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Deception Agenda Trend False Prophets & Gods

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Deception Agenda Trend False Prophets & Gods  

Thursday 2018-09-13

The Deception Agenda continues all around the world as we are being fooled into believing events that have not occurred. But the fools are only the ones that believe.

Jesus Christ warned us about false prophets. He also came to this world to stop the multiple false Gods and Paganism that needed to stop. The world was a dark wicked place before Jesus Christ.  His apostles Matthew, Luke and John exposed Jesus Christ true Agenda . The Apostle Peter wrote about the wickedness and corruption of his present city of Corinth.

Exposing the False Gods Backlash

If we all lived in a world where exposing other false Gods was actually always true than we would all be in true paradise. But sometimes this is not so. Jesus Christ came to this world to let us know the repercussions. How so. Jesus Christ and his Apostles were able to speak truth but only before they suffered the consequences by the hands of the evil. Jesus Christ was not only mocked but crucified for speaking truth, the Apostles were beheading or hung upside down. Although this sounds dark it shows us that history warns us but is it preventable.  Staying in Peace within ourselves and doing what Jesus Christ asked us to do, do not resist evil. Jesus means hear that wicked is fought with balance ourselves with Peace.

We all wish that censoring would not exists and that we were allowed to speak our minds and exposed the evil. But as the censorship trend is today Agenda we will live it at that. It would be awesome where debate or both sides would exist. I see it everyday on social media as some videos gain popularity even though their truth is actual untrue. Religion seems to be a very popular one where people are creating videos of sound like they know what the true Christian religion really is when they know none.  False politics out there has also been favored over truth at times in  social media.

However, the  Deception Agenda is really here. as Hacking the Headlines puts to light someone else darkness or revelation. Everyone has a spiritual awakening and perhaps warning others may be one put keeping peace with oneself is as enlighten one can be. Recognizing that following false Gods will take one to realms as detached from reality more than ever. Sometimes exposing one but refraining for some moment may be time to give time to yourself. We all need that peaceful time .

Bridge Collapsing Trend End Game  

Saturday 2018-08-25

Are bridge collapsing trend some kind of secret societies endgame.  Let us look what the  phrase "end game"  is defined as the final stage of a game such as chess or bridge, when few pieces or cards remain.

While in some videos where bridges are collapsing could be explained in most present events they are not...Continue Reading

HAARP South Pacific Ocean Fiji Deep Earthquakes Aug 22 2018


HAARP South Pacific Ocean Fiji Deep Earthquakes a must watch 4 part report about what is going on in the South Pacific Ocean quietly. What should we do. What must we do to save our planet.

Part 1 2018 08 19 5 32 39 PM

part 2 2018 08 19 5 46 27 PM

Part 3

Part 4

Unusual 0  km Depth Earthquakes in Alaska  Aug 22 2018

12:00 pm 2018-08-22

Today Venezuela, Japan and Costa Rica were hit with earthquakes again. This are areas that have already received strong earthquakes in the past week.

 Read Full Story

 New Madrid Quiet Earthquake Today Aug 14 2018

New Madrid Quiet Earthquake Today 2018 08 14 8 16 49 AM