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Peace Deal Talk Trend Deal of a Century

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Peace Deal Talk Trend Deal of a Century

by Veronica Davis Friday 2018-09-14

The only person to hold the reigns of deal making this century is the man that took home the lead calling his book the Art of the Deal. Why did he think making a deal was an art.  Because he must of thought of it important to make a deal. Most people go day to day and not see the importance in anything they do.

 Donald Trump has been making and breaking deals for decades . So he is definitely a Master at it. People do not understand how he became President thinking that he stole a Presidency from others. Donald Trump had been asked to run for President of the United States since the 1980 .

The truth is he already knew that a Presidential race is like any other race he had conquered and lost throughout his lifetime. Donald Trump had been bankrupt and had gained it all back again. He had been divorced twice and yet knew how to stay married with first lady Melania. It was not because he got better at it. It was he knew how to win and how to loose. It is like saying no big deal. Because each time you loose one you gain one. No one falls without having to get right up.

Ever since Donald Trump as the President of the United States announced to the World that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel it has been non stop discussion around the world. With rumors of building a Third Temple to talks of Peace. Pastor Irving Baxter from EndtimeInc  on Sep 12, 2018 describes and speaks about the history behind the human crisis trend that has been unfolding since the 1940's.

Jerusalem had been Israel's capital for 3,000 years except when Israel was in exile from 70 AD until 1948 all of that time from 1000 BC until today except for the exile period Jerusalem always was the capital of the nation of Israel. Thus Trump said we're just recognizing reality . So how long Jerusalem has been the capital of the Palestinian state? Never. Pastor Baxter  states that:

even though people do not know what's in the deal or when it will be presented they do know that the U.S. under Trump's leadership is acting unilaterally to neuter the United Nations unworthy and the Palestinian Authority. They also know he acted unilaterally to kill the climate hoax and the Iran deal and exchange free trade into fair trade. In other words Trump is gaining new respect because not only does he make announcements he follows through and he implements what he has to say he's already had some world-changing actions. And they are have an effect on the entire world.

Watch End of the Age LIVE with Irvin Baxter Trump's 'Deal of the Century'

Peace Deal Talk Trend

Peace Deal Talks Trend Middle East Peace Treaty Middle East Peace Treaty a Deal of the Century Making a Deal of the Century Making March 23, 2018
Peace Deal Talk Trend: United State Embassy Moves to Jerusalem May 14, 2018

Prophecy Trend Peace Talk, Tribulation, Kabbalah Wizards, Christian Zionist, Building of Third Temple and Abomination of Desolation August 09, 2018

Nation Against Nation Trend: Fighting for Jerusalem in TimeSquare December 09, 2017

Prophecy Trend: Gog Magog Prophecy

by Veronica Davis 2018-09-14

Jesus Christ responded to the Apostles question tell us what will be the signs of the second coming, when you hear talks of peace. Not only does Trunews host a full hour to discuss what Russia, Turkey and Iran are stirring up in the middle it is also a Prophecy Trend. Pastor Paul Begley is recognizing the many years discussion prophecy trend of Gog and Magog found in the Sacred Book written by the Prophet Ezekiel chapter 38:

The Word of the Lord came to me, saying "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, "and prophesy against him and say , "Thus says the Lord GOD: "Behold, I am against you O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. "I will turn you around put you in hooks into jaws, and lead you out with all your army, horses and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords. "Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; "Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far North and all its troops many people are with you. "Prepare yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered about your and be a guard for them.

Persia is Iran,
Ethiopia and Lybia
Gomer is Souther Russia fighters.
Togarmah is a band of Southern Turkey.

Russia, Turkey & Iran Lead War Council For Showdown With U.S.

Prophecy Alert: "Gog And Magog War" The Battlefield is Ready / Bill Salus Interview

Deception Agenda Trend False Prophets & Gods  


The Deception Agenda continues all around the world as we are being deceived into believing events that have not occurred. Jesus Christ warned us about false prophets. Deception Agenda Trend False Prophets..

Bridge Collapsing Trend End Game  

Saturday 2018-08-25

Are bridge collapsing trend some kind of secret societies endgame.  Let us look what the  phrase "end game"  is defined as the final stage of a game such as chess or bridge, when few pieces or cards remain.

While in some videos where bridges are collapsing could be explained in most present events they are not...Continue Reading

 Strange Animal Invasion Trend  Insects in Peruvian Church 

Thursday 2018-08-23

This strange trend and phenomena of animals invading  unusual spaces happens more than often than you think.  When people are praying quietly at church is it an invasion of privacy to

Read more on Strange Animal Invasion Trend  Insects in Peruvian Church 

HAARP South Pacific Ocean Fiji Deep Earthquakes Aug 22 2018


HAARP South Pacific Ocean Fiji Deep Earthquakes a must watch 4 part report about what is going on in the South Pacific Ocean quietly. What should we do. What must we do to save our planet.

Part 1 2018 08 19 5 32 39 PM

part 2 2018 08 19 5 46 27 PM

Part 3

Part 4

Unusual 0  km Depth Earthquakes in Alaska  Aug 22 2018

12:00 pm 2018-08-22

Today Venezuela, Japan and Costa Rica were hit with earthquakes again. This are areas that have already received strong earthquakes in the past week.

 Read Full Story

 New Madrid Quiet Earthquake Today Aug 14 2018

New Madrid Quiet Earthquake Today 2018 08 14 8 16 49 AM