Human Crisis Nation Against Nation Prophecy Peace Deal Talk Blackout Biological weather warfare Chemtrails Q
Climate Change Deep Unusual Earthquake Trend Volcano Trend Hurricane Trend Fireball Trend Meteor Trend Asteroid Trend
Unexplained Trends Bridge Collapsing Animal Invasion
The Great Depression that they do not want you to see
Desperation Panick and Chaos as the World is Turned upside down due to economical and political crisis
Your Eyes will see what you want to see.. your ears will hear what you want to hear..So why not pick on the weak!
For over a week, Imagine walking with nothing in your hands but holding the hand of your loved one. Pregnant mothers with children whom have lost all their family members from violence and corrupt political system in Honduras. It is a horrific worldwide scene we are all witnessing these couple of days. Hundreds of strong healthy hard working men whom say that there is no food to eat back home. These people are not criminals they are not victims of society they are moving because they want to progress in life. A life that God gave them.
While the suicide rate has increased in North America we learn from hard working God driven people like those in the Caravan that are probably in worst situations that the victims of suicide cannot stop but look for something better.
As the President of United States calls the majority of them Criminals it is his cold blooded heart that will definitely make his elections loose for the next year. What type of leader is President Donald Trump. Is he condemning the weak to look better in front of the people against immigration period . Has his heart become stone cold? One of the biggest sin is to judge. Judging people whom you have not even seen their identification, whom President of Donald Trump has not even seen for himself and calling the meek criminals will one day be his downfall. Instead of being soft spoken he has turned to a man that is stone cold. Perhaps meeting stone cold leaders around the world is actually bad karma? Perhaps he is learning too much from them? President Donald Trump is starting to use hate as part of his speech which is wrong. The first time he called a latino criminal I thought ok he is talking about those specific people. But now he is talking about another group of latinos as criminal. Ok that is called racism. Constantly picking on one race and attaching a label is racism.
How much are we understanding that the world is under immense pressure and reaching an unimaginable human crisis. It is not just happening in one country but it is affecting the world. In some countries, the weather patterns have hit the hardest in some poverty continues to get worst and worst. Violence and corrupt system is another great factor that takes human crisis to a high level of emergency. It is unclear which one of these factors comes first but if humanity has never been put first than it will fall down.
Watch the next video where humanely Mexico has opened its border to over 6,000 people in need of care for now. The first part of the video the reporter asks the nurse what the people have been in need of as she answer every type of medication. Humanity needs to change for the best. Putting Children in cages is a poor example of what low society and humanity we are moving towards.
Grupo de migrantes hondureños continúan a la espera de cruzar la frontera mexicana | Prensa Libre
October 21 2018
#Conozca part of the story Mario Castellanos, a 12-year-old boy who travels alone among the hundreds #migrantes who try to cross the border and enter #EstadosUnidos #Frontera #Guatemala #México(SEPA +)
October 19 2018

Human Crisis Hurricane Michael A path
The strange trend of mysterious animals or creatures will be excessively increasing as the hybrid and chimeras agenda will come out of the dark into the light over the course of the century.....
Good vs Evil Corrupting God's Seed of Man
Television and Mind Programming
Climate Change Deep Unusual Earthquake Trend Volcano Trend Hurricane Trend Fireball Trend Meteor Trend Asteroid Trend
Unexplained Trends Bridge Collapsing Animal Invasion
Human Crisis Six Thousand Honduran Caravan Pregnant Woman and Children a World Upside Down
by Veronica Davis 2018-10-21
#CaravanaDeMigrantes #RefugeesWelcome
The Great Depression that they do not want you to see
Desperation Panick and Chaos as the World is Turned upside down due to economical and political crisis
Your Eyes will see what you want to see.. your ears will hear what you want to hear..So why not pick on the weak!
For over a week, Imagine walking with nothing in your hands but holding the hand of your loved one. Pregnant mothers with children whom have lost all their family members from violence and corrupt political system in Honduras. It is a horrific worldwide scene we are all witnessing these couple of days. Hundreds of strong healthy hard working men whom say that there is no food to eat back home. These people are not criminals they are not victims of society they are moving because they want to progress in life. A life that God gave them.
While the suicide rate has increased in North America we learn from hard working God driven people like those in the Caravan that are probably in worst situations that the victims of suicide cannot stop but look for something better.
As the President of United States calls the majority of them Criminals it is his cold blooded heart that will definitely make his elections loose for the next year. What type of leader is President Donald Trump. Is he condemning the weak to look better in front of the people against immigration period . Has his heart become stone cold? One of the biggest sin is to judge. Judging people whom you have not even seen their identification, whom President of Donald Trump has not even seen for himself and calling the meek criminals will one day be his downfall. Instead of being soft spoken he has turned to a man that is stone cold. Perhaps meeting stone cold leaders around the world is actually bad karma? Perhaps he is learning too much from them? President Donald Trump is starting to use hate as part of his speech which is wrong. The first time he called a latino criminal I thought ok he is talking about those specific people. But now he is talking about another group of latinos as criminal. Ok that is called racism. Constantly picking on one race and attaching a label is racism.
How much are we understanding that the world is under immense pressure and reaching an unimaginable human crisis. It is not just happening in one country but it is affecting the world. In some countries, the weather patterns have hit the hardest in some poverty continues to get worst and worst. Violence and corrupt system is another great factor that takes human crisis to a high level of emergency. It is unclear which one of these factors comes first but if humanity has never been put first than it will fall down.
Over six thousand people said to come from an Honduran Caravan reached the Mexican border a couple of days ago at approximately 1 pm. Several minutes later they were greeted by a government official whom said over a speaker that they would be allowed in after the bridge. As the second gate came close to the six thousand migrants the gates were torn down. Children and pregnant woman and others fell to the ground. The heat had been 35 degrees and the people were exhausted and tired of waiting to reach the Mexican Border. There was a story of a child being put in front of hundreds of police officers as a human shield. Although the story seems cruel I saw it as a sign of God intervene. Many times Jesus Christ told the people that the little ones were to be untouched and be permitted in the Kingdom of Heaven first.
It is like building a sand castle right next to the ocean waters. Ever tried doing that!
How long do you think the sand castle will stay up before the tides washes it away?
But what is primarily obvious is the direction the planet is heading towards.
We are living in an age where one hardly has put God Jesus Christ first.
That is not true one may say. How do I know this. I know this because of what is happening all around us.
Many people are leaving God Jesus Christ behinds.
Are people walking with God Jesus Christ.
God Jesus Christ told us in many parables what he was to the world. At Jacob's well, He also told us that he was the water. He told the Samaritan woman whom had been living with many men through out her life and yet never married.
So as the world crumbles in different directions those hard hit either have left God Jesus Christ behind in their hearts or have never accepted him in the first place .
There will always be a storm and more now than ever.
Each time there is a storm there is always one home that really stands still among the thousands that got wept away. I believe that is what God Jesus Christ wants us to focus on that one home that was able to stand not the others that got swept away. It is possible to be the example than to be the denominator. We are the stone, we are the remnant. Everything is possible through God.
The caravans and the storms are a perfect example of how fragile humanity has become. Humanity is constantly striving to find someone else to fix our problems. When in reality those issues are either created by someone else and not ourselves. If they have not been created by someone else those problems are created through our own faults. Those faults must be dealt first before others take advantage or manipulate the weak. It is why caravans are as old as Moses as described in the Book of Exodus. But they were fleeing from slavery. Many are fleeing from the slave system and yet may not know what is waiting for them on the other side. Most specially if they are being manipulated by the deceiver. I really hope the best for the poor people of Honduras whom are wishing for jobs and runny away from poverty. Running away from a system that has no health care, no welfare, no real job structure for the poor. Where the poor are left to die with only to become a victim of having to be beggars on the street without a school system set for them. Breaking a cycle of deception in their home country. Because one day it may be them and another day it may be us. I hope and bless all those poor pregnant woman whom are walking in the caravan or the poor children whom were born into the slave system of society and are learning now that remaining in one spot is no longer either safe or a way to survive. These children are looking for ways to become a victor not a victim. Where a pencil means something for them. How many times do children whom have it all in a better country cannot take advantage of that. When human fail to see the truth in front of them is just as bad as your eyes being bad.
Watch the next video where humanely Mexico has opened its border to over 6,000 people in need of care for now. The first part of the video the reporter asks the nurse what the people have been in need of as she answer every type of medication. Humanity needs to change for the best. Putting Children in cages is a poor example of what low society and humanity we are moving towards.
Grupo de migrantes hondureños continúan a la espera de cruzar la frontera mexicana | Prensa Libre
October 21 2018
#Conozca part of the story Mario Castellanos, a 12-year-old boy who travels alone among the hundreds #migrantes who try to cross the border and enter #EstadosUnidos #Frontera #Guatemala #México(SEPA +)
#Conozca parte de la historia Mario Castellanos, niño de 12 años de edad que viaja solo entre los cientos de #migrantes que intentan cruzar la frontera y entrar a #EstadosUnidos #Frontera #Guatemala #México (SEPA+)— El Ciudadano (@El_Ciudadano) October 21, 2018
Continua el #ExodoDeHondureños ya en tierras Mexicanas rumbo a EEUU y nada los detendra cueste lo que cueste.#CaravanaMigrante #Hondura— Comandante Cobra (@ComandanteCobr5) October 21, 2018
¡ÚLTIMA HORA! #Honduras Miles de migrantes que ya están en México avanzan hacia EE.UU y avisan que nada los detendrá. Histórico éxodo #CaravanaDeMigrantes#ExodoDeHondureños #NoPudieronNiPodran— Comandante Cobra (@ComandanteCobr5) October 21, 2018
No tienen ojos para ver lo que le esta pasando al hermano pueblo hondureño, ellos solo discuten la situacion de Nicaragua, Venezuela y Cuba. Para eso les paga el imperio#CaravanaMigrantes #ExodoDeHondureños#VenezuelaLibre #CubaSocialista #NicaraguaQuierePaz@OEA_oficial— Comandante Cobra (@ComandanteCobr5) October 21, 2018
October 19 2018
La lucha por los derechos humanos es una tarea que nos compete a todos. #ÉxodoDeHondureños #Chiapas #frontera #Migrantes— Rubí Zúñiga (@rubizuco) October 20, 2018
Todo lo que ocurra en #ÉxododeHondureños por TN23 y Online por— TN23 (@TN23NOTICIAS) October 19, 2018
Human Crisis Eight Monsters Humanity Under Extinction Level
by Veronica Davis Thursday 2018-10-11

Human Crisis Hurricane Michael A Path of Destruction Cat ..
by Veronica Davis Wednesday 2018-10-10
Human Crisis Hurricane Michael A path
Human Crisis 23,000 Nicaraguan Have Left to Costa Rica
Strange Unexplained Trend: Animal Invasion Thousands Moths in France by Veronica Davis Wednesday 2018-10-10
Yahweh Jesus Christ is letting us know that the buildings or any physical things are of little importance. ....
Nation Against Nation Trend: Deep State War Games Red October Surprise?Veronica Davis 2018-10-09
Strange Trend Mysterious Animals Bigfoot, Sasquatch, ...
The strange trend of mysterious animals or creatures will be excessively increasing as the hybrid and chimeras agenda will come out of the dark into the light over the course of the century.....
The wicked flee, when no one pursues,
But the righteous are bold as a Lion. (Ps 53:5)
Good vs Evil Corrupting God's Seed of Man
Television and Mind Programming