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Human Crisis Migration Crisis Nation Against Nation World vs Venezuela

Human Crisis  Nation Against Nation  Prophecy    Peace Deal Talk  Blackout  Biological weather warfare     Chemtrails  Q

 Climate Change     Deep Unusual Earthquake Trend     Volcano Trend     Hurricane Trend      Fireball Trend        Meteor Trend      Asteroid Trend

 Unexplained Trends    Bridge Collapsing    Animal Invasion  

  Human Crisis Nation Against Nation World vs Venezuela

by Veronica Davis Tuesday  2018-09-26  

Just a day after, President of the United States has denounced Venezuela in front of the United Nations so has the Latin American Countries in front of International Criminal Court. Over 2 million people have fled Venezuela into its neighboring countries due to the Socialist Country of Venezuela ran under the Maduro Dictatorship. Infront of the International Criminal Court in New York five countries have condemned Venezuela for Crimes against Humanity. The countries condemning Venezuela are Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Paraguay all whom are neighboring countries including Canada. The present Nicaraguan Government has also been condemned by many countries for their communist and idealistic practices against humanity.

This is what the President of the United States Donald Trump had to say yesterday at the United Nations:

(24:41) ultimately the only long-term solution  to the migration crisis is to help  people build more hopeful futures in their home countries make their  countries great again currently we are witnessing a human tragedy as an example  in Venezuela more than two million 2 people have fled the anguish inflicted  by the socialist Maduro regime and its Cuban sponsors not long ago Venezuela  was one of the richest countries on  earth today socialism has bankrupted the  oil-rich nation and driven its people  into abject poverty virtually everywhere socialism or communism has been tried it  has produced suffering corruption and  decay socialism's thirst for power leads  to expansion incursion and oppression  all nations of the world should resist  socialism and the misery that it brings  to everyone in that spirit we ask the  nations gathered here to join us in  calling for the restoration of democracy  in Venezuela today we are announcing  additional sanctions against the  repressive regime targeting murderers  inner circle and close advisers we are  grateful for all of the work the United  Nations does around the world to help  people build better lives for themselves  and their families the United States is  the world's largest giver in the world  by far a foreign aid but few give anything to us

LIVE: President Trump Addresses United Nations #TruNewsUNGA

Países latinoamericanos denuncian al gobierno venezolano por crímenes de lesa humanida
by canal33tvelsalvador September 26, 2018

 Prophecy Trend  Ezekiel 38 Trump United Nations Have You Come to Take the Spoil?

by Veronica Davis Tuesday  2018-09-26  

Human Crisis   Prophecy Trend   Deception Trend  Alien Agenda   Black Goo  

Peace Deal Talk  Chemtrails  Geoengineering   Biological Warfare  Earth Cracks  Sink hole 

Prophecy Trend Ezekiel 38 Trump United Nations Have You Come to Take the Spoil?

Well if you think you do not have enough time for anything it is because it is true. Too many events are happening right in front of our very eyes. The almighty heavenly God controller of light, sound, and time is speeding things up. The Prophecies explained throughout time by many scholars are happening today. So while you may be hesitating of every event whether catastrophic or rumoring to become catastrophic God holds the final word. He may have sent the Prophets and Visionaries but all we have to work with is with the Word of God and all should be just fine. So relax everything the Word of God says will happen, will happen under God's Watch. People around the World are keeping their eyes and ears close to the moments that will lead to the tribulation. Perhaps because what happened on May 14, 2018 a pro Israel President whom was elected in the United States in 2016 known as Donald Trump is playing a huge role in Bible Prophecy. People throughout the world are saying that this will accelerate Bible Prophecy in Godspeed. As explained by Pastor JD Farag Donald Trump on September 22, 2018 "would speed up the eschatological clock" further on to say:

(09:10) add one more to that so on Rosh Hashanah he pulled the Palestinian or I should.. say the Palestinian Liberation Organization let's call it what it really is the PLO he pulled their  embassy and is going to even now as he  has completely pull all of their funding  so you you give that to Israel on Rosh Hashanah and then on the heels of on the anniversary the 70th anniversary on May 14th you relocate the embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv what's interesting to me and and the reason I really truly believe that Trump has sped up revved up the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is because he is bringing to the table everything that we read in Scripture concerning what Israel will be and how it will be at the very end . He is bringing that to pass like no one in history .

And Jack Hibbs brings to light the "spoil" of Ezekiel 38? Discussing Ezekiel 38 "when Israel is invaded by a Russian led coalition of Islamic forces the world can ask a question simply "have you come to take the spoil?". Right now, Donald Trump has :

" economic job records where were watching records being set not only here in the United States but because of Trump's presidency there are other nations that are doing fantastic because of his leadership globally in the economy." Jack Hibbs does not see the United States getting involved in the Ezekiel war:

(10:43) I personally believe that Trump's success or whatever's going on doesn't expire with his with him leaving office is something happening in the near future that will render the United States unable or unwilling to get involved in the Ezekiel battle

Today I stand before the United Nations General Assembly to share the extraordinary progress we've made in less than two years my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country America's so true

During foreign aid will be given to those that respect "us and friends" as described by President Donald Trump on September 25, 2018 infront of the United Nations.(27:24).

Being a Light in the Encroaching Darkness – Pastors J.D. Farag and Jack Hibbs by Jan Markell

TRUNEWS at United Nations: Day 1 #TrunNewsUNGA

TruNews at United Nations: Day 2 #TruNewsUNGA

Donald Trump Prince of Justice Fairness and Due Process

by Veronica Davis 2018-09-26 

Donald Trump using his own word is officially sounding like a Prince for " Justice Fairness and Due Process" (19:00).

Donald Trump sounding more like a Prince of a Kingdom rather than a President. His speech at the United Nations on September 25, 2018 clearly shows how he is building a Kingdom for the World and for God Jesus Christ.

Donald Trump puts forth everything that "Matters of Peace" as he reminded the World of his move to Jerusalem to keep peace between Israel and Palestine(13:24).

"We will not be held Hostage to all Dogmas" says Donald Trump at (13:50). Sounds very similar to "Have you come to take the Spoil?" of Isaiah's vision of Ezekiel war. Donald Trump also foreshadows what is to come for the Countries representing the World Trade Organization and working under violations (16:00):

countries were admitted to the World Trade Organization that violate every single principle on which the organization is based while the United States and many other nations play by the rules these countries use government-run Industrial Planning and state-owned enterprises to rig the system in their favor they engage in relentless product dumping forced technology transfer and the theft of intellectual property .

Live President Trump Addresses United Nations

Blessed are They sang by the University of Notre Dame Folk Choir

 Deception Trend  False Prophets in Church False Teaching 

by Veronica Davis Tuesday  2018-09-26  

Human Crisis   Prophecy Trend   Deception Trend  Alien Agenda   Black Goo  

Peace Deal Talk  Chemtrails  Geoengineering   Biological Warfare  Earth Cracks  Sink hole 

Is the King Coming? If you said no then you are on the wrong track. If you said yes then you are listening to the Word of God.  The King is Coming as we sounding the alarms enough.  Trends , factors, signs proves to one thing that Jesus Christ is Coming. We are being deceived with so many false teachings and propaganda. It is not about the Signs and Wonders as  Our Lord, Jesus Christ explained to the non believers when he broke bread found in the Book of Saint John  6 verse 34. Jesus Christ answered to their question " Lord give us this bread always".  And Jesus Christ said to them " I am the bread of life".

Jan Markell: Modern Churches and the Rapture by Prophecy Watchers Sept 21 2018

I Am the Bread of Life - Toolan | Notre Dame Folk Choir

 Climate Chaos  Methane are We being Warned 

by Veronica Davis Sunday  2018-09-23  

Human Crisis   Deception Trend   Alien Agenda 
Peace Deal Talk  Chemtrails  Geoengineering   Biological Warfare  Earth Cracks  Sink hole 

This week Methane was a much talked about topic . Why? Because it is all around us as talk of the ozone layer as nonexistence . Are we in extinction level? When will we know when we are in danger? Apparently we may never be warned. So do not expect it. As in this time and age it is our job to get educated. See the  bizarre weather patterns and destruction all around the world all being censored by the normal media giants. But that is what led you to this very point.

On a video entitled " Steve Quayle and Dane Wigington Hagmann Interview Clips for True Legends Conference September 20" guest Steve Quayle lets us know in the Geoengineering section below, that we are at extinction level. Dane tells us that Methane Bubbles releasing from the sea floor at 50 meters. 'They are trying to cover up the methane being released from the Arctic Sea Ice" says Dane. "There is enough methane to create a mass extinction." are words spoken by Dane that does not leave us thinking lightly of what is happening all around out atmosphere.

Volcanic Eruptions 

Volcanic activity will increase as the earthquakes increase. Seismic waves are the vibrations that pass through after an earthquake.

Let us not forget about the new discovered Supervolcano in Vermont and this i believe to be of high significance as I had a revelation from the Lord. The leading scientist on this new discovery claims in an article   Mass of Warm Rock Rising Beneath New England, Rutgers Study Suggests   :

seismic waves, or the vibrations that pass through our planet following earthquakes. Seismic waves provide a window into the Earth’s interior by revealing the shapes of objects, changes in the state of materials and clues about their texture. The Rutgers-led study focused on New England, where scientists had previously documented an area of great warmth (hundreds of degrees Celsius warmer than neighboring areas) in the Earth’s upper mantle. The lithosphere, Earth’s solid outer shell, consists of the upper mantle and the crust that includes the surface.

 Levin thinks the upwelling pattern detected is largely beneath central Vermont and western New Hampshire, but it’s also under western Massachusetts. It may be present elsewhere, but the study’s findings were based on available seismic observations.

On another article it was noted :

Buried in two years of data, the team zeroed in on New England, having previously identified a thermal anomaly that was hundreds of degrees Celsius hotter than its surroundings in the upper mantle about 200 kilometres (124.2 miles) below the surface, and measuring approximately 400 kilometres (248.5 miles) in diameter.

Plus let us not forget all the methane that is being released from the volcanoes that have been dormant in the past years and are now erupting with the most recent Yellowstone Supervolcano watch below video.

What about all   the Earth Cracks  and sinkholes  opening up around the world or that Califonia is sinking. Is God preparing to open up a massive Lake of Fire and return of Jesus Christ to create a new Jerusalem on its way.

All of this information tells a different story where the earth is Heating up from below not from above. Despite the fact that chemtrails may be heating up the surface. Regardless, the Planet Earth is heating up and nothing is cooling it down.

September 15, 2018 Gas Surge

A couple of years ago, it was reported that New York infrastructure of pipes was up for renewal. Last year California fires brought many lawsuits against the gas companies with connections to the Rothschilds. Also read Climate Change Trend: Agenda 21 California Fire Victims Forced to Sell

 Now  Governor declares a state of emergency when more than 50 mysterious explosions destroyed dozens of Homes near Boston. The neighborhood described as a "war zone". One percent dead and more than 25 injured damage not known.

Is this all related to some natural coming disasters or is it a growing problem too costly for the new growing society. Gas lines has been a new invention over the century so will it bring a growing problem over the next century all around the world..

More than 50 Mysterious Explosions Destroyed Dozens Homes near Boston

Massachusetts residents will be allowed to return home following gas fires by abc news

Back in 2013 in New York the natural gas pipe lines were described as many decades old. New Natural Gas Pipeline Into NYC Is Volatile Issue by VOA News

Sept 17, 2018 Nuclear Lockdown

There was flooding in North Carolina near the Brunswick North Carolina Nuclear Power Plant so there was an unusual nuclear emergency declared. There were 300 people were in a lockdown.

Nuclear Emergency Declared At Brunswick North Carolina Nuclear Power Plant by FullSpectrumSurvival Published on Sep 17, 2018

On  Tuesday September 18, the ground was rising and falling by 6 inches every 10 minutes and spouts of water shot from the ground as a new geyser formed:

 On Tuesday spouts of water shot from the ground west of pump geyser and north of sponge geyser also ejecting large amounts of hot steam the new feature which is eight foot in diameter continues to show increased signs of activity after geologists observed the ground rising and falling by six inches every 10 minutes geologists have also observed new geysering and boiling at hot springs doublet pool and north of that as well located in the upper geyser basin so we have multiple new geysers forming steamboat geyser has sprung to life after being dormant for three years.

2:26 #Yellowstone #Yellowstonesupervolcano #supervolcano Is Yellowstone Going To Erupt? New Geysers Are Erupting Rocks Are Being Hurled Into The Sky

One thing that made it very strange is the fact that YellowstoneNPS is confirming that Yellowstone is NOT going to erupt as seen below in the tweet. Clearly not a great way to keep people safe.

September 19, 2018

Geyser Behaving Strangely was being reported by the YellowstoneNPS

I do not think it was a coincidence of all these animal sighting as animals have better scent than humans.

For an hour and twenty minutes excited visitors did not know the danger.

NO WAY! BIG EXPLOSION AT YELLOWSTONE! NORRIS TRAIL CLOSED! BY Higher Truth Channel Published on Sep 21, 2018

Weather Manipulation

Now this month weather manipulation was a big topic for September as the Hurricanes began to form in ocean waters.

So I was not surprised when I heard Deborah Tavares talk about Micro weather systems because I knew that weather will be more of a marketplace of supply and demand such as in this example:

Summer of 2018 German automaker Volkswagen began using Hail cannons shock wave generators that curb the formation of hail in the atmosphere to protect Volkswagens vehicles in the outdoor car Lots in Mexico's Pueblo state farmers claim the practice has disrupted all precipitation in the area pushing the region into drought the Pueblo government says it will work with VW and the farmers to reach an agreement on the issue now let's talk about this because certainly this dimmest demonstrates how weather weapons are being used on other corporations like Volkswagen.

Weather Warfare In Plain Sight- Deborah Tavares says Hail and  how weather manipulation is turning Pueblo into a drought

3:02 this happened on our earth aug / sep 2018 ?

All this talk about methane gas, this reminds me of the 491,000 square foot shopping strip  in Garfield Ohio that had to be shut down due methane being released underneath. A Walmart built on the mall was sinking quickly. Are we getting close to the extinction level like in the Movie Walle where people had to live somewhere outside of the Planet Earth. Is the Earth becoming a toxic unbreathable environment.

Landfill Methane Walmart

The journey of natural gas by santo glnlg

 Prophecy Trend Peace Deal Talk 2018 

by Veronica Davis Sunday  2018-09-23  

Human Crisis   Peace Deal Talk  Chemtrails  Geoengineering   Biological Warfare

You would think we born with manners to respect one another. Well apparently not if the world constantly has to be marked with themes of Peace. So are we really a civilized nation. The answer is no.

Jared Kushner Peace Deal Maker In Chief - Who Is Kushner?

Peace Deal Talk Trend

Peace Deal Talk Trend Deal of a Century  Friday 2018-09-14

Peace Deal Talks Trend Middle East Peace Treaty Middle East Peace Treaty a Deal of the Century Making a Deal of the Century Making March 23, 2018
Peace Deal Talk Trend: United State Embassy Moves to Jerusalem May 14, 2018

Prophecy Trend Peace Talk, Tribulation, Kabbalah Wizards, Christian Zionist, Building of Third Temple and Abomination of Desolation August 09, 2018

Nation Against Nation Trend: Fighting for Jerusalem in TimeSquare December 09, 2017

 Climate Change The Assault of Geoengineering of 2018 

by Veronica Davis Sunday  2018-09-23  

Human Crisis    Geoengineering   Biological Warfare

We must pray whom we ELECT next as the Beast System is here! It is time to kick it out.

The Climate is one thing that is whacked already but it is becoming a Human Crisis as it 
begins to affect our livestock, our health and our physical property. Canada is not use to as  many Tornadoes as the United States but now the numbers are beginning to pile up so we must kick out this beast system that is being created.....More

 Human Crisis Trend The Beast System is Here Bullying Harassment Tornadoes, Volcanoes Sept 22 2018 

by Veronica Davis Saturday  2018-09-22  

Human Crisis 

We must pray whom we ELECT next as the Beast System is here! It is time to kick it out.

Part 1 Parables of the Tares, The End of Age, Beast System is Here

Part 2 Lake of Fire, Volcanoes Erupting Strange Baptisms around the World

Volcanoes and Lake of Fire Beast System Here Part 2

Volcanoes erupting God is opening the Lake of Fire is opening all around the World.

Today's News September 22. 2018

Parables of the Tares

Wondering why Bullying is an epidemic around the World

The Beast System The World is Being Assaulted
Make sure you know what is a School Board School Trustee ?
Are your elected members of School Board such as Superintendents   High on Cannabis on the Job?
We elect the People?

Cannabis Marijuana will be legal in October in Canada
Yesterdays Galapagos earthquake
Strange Baptism in the World
Lets me Noise around the World and Make a Change to this Demonic Attacks in our Society

Canada does not Warn Tornadoes ?