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Human Crisis Trend: Silent Weapons, Health Alerts Radiation and Mind Control

Human Crisis   Prophecy    Peace Deal Talk  Blackout  Biological weather warfare     Chemtrails  Q

 Climate Change     Deep Unusual Earthquake Trend     Volcano Trend     Hurricane Trend      Fireball Trend        Meteor Trend      Asteroid Trend

 Unexplained Trends    Bridge Collapsing    Animal Invasion  

Human Crisis Trend: Silent Weapons, Health Alerts Radiation and Mind Control


Dr Edward Spencer a very important person to expose the errors of humanity. Since 1996, he has been studying and developing the theories of California weather droughts and chaos in vaccination. This is Deborah Tavares main contact in how important it is to her to expose this silences in our society. We are ran by psychopaths says Dr Edward.

Also,  Jane Tande has just published on Aug 31, 2018 the latest trickery in climate little monsters BIOLOGICAL WARFARE: WEAPONIZED MOSQUITOS/NANOBOTS HAVE BEEN DEPLOYED watch video below  :

As of August 22nd, we have been suffering from a rapid and intense onslaught of mosquitos.  Given the content of NASA Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare document, written by Cheif scientist, Dennis M. Bushnell, it is obvious what these so called mosquitos truly are.  The biological warfare is upon us.  Don’t be fooled, these are weaponized insects.

Attack on Humanity Explained by Dr Edward Spencer

  biological weather warfare agenda


Climate Chaos Q Hurricane Florence, Washington Gods  

Thursday 2018-09-13

September 12 was a busy day for the leaders of the  biological weather warfare agenda. The Q trend may be a trend that  some youtubers are following around the World, channels like Destroying the Illusion and Lori love to follow it as part of the social media enthusiast.

While some are believing Hurricane Florence is a naturally formed monster others are not been fooled. Deborah Tavares, Lori Colley and Project Camelot channel are among those that are not being fooled.


Steered and Manipulated are the warning words of Dane Wigington master of sounding the alarm of Geoengineering . A distraction of September 11.  But if you do not believe in engineered weather than perhaps  watch video of the engineered monstrous mosquitoes harassing California citizens. Janes wants everyone to know what is happening in California as she fears the chemtrails are to blame watch as part of the  Human Crisis Trend: Silent Weapons, Health Alerts Radiation and Mind Control  watch video entitled BIOLOGICAL WARFARE: WEAPONIZED MOSQUITOS/NANOBOTS HAVE BEEN DEPLOYED        .

Hurricane Florence, Geoengineering Mass Destruction And Distraction ( Dane Wigington )

New Q: Panic in DC - Posts from Sept. 11,12

[9.12] QAnon / Hurricane Florence / Solar Observatory Evacuated / New Antarctica Map by Destroying the Illusion

Deception Agenda Trend False Prophets & Gods  

Thursday 2018-09-13

The Deception Agenda continues all around the world as we are being fooled into believing events that have not occurred. But the fools are only the ones that believe.

Jesus Christ warned us about false prophets. He also came to this world to stop the multiple false Gods and Paganism that needed to stop.  read further.

Exposing the False Gods Backlash

  Deception Agenda is really here

Bridge Collapsing Trend End Game  

Saturday 2018-08-25

Are bridge collapsing trend some kind of secret societies endgame.  Let us look what the  phrase "end game"  is defined as the final stage of a game such as chess or bridge, when few pieces or cards remain.

While in some videos where bridges are collapsing could be explained in most present events they are not...Continue Reading

HAARP South Pacific Ocean Fiji Deep Earthquakes Aug 22 2018


HAARP South Pacific Ocean Fiji Deep Earthquakes a must watch 4 part report about what is going on in the South Pacific Ocean quietly. What should we do. What must we do to save our planet.

Part 1 2018 08 19 5 32 39 PM

part 2 2018 08 19 5 46 27 PM

Part 3

Part 4

Unusual 0  km Depth Earthquakes in Alaska  Aug 22 2018

12:00 pm 2018-08-22

Today Venezuela, Japan and Costa Rica were hit with earthquakes again. This are areas that have already received strong earthquakes in the past week.

 Read Full Story

 New Madrid Quiet Earthquake Today Aug 14 2018

New Madrid Quiet Earthquake Today 2018 08 14 8 16 49 AM