110 minutes.


There have been: (M1.5 or greater)
 636 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
4,971 earthquakes in the past 7 days
21,413 earthquakes in the past 30 days
68,166 earthquakes in the past 365 days

The biggest earthquakes: today:
6.4 in Isangel, Tafea, Vanuatu

This week:
6.4 in Isangel, Tafea, Vanuatu

This month: 6.4 in Isangel, Tafea, Vanuatu
This year: 8.1 in El Palmarcito, Chiapas, Mexico

Follow the Earthquake Trend, Unusual Earthquake Trend

Yellowstone Park Earth Cracks Expanding

As reported on July 10 th, 2018 at Grand Teton National Park near Yellowstone Park :

A highly popular area near Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming has been closed to the public for the immediate future due to concerns over expanding cracks and fissures in a large rock formation, park officials said Tuesday evening.

On June 22, 2018 unusual seismic activity was detected around the world  on seismographs and right on Yellowstone.

In Case the Super volcano Yellowstone blows up.  Ninety percent of United States and Southern Part of Central Canada will be covered with Ash. The United States has made a contract in various countries to assign a massive exodus choosing countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Australia and South Africa. Ten Million dollars is being given to build homes in South African for the next 10 years.

  Prophecy Alert: "Mark Biltz Blood Moon" / Friday 13th Solar by Paul Begley

How Bad is The Collapse Explosion at Kilauea Volcano's Summit