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Prophecy Trend Peace Deal Talk 2018

Human Crisis  Nation Against Nation  Prophecy    Peace Deal Talk  Blackout  Biological weather warfare     Chemtrails  Q

 Climate Change     Deep Unusual Earthquake Trend     Volcano Trend     Hurricane Trend      Fireball Trend        Meteor Trend      Asteroid Trend

 Unexplained Trends    Bridge Collapsing    Animal Invasion  

 Prophecy Trend Peace Deal Talk 2018 

by Veronica Davis Sunday  2018-09-23  

Human Crisis   Peace Deal Talk  Chemtrails  Geoengineering   Biological Warfare

You would think we born with manners to respect one another. Well apparently not if the world constantly has to be marked with themes of Peace. So are we really a civilized nation. The answer is no.

Jared Kushner Peace Deal Maker In Chief - Who Is Kushner?

Peace Deal Talk Trend

Peace Deal Talk Trend Deal of a Century  Friday 2018-09-14

Peace Deal Talks Trend Middle East Peace Treaty Middle East Peace Treaty a Deal of the Century Making a Deal of the Century Making March 23, 2018
Peace Deal Talk Trend: United State Embassy Moves to Jerusalem May 14, 2018

Prophecy Trend Peace Talk, Tribulation, Kabbalah Wizards, Christian Zionist, Building of Third Temple and Abomination of Desolation August 09, 2018

Nation Against Nation Trend: Fighting for Jerusalem in TimeSquare December 09, 2017

 Climate Change The Assault of Geoengineering of 2018 

by Veronica Davis Sunday  2018-09-23  

Human Crisis    Geoengineering   Biological Warfare

We must pray whom we ELECT next as the Beast System is here! It is time to kick it out.

The Climate is one thing that is whacked already but it is becoming a Human Crisis as it 
begins to affect our livestock, our health and our physical property. Canada is not use to as  many Tornadoes as the United States but now the numbers are beginning to pile up so we must kick out this beast system that is being created.

Steve Quayle and Dane Wigington Hagmann Interview Clips for True Legends Conference September 20

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 22, 2018, #163 ( Dane Wigington )

 Human Crisis Trend The Beast System is Here Bullying Harassment Tornadoes, Volcanoes Sept 22 2018 

by Veronica Davis Saturday  2018-09-22  

Human Crisis 

We must pray whom we ELECT next as the Beast System is here! It is time to kick it out.

Part 1 Parables of the Tares, The End of Age, Beast System is Here

Part 2 Lake of Fire, Volcanoes Erupting Strange Baptisms around the World

Volcanoes and Lake of Fire Beast System Here Part 2

Volcanoes erupting God is opening the Lake of Fire is opening all around the World.

Today's News September 22. 2018

Parables of the Tares

Wondering why Bullying is an epidemic around the World

The Beast System The World is Being Assaulted
Elections are happening in Winnipeg, Canada
Make sure you know what is a School Board School Trustee Is?
Should a Winnipeg Superintendents be allowed to Be High on Cannabis on the Job

Our Taxes goes to pay for this people's job?
We elect the People?

Cannabis Marijuana will be legal in October in Canada
Yesterdays Galapagos earthquake
Strange Baptism in the World

Lets me Noise around the World and Make a Change to this Demonic Attacks in our Society

Canada does not Warn?
There were two tornadoes one in Quebec and the other in Ottawa and the weather network did not even know if there was even one or two until a day after. In fact, the news commentator were actually laughing while they were discussing how they did not know. However, this seemed disrespectful to the people whom lost their properties and there was no heartfelt gestures from th

The Tornado in  Ottawa yesterday September 21, 2018. It is being noted that Environment Canada :
has yet to give the tornado an official rating, but has deployed survey teams to assess. Based on damage reports, the tornado was likely an EF-2 with sustained winds between from 179 and 218 kilometres per hour.
So this would mean that this people in Ottawa were not warned. Last month there was another Tornado in Manitoba in a small town  called Alonsa on August 7 2018 those people were not warned at all. What is going on Canada!

Bullying Harassment Crisis At Schools

Mother's are constantly the one's to feel the Pain.  

One mother put out her message:

Been at the hospital since last night. Hunter got assaulted at school yesterday by a bigger kid. The kid choked him out till he was unconscious and threw him down on the cement. The school did nothing but called Kevin to pick him up. Last night I tried to get Hunter to eat and he couldn't keep it down, started throwing up. So Kev took him to the E.R. Hunter has a concussion, fractured skull and a bleed. Please keep him in your prayers. We're going to be hiring an Attorney.

  Strange Baptisms

 Deep Unusual Earthquake Trends Alaska 0 Quakes Sept 21 2018 

by Veronica Davis Friday  2018-09-21  3:00 pm

Deep Unusual Earthquake

Today there has already been over 100 earthquakes as seen below. There were many zero depth earthquakes today coming from Alaska, in ten hours. With the first zero quake was the 14th earthquake beginning  at  09:05:07 UTC 58km SSW of Kaktovik, Alaska 1.8 magnitude. (see zero depth earthquake below) Read Further