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Deception Agenda Pope Francis Holds Jesus Christ in His Hand

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Prophecy and Deception Agenda Pope Francis Holds Jesus Christ in His Hand 

2018-11-02  pm

What   planet are we living in I could see now why Our Lord Jesus Christ used to term to the Romans " I am not from this world". That short phrase says a lot how the planet Earth is becoming so blind that even the so called "faithful " cannot see. Or can they. In the next series of videos you will see the bizarre world we are living in and one must put Our Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts not at Churches. Because Our Lord Jesus Christ said many will say "Lord how come you  have not let me in"... as he will answer "I did not know you?"

First faithful believers of the Christian Faith such as bishops and priest are saying what is going on for the past few weeks as the LGBQ Agenda is the main topic of the Youth Synod now a wicked staff held by Pope Francis. This is the trend that has many scratching their heads.

Pope Francis - St. Peter’s Basilica- Closing Mass Synod of Bishops 2018-10-028

Pope Invokes Witchcraft at Youth Synod

Corruption at Youth Synod - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

Youth Synod and Our Lady's third message in Akita - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

Pope Francis's Agenda for Youth Synod 2018

Human Crisis Could Turn to a Climatic Chaos Situation 15,000 Troops Head to Border

2018-11-01  pm

#humancrisis #climatechaos #chaos

"We have to have a wall of People" says U.S President Donald Trump

30,000 people in caravan will travel to tijuana mexico by megatrndz
Millions of Mexicans are currently without water as Mexico City has shut off water for the next 5 days. Is their a correlations one with the other. Mexican newspaper are stating 30,000 people will be in Tijuana as part of the caravan heading to United States. Will this be the new way to control population crisis. Just a few weeks ago, Californian residents experienced a similar scenario but without electricity as fear that the wind even though their was no report of it would start another California State Fire.  So are we being told the truth.

The President of the United States is amid his own crisis at the border. Since about October 19, 2018 the President of the United States Donald Trump mentioned 5,000 troops would be the number of troops heading to the Mexican American Border it has now grown to three times as much. This could go two ways a historical event is about to happen. And here is why? President Donald Trump had a hunch or received intelligence information about Middle Eastern men being part of the caravan. The first number of caravan quickly grew from 2,000 to over days 12,000 people. A very descent amount of less than 2,000 children was being reported by Univision at the time when 7,000 caravan people was being reported. One third were woman and the other third were traveling men. Now megatrndz has found evidence from a Christian News of the middle eastern men that  President Trump had been talking about all along. They are most likely traveling in the next caravan that has just recently cross the Guatemalan border with Mexico a couple of days ago. The world has its eyes peeled in the next day or so as what could be a war scenario or a humanitarian crisis. In any case God Bless the children and mothers whom are truly fleeing for violence and injustice. Could this start a religious war as many have reported sleeper cells in the United States and now heading to the U.S Somalian perhaps terrorist? So far one death at the Guatemalan Border, a child lost or stolen, and cell phone stolen?Are innocent people being used for a bigger worldwide plot?

At this moment the caravan is at the Matias Romero

Caravana de migrantes centroamericanos llega a Matías Romero 1,448 watching now

6 hours ago

8 hrs ago

9 hours ago

23-20 hours ago

Millions without water Noticias Telemundo 31 de oct

The Mexican newspapers have reported on  October 26, 2018 as many as 30,000 people plan to enter the City of Tijuana destined to the United States.

Confirmado! Hordas humanas de hondureños y centroamericanos tienen como meta definida llegar a la Ciudad de Tijuana como una sola fuerza de '30 mil personas'.

ALERTA! VIENEN 30 MIL EN CARAVANA DE 'ILEGALES ' A TIJUANA by concienciaradio Published on Oct 26, 2018

October 30 2018 2 days ago U.S. border police conduct security drills ahead of the caravan

On October 25, 2018 a CBN news reporter Chuck Holton is at Tapachula Mexico has uncovered UN involvement. CBN News is a Christian network so surely they know what a somolian from brazil is doing among innocent caravan asylum seekers.

CBN News Embeds with the Caravan: What We Discovered About UN Involvement, Foreigners and Felons

October 23, 2018 Hagmann and Hagman guest Brigitte Gabriel - 10/23/2018 - Rise & Act for America

The cutest little girl from the Caravan says the "mareros" is what they are fleeing. She wants to go to school in the United States. October 22, 2018 Niño de 8 años relata por qué salió de Honduras en la caravana migrante

Climate Chaos Strange Anomalies Floods Around the World October 21-27, 2018 


#floods #chaos #climatechaos #chaos #jetstreamshift

Isaiah 28:2

See, the Lord has one who is powerful and strong. Like a hailstorm and a destructive wind, like a driving rain and a flooding downpour, he will throw it forcefully to the ground.
Water for Middle East no water for Germany

Can Anyone explain what is going on? Is this climate change or climate chaos? Islands being formed, rivers flowing backwards. While there are floods for the Middle East in Beirut, there are low river levels in Europe Germany on October 27, 2018.

October 27, 2018

After the floods in Europe they continued to move a week later October 27, 2018 to the Middle East.
Middle East

October 27, 2018 Beirut Strong Winds , Flash Floods
October 25-26 2018 Taibuk ,Tabarjal Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia a place where is mostly desert has created a disaster zone for the camels.


this happened on our earth 22 - 27 October , 2018 , unbelievable events by WORLD OF SIGNS NARED KING

Water Recession

Call it drought but we know that the water levels have been receding year after year in some parts of the world.

This is what was being reported by the AP News:

BERLIN (AP) — A new island in Lake Constance. A river in Berlin flowing backward. Dead fish on the banks of lakes and ponds. Barges barely loaded so they don’t run around.

The strange anomalies that are manifesting over Europe can be the cause of Equatorial Vortex and Polar vortex collide with 20C below normal and 20C above normal fronts collide. One can blame it on the cold Artic Air flowing southwards but no one is taking about the hot ocean water temperatures .

Strange Anomalies in Europe and the Mediterranean.


October 23, 2018


Flash Floods and emergency.
 With 15 inches of rain in 24 hours making it a Record for the southern villages of Spain. Mega Hail Storm covering all of  the streets as well.


October 23, 2018  Mega Hail

October 22, 2018  Lightning and Mega Snow Storms

In Italy mega storms swept throughout the region with mega winter storms, hail storms, mega lightings and tornadoes.

Such as Prati di Tivo and Abruzzo in Italy where there was a winter blizzard.
 Or in Rome where there was a Mega Hail Storms . Over 180,00 lightning strikes were reported in Italy near the Ionion sea.

October 21, 2018 Tornadoes

Unusual rear EF3 Tornadoes in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Jet Streams Shift Across Europe Bringing Climate by Adapt 2030

October 18, 2018 Rio Seco, Alicante Eastern Spain

Flash Floods sweeping across the streets as the river seco overflows.