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Have You Ever Wondered What the True Face of God Looks Like November 13, 2018

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 Celestial  Trend Have You Ever Wondered What the True Face of God Looks Like November 13, 2018 

2018-11-13 by Veronica Davis
Celestial Trend

Have you ever wondered what the true face of God looks like? 
Have you ever wondered if Heaven truly exists? Is God truly Jesus Christ? Well there are many people in this world that are missing out. I have fallen in love with a celestial being with many names Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth is that I had fallen in love with this man since the day I was born.

A few years back I had a very special encounter with God, Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Our Lord Jesus Christ. It was not in a dream or was it in a  vision. It was such a small encounter that I had him mistaken for someone else for many years. For years I often asked him the same question. Not realizing that he had answered it all along. Here is my story that I would like to share.

Almost everyday I have intimate moments with the heavenly creator .  Today I am almost finished with the book named What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Our Lord Jesus Christ say?

That is the title of the Book, particularly because I often start asking questions to him? I am always asking the creator questions. My curiosity increased when my Father passed away two years and two day to today.

Anyways I believe deep in my heart that he answers every question that we have for him. But never did I think that I would one day truly I would see his face? And I did not know it was him in my vision until almost years afterwards.

So, one day a few years back I woke up with the answer to one of my many question I asked the creator. Ironically it was never God, Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Our Lord Jesus Christ whom answered it in my dream.

For those of you that do not know me that growing up an  idol of mine use to be late fashion designer Gianni Versace. I grew up in love with everything he did until the day of his death. Anyways, idolising someone is really the wrong thing to do. Admiration is perhaps the best term here.

The word idol is so over used we forget that idolising has always been a Pagan thing to do most specially during Our Lord Jesus Christ's time. Worshipping idols has always been considered  an abomination. People use to Worship  Idols or Gods like Molech and sacrifice children to this wicked monuments such as the false God Baal .

 Anyways, As a Fashion Designer Gianni Versace became a huge influence and guide to my creations.  And so because Gianni Versace  has a middle Eastern look I had assumed that he was the man in my vision. Until the day , I saw  the video below. It was a few weeks ago, when I encountered her painting which gave me shivers but also a sense of gratitude. Because that  man I had appeared to me in my dream. The man that I wanted to answer my question. Never let me down all this years.  I had my perception wrong all along it was not Gianni Versace. I had my question answered by the very being the one and powerful creator of all Yahweh, Yeshua our Lord Jesus Christ whom never lets me down. That is his way of sense of humor because he had me fooled for many years. But the heart is never wrong.

The first time,  I saw Akaine's  painting I was blown away. But what blew my mind is that was the exact vision just the way she painted Yahweh Elohim, Yeshua Jesus Christ.  Akaine was only 8 years old when she painted the "Prince of Peace".  There is no doubt in my mind that is exactly Yahweh's mission to have many witnesses as possible. Because we are his true divine creation.

If it was not for Akaine's painting I would have never have know of my special encounter with God Almight  Elohim Yeshua Our Lord Jesus Christ about the vision that I once had. I would have never thought that the man I once saw and spoke to was truly the Creator of Heavens and Earth.

Our creator is not that scrawny bloody man, that  suffered and died at the cross. And I can assure you  that is not how he wants to be remembered. Because those were just a few seconds of his life. Our creator is strong powerful and almighty, like the roaring lion or the strong wind that blows in the night or the burning fire , he is Yahweh, Elohim, Yeshua, Jesus Christ. We are his family. That is how we need to envision him.

My mother and my brothers are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practise. (Luke 8:21)

Superhuman Geniuses (Extraordinary People Documentary) | Only Human

Lanzhou City, NW China November 11, 2018


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Read More Unexplained Trend Creepy Ground Dangers Sinkholes and Landslides November 13, 2018 ..

Creepy Meeting at the Arc of Baal November 11, 2018 

2018-11-11 by  Veronica Davis

Hey guys! We definitely need to be saying the Lord's Prayer tonight exactly how Our Lord Jesus Christ writes in the Book of Saint Matthew Passage. Why?  There was definitely a cryptic mysterious meaning today. What are they the "occult" trying to tell us? The message behind the world leaders meeting right in front of  the  one out  of  the many Arc of Bal was astonishing and creepy. There was definitely a creepy meeting going on today. It reminded me of the Prophet Isaiah passage where the prudent have to keep silent because they do not know how much evil times lies at the gate. Bal was a False  Pagan God that Our Lord Jesus Christ said not to worship.

A passage from


Yahweh announced to many Prophets about his arrival on Earth. When he arrived it was already the dark ages. As the Dark Times had already covered the Earth during his arrival , Jesus Christ as he proclaimed:

“So do not be afraid of them. Everything now covered up will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. “ (NJB Matt 10:16)

creepy remembrance arc of baal cryptic nov 11 2018

Human Crisis Fleeing From Terror and Persecution Caravan Continues to U.S  November 11, 2018 

2018-11-11 by  Veronica Davis

#humancrisis #MigrantCaravan #CaravanaMigrante #migrantes #caravanamigrante #ChildrenUprooted #AChildIsAChild

Miles to go for the people seeking asylum until they reach the U. S border but they believe in their hearts and faith of  God that they will be accepted by the U.S. Early Saturday morning over 5, 000 asylum seekers have left Mexico City after their several days of rest. Some have been resting in Mexican Stadium offered by the President of Mexico while some went to Churches and other places  of refugee. This scheduale had already been planned days before. There has been some violence caused by the real terrorist wanting to infiltrate with the Real asylum seekers of the Caravan but most have already been caught in the U. S border. See Below videos on megatrndz.

The Mexican Government has stopped the City fast train just so the people of the Caravan can proceed to their next destination. 
Human Crisis fleeing from terror caravan nov 11 2018

News about terroritst being caught has already happened over two weeks ago. Which is probably why now the caravan is very organized and controlled by authorities. See previous videos articles of megatrndz reporting.

Deception Agenda Fleeing From Terror and Persecution  November 7, 2018 

2018-11-07 by  Veronica Davis

#humancrisis #MigrantCaravan #CaravanaMigrante #migrantes #caravanamigrante #ChildrenUprooted #AChildIsAChild

Misconception of C.A Caravan Nov 8 2018 by megatrndz

There is a misconception of the Central American Caravan . News Media reporters like Ezra Levant or Rebel Media and CBC National seem not to get it right.  Deception Agenda: Fleeing From Terror and Persecution 2018

Donations are Needed
There is help but never enough for those that have none.

Virtual City Donations 1200 miles left Caravan 2018

There is a human crisis happening around the world that people are not talking about which is terrorism. It is a deception agenda trend that not even the media is reporting the truth. People are fleeing from persecution such as from Nicaragua and Honduras. Both Latin American countries has suffered aggressive persecution as people have been killed due to not belonging to communism. Those are the communist countries that have been terrorising people in the streets as the politicians have been shedding blood in the streets since December 2017.

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So it is not poverty that people are running from but from terror. Fearing their lives are next. Ezra Levant media reports are reporting the wrong information about the Caravan. Perhaps it has to do with language barriers that they are reporting the wrong information about the Honduras and Central American Caravan is one that is happening worldwide. There were a few misconceptions being reported by the CBC and Ezra Levant media here are some suggestions to the Canadian Media.

Misconceptions about  Human Caravan Crisis Caravan 

Poverty in their country
People are looking for a better life
People are ambitious
People are Lazy and do not want to apply from their country
Most are males
Political Agenda Push American Elections

Right Information About Human Caravan Crisis

Not just from Honduras see #golpedeestado #Nicaragua
Most are devoted Christians
Running from Civil war and communism
#Terror is what they are fleeing
Most are children and widowed mothers

This week a CBC reporter says that they are just ambitious people is the worst narrative you can attach to people whom have been terrorized in their own Country. The truth is that there is a bigger agenda behind this migration. An agenda that is hidden from even the poorest of the poor whom are adults whom do not know how to read or write or children that have not ever attended school do to the poverty in their country. A secretive mission being controlled by the Deep State and the dark arena of people whom want one world government no matter what it takes. It is the building and foundation of World War 3 no person is migrating or choosing to walk mile due to a choice or ambition but reality and terror. It is the end times that Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks about during Harvest time.

A second migrant shows how they are walking with a cross as a sign of persecution and fleeing from terror. Only some are reporting this fact.

Second migrant caravan heads to the US by Africanews

All these wrong one sided Canadian reporting is incorrect practice of journalism. Journalism is suppose to say the truth. Canada media is mocking the Human Crisis. There was plenty of evidence that shows how the Canadian media is clueless about the caravan. Wrong translations, confusing accusations and effortless reporting. Regardless their videos are listed below those that speak Spanish judge for yourself.

Media’s caravan narrative vs. REALITY | David Menzies in Mexico

October 31, 2018 Migrant caravan faces increasing barriers to move out of southern Mexico

November 1, 2018

Changing the narrative is part of the media reporting such quotes as " She does not known she is part of a pawn in a political storm?" and " Truth may be not, he mocks" says the CBC reporter. The truth is backwards she is mocking the interviewee. The chaotic reality of the migrant caravan by CBC. The truth is that the CBC media is thirsty for any narrative that she reads the people wrong and is translating the language all wrong all this was foud in the November 1, 2018 report called " The chaotic reality of the migrant caravan".

Migrant caravan pushes north, undeterred by threats and warnings by CBC News November 2, 2018

November 7-5 2018

November 3 2018

On October 31, 2018 a person writes:

Cruel and Inhuman
That is what the United States has been doing to control the wild horses in Arizona?