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Climate Change: Yellowstone Park Area Closed, Canada Park Endangered and Deep Earthquakes Trend Fiji

Climate Change Trend    Tectonic Plates Moving Continent Trend  Continental Drift Trend   Island Disappearing Trend   

 Climate Chaos Trend   Fireball Trend  Volcano Eruption Trend   Asteroid Trend  Q Anon Trend  Biological Weapon Trend   False Missile Alert Trend  Sinkhole Trend   Unusual Earthquake Trend    Laser Technology Trend    Mass Genocide Plan Trend  Direct Energy Weapon Trend   Emp Attack Trend 

Human Crisis Trend   The False Prophet Trend        Blackout Trend   Weather Warfare Trend  The A.I Trend  Evacuation Order Trend    Full Moon Disaster Correlation Trend   CME Trend  Chem trail Trend   Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend    Weather Manipulation Trend       Account Suspension Trend   

Climate Change: Yellowstone Park Area Closed, Canada Park Endangered and Deep Earthquakes Trend Fiji 

#climatechaos #caldera #yellowstone  #heatwave #supervolcano #fiji #volcanoes #earthquakes #droughts #flashflood #iceberg #greenland #tsunami #spain

Is the world about to have a worst deeper climatic explosion of more changes? A portion of Yellowstone park is under emergency closure due to a 100 foot fissure rapture.

The fissure is located at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. The Park closed under emergency and human safety around a viewing area of the part at Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point areas just west of Jenny Lake. A large rock buttress cracks and fissures expanded.

Not time to get cozy under beds when the world might be heating up more than ever. Listen to the three part videos of Megatrndz show as Veronica Davis discusses drought flash floods icebergs and tsunami all involved with animals dying around the globe.

Part 2 droughts flashfloods AZ Animals Death tsunamis iceberg greenland Part 2 of 3

Part 3 Is Canada's biggest national park in danger? Part 3 of 3

Deep Earthquake Trends: Fiji Deep Earthquake

Greenland Iceberg

Climate Chaos: A Blessing for the Wildhorses in Arizona

#climatechaos #secretspaceprogram #heatwave #heatwaveLA #heatwaveuk #heatwavecanada #Satellites #DEWs #EMR #HAARP #5G #Chemtrails #WeatherWarfare #GeoEngineering #horses

You see there is always a blessing from God. God gave us the dominion over animals therefore God must of known what he meant by that! I have always said that when man is in danger and comes face to face with a wild animal one must listen to God's words of us humans having dominion over them.
But God also meant to say that we must take care of the animals because their will be a time in need Read more on A Blessing for the Wildhorses in Arizona

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