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Climate Chaos: Japan's Constant Warning Before Big One on September 6, 2018

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Climate Chaos: Japan's Constant Warning Before Big One on September 6, 2018


Beginning more than 14 days ago there were smaller earthquakes shaking near Japan starting from the Ocean. At the North Pacific Basin near an area known as the Kuril - Kamchatka Trench near the Kuril Islands numerous small earthquakes kept on shaking from the ocean. 4.6 magnitude earthquake 171 km from Kuril’sk, Hokkaido, Japan UTC time: Sunday, August 26, 2018 23:10 PM Your time: Sunday, August 26 2018 6:10 PM Then 13 days ago a 4.6 magnitude earthquake

UTC time: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 01:58 AM
Your time: Monday, August 27 2018 8:58 PM
Magnitude Type: mb
USGS page: M 4.6 - 215km SE of Kuril'sk, Russia

Kuril - Kamchatka Trench earthquakes then moved towards the Japan Trench as it hit a bigger one towards Japan Land 10 day span.

Then a 6.6 magnitude earthquake 27 km from Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan 4 days ago
UTC time: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 18:07 PM
Your time: Wednesday, September 5 2018 1:07 PM
Magnitude Type: mww
USGS page: M 6.6 - 27km E of Tomakomai, Japan

Climate Chaos: Hurricanes  Floods and Fires


Climate Chaos

Hurricanes and Floods
Mid Atlantic Storm strengthning in the Ocean. Tropical Storm can turn to a category 4 as Hurricane Florence makes landfall.

Virginia and Southern Carolina prepare themselves for a State of Emergency.

New York City has been warned until Monday September 10 of inland flooding.

After #typhoon #Jebi hit Tuesday September 4, 2018 and 2 major Earthquakes hit Japan. First major earthquake at Ibaraki, 5:11 a.m Japan time (M5.6) on September 5   than a bigger earthquake on Sept 6 at #Hokkaido , 3:08 a.m. Japan time(M6.7). The high winds and massive waves of typhoon Jebi hit Tokushima first. Other death toll affected areas were Osaka Prefecture and the others in Mie, Aichi and Shiga.Now death tall keeps rising to 37. More than Over one million people were evacuated. Japan has also suffered a heat wave since May killing 138 people.


One person tweets comparison of landslide after the big earthquake in Hokkaido:

 03:08 JST M6.7 #EARTHQUAKE IN #HOKKAIDO, #JAPAN The photo on the left shows mountains in Hokkaido before today's earthquake The photo on the right shows the sitiution after the quake Reminds me of what I saw after quakes in Taiwan (1999), Pakistan (2005) and China (2008)


On September 7,  Yuxi, Yunnan China had a 5.6 magnitude Earthquake.

Climate Chaos September 7, Yuxi, Yunnan China 5.6 mag



Major Highway closed after 15,000 hectares spreads in California. Wildfire drastically increases between the Oregon and California border.

In Northwest Ontario wildfires 20 new forest fires.

Texas heavy rains has killed a woman and a child.
Airplane Crashes

17 killed in an airplane disaster in Southern Sudan dipping into a Lake.  Out of the 20 people on board from the Juba International Flight one child survivies horrific crash.

Human Crisis

Canadian deports over 217 North Korean defectors from 20 years ago. Canada claims those claiming asylum from North Korea but instead touched South Korean borders had been already given citizenship.  One woman is under dilemna whether to live her Canadian born behind as she will be seperated from the deportation.  These raises eyebrows as Canadian Government does not really have a Humanitarian Heart from those fleeing from Violent country like North Korea. Is not Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau doing the same thing that President Donald Trump is doing to the asylum seekers from Latin American Countries and seperating children from Parents.

Meanwhile, North Korea is celebrating a 70 year parade without a intercontinental being present. Perhaps United States President Donald Trump had alot to do with this small stepping stone into the North Korean regime changes from when he last visited with North Korean Dictator. Why Canada is doing this immigrant deportation move now  is unclear.

Turkey sends forces to Syrian border as airstrikes continues for weeks now. The Syrian Government and Russian military targets Idlibs on yesterday on Saturday. In Kirikhan, Turkey more fuel fears of bloody battle for Idlib. There are over 30,000 rebels in rebel held bastian. The United Nations fears a huge humanitarian crisis claiming the lives of civilian in Idlibs are over 3 million.  As airstrikes escalate in Pumel a weak comparison was made. There are more babies than terrorist one compared. Although the comparison is a weak argument it is like comparing oil and water. Ctv news Canada claim so far bombings have killed 4 lives one of a child.

International Global Activists marched worldwide with 95 countries participating. Marchers wanting a Rise for Climate Justice federally and locally. Hopefully the marchers are taking care of the planets and not helping out the Companies that use plastic packaging.  Hopefully actions speaking louder than words. One may concern of the people was Sea level rise. A suggestion to all activists, marchers and participants around the world, more action needs to happen helping out  by voting the Green Party for example if you are in Canada or political parties alike in your area. Also cleaning up the planet together and being more on the front line also helps further into changing the climate chaos today.

Breaking News: US and British Forces Trapped in Idlib Syria