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Hospital Refusing to Give Basic Necessities to 98 Elder

 Climate Chaos Trend   Fireball Trend  Volcano Eruption Trend   Asteroid Trend  Q Anon Trend  Biological Weapon Trend   False Missile Alert Trend  Sinkhole Trend   Unusual Earthquake Trend    Laser Technology Trend   Direct Energy Weapon Trend   Emp Attack Trend 

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  Grace Hospital Refusing to Give Basic Necessities to 98 Elder


When a hospital refuses to give food and water and medicine to a 98 elderly woman is it murder.  The grace hospital has denied basic necessities of 98 year old Luisa Cerna calling it comfort care. What kind of society are we living in. Is this Agenda 21 eliminating people faster than ever. Hospitals are atheist and not Christian. It is better to die at home than in the hands of an Evil Doctor.

The truth always wins in the end.

Grace Hospital Refuses to give food to the Elder

  Migrant Invasion Extreme Shock in Spain 2050 New World Order 


Agenda 21   Agenda 2030     Agenda 2050  UN Global Pact

56 million people will be migrants buy 2030 according to the EU

The people in Spain are in extreme shock how fast the main stream news are revealing after December 19, 2018 their agenda. Not only is part of the Agenda to one day bring in more Muslims into a Catalan and Spanish christian community. There has also been a political party already been formed of just Muslim within the Spanish Government. Now the main stream news is spreading more information like wildfire. With the help of the United Nations, the Minister of jobs is saying that there will be over 250,000 immigrants per year for every year entering until 2050. Any objection to this plan is being reported will land people in jail. In the commentary below it is discussed that any nationalist prisoner will suffer a death sentence in the hands of Muslim gangs as their jail mates. In some cases that has been reported before.  This is definitely a game changer for a country that already has received over 4 million migrants into its country or 22 million in Europe alone. The people do not know where so many people will find jobs into an economy where jobs is not thriving. There is already the feeling that the agenda of the United nations is to erase the Spanish traditions and customs that is wiping out nationalism. All the Catalans and Basques people have spent decades and centuries defending their national regional language. The Spanish population is finally waking up to the New World Order. Understanding that the illegal migration is a well recognized governmental planned invasion into Spain and other European countries. The same people that are saying that there is no money for pensions or social assistance in Spain are the same people allowing the planned invasion to happen.

In a Spanish radio talk show Aquí La Voz de Europa on December 19 as heard below, they discuss the impact of millions of Muslims invading again . How the Spanish Government is trying to convert the Northern Mediterranean into the virtual reflection of the southern tip with millions of Muslims. In the commentary , they say that if this happens then there is nothing to do,  war, bombing,  and other 800 years of throwing out, how it had occurred in the Conquista. In their discussion they describe how :

España haya firmado el Pacto Global de Inmigración en el más absoluto de los secretos y sin informar a la población española sobre un asunto tan relevante. La prensa comprada del R78 no disimula cuáles son los objetivos de sus amos: borrar del mapa a la población autóctona española y sustituirla por inmigrantes africanos y musulmanes.

Translated to :

The Country of Spain has signed the  Global UN Pact for Immigrants in the most absolute secrecy, without informing the Spanish population over the explosive situation. The press has been bought from the R78 and does not disguises which are the objectives at hand: to erase from the map the  Spanish native population and substitute it with African and Muslim immigrants.

DN TV published on Dec 19, 2018 "Aquí la voz de Europa 18-12-18 Lo que nos espera tras el Pacto Global de Inmigración de la ONU"

Deception Trend Megacities Agenda 21 and 2030 New World Order 


Agenda 21   Agenda 2030  UN Global Pact

56 million people will be migrants buy 2030 according to the EU

If you have not heard of the terms Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and the UN Global Pact you might want to buckle up cause it is going to be a very long ride for you.

In simplicity the socialistic idea is for us never to own anything. The future of humanity is not to own anything. The excuse is sustainability. Where the concept of families will disappear as more people will be single living in little stack and pack homes. Already are there 300 square foot apartments in New York. Just also think of the thousands of people worldwide living in tents such as homeless and migrants living in the street.

New Codes is the Agenda 21 way of replacing laws today. California is a great example of how the Agenda 21 is being aggressively pushed.

Fake global climate change is going to push further the population to move closer and closer to the communist agenda 21. People believe that protesting will solve the One World Agenda. In fact it is pushing thousands to imprisonment and cities closed using Martial law like in Paris Today.

Today we must be an Elisha, Esther,  Moses as Jesus Christ living without intimidation and strength.  Paul the Apostle said in the Ephesians chapter six verse 10 explains how we are fighting a spiritual war and we need to "grow strong in the Lord, with the strength of his power. Put on the full armour of God so as to be able to resist the devil's tactics."

One example is the country of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan currently holds a non permanent seat in the UN security council. In 1991,  it was the last Soviet Republic to be independent considered to be an authoritarian country. In Kazakhstan free Speech  is not allowed and imprisons political activists. Religion is controlled as it is majority Islamic.

Ghost Cities - Megacities - Agenda 21 - 2030 - Stakem & Packem BY Shaking My Head Productions Published on Dec 12, 2018

Shaking My Head Productions Published on Jan 6, 2018



What you need to know about ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN and the ILLUMINATI by WoodwardTV Published on Mar 9, 2017

Understanding UN Population Migration Agenda BY NewsBlip Published on Aug 3, 2017

Human Crisis Trend Total Migrants in Paris and Columbia not a  Problem Right! Over 1.5 million in 2018


Agenda 21   Agenda 2030  UN Global Pact

EU will flood all nations with 59,000 million migrants worldwide by 2025

How Powerful Is Kazakhstan? | NowThis World

The new green superpower? Oil giant Kazakhstan tries to wean itself off the black stuff by the Guardian Nov 2018

Human Crisis Trend Paris Day of Action  December 14, 2018 

by Veronica Davis 2018-12-15

The Human Crisis continues in Paris France on Friday, December 14, as unions call for a “day of action”. The people of Paris are demanding an increase in wages, pensions and cuts of social protection.  According to Ruptly:

The protest takes place amidst an ongoing wave of violent demonstrations in France, which were initially called in response to French President Emmanuel Macron's announcement of fuel tax hikes. Since then they have evolved into an expression of general anger at high costs of living, poverty and inequality in France.

LIVE: French unions call for “day of action” in Paris

United States and Mexico Closing Its Borders


The Human Crisis at the border between Mexico and United States has arrested 32 people as strange as this protest sounds. These international leaders from various religions were detained in San Diego . The protest is strange because the UN Global pact will allow the Migrants to eventually  cross borders under their Human Rights Code. So really what is the point of human rights protests.  Most countries will loose out on nationalism. Ironically while we loose out on nationalism, we are also loosing out on our own individual rights . With the New President in power, Mexico has had enough as they are also closing their borders too.

Meanwhile, in the United States the government is in the verge of a Government Shutdown. However, President Donald Trump tweets "Let’s not do a shutdown, Democrats - do what’s right for the American People!". Sarah Sanders says that the Democrats love more than they love President of United States Donald Trump. And  "Pelosi has said that they should shut down the Government forever in order to keep the border open" says Alex Jones today on his show. The country is #SilentCoup, #SoftCoup . While in the Mexican side of the Caravan, a couple of days ago, the United States has received a Petition urging that the Government needs to pay $50,000 dollars for each migrant that goes back to their home country. The petition claims that Donald Trump has violated their rights.

Although this did not get too much media coverage as there were other things to be more concerned about, most people did not pay attention to President Donald Trump signing of a document helping religious groups targeted by ISIS from a  mass murder and genocide in Syria and in Iraq. The Bill also points out that the criminals will be sought after under this Bill.

President Trump Signs the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act

The Alex Jones Show - December 14, 2018

Nation Against Nation Trend December 13, 2018 

by Veronica Davis 2018-12-13

A joint resolution has been set today against the Saudi Prince, while a strange Public Hearing of Clinton Foundation was being staged? Will this affect the Peace Treaties . What could all this mean but a Nation against Nation trend. Today the Washington posts :

The Senate voted unanimously on Dec. 13 to condemn Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as responsible for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

'Clear, unambiguous message': Senate votes to condemn Saudi crown prince for Khashoggi murder

Deception Trend Clinton Whistleblower Hearing  December 13, 2018 Staged or Error

by Veronica Davis 2018-12-13

#TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #Q #QAnon #MAGA #SealedIndictments

Are we being fooled or is it in your face? There was a blackout for the media because we are watching what has already happened. The strangest part so far about the "subcommittee on government operations website says that the hearing is set to be on the 13 th of december. So far no reporters reported on it. Now a youtube video was posted at the time of the hearing but what the Chairman claims under oath is astonishing.  So how did youtube get it to go live? The date he says is today is not.  So why are they lying.

Watch below video where Mr. Meadows  Chairman claims " today is December 12, 2018" is there alot more happening behind the curtain. Watch how the chairman laughs it out to Mr Connolly looks lost and confused as he thinks the whole thing is funny. But how can the audience be deceived today is the 13th and their website says it is on the 13 th?

So once again they are all in on it,
Find the real footage at link below starting at 2:02 minutes.

Error or staged hearing Clinton Foundation Dec 13 2018 ??

Hillary Clinton Whistleblower Hearing Starting   December 13, 2018 6,000 documents  Uranium One

by Veronica Davis 2018-12-13

#TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #Q #QAnon #MAGA #SealedIndictments

Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation 2:46 pm 2006-2011 Mr Hackney is speaking The strangest part so far about the video put out has been the date they claim as today is December 12, 2018 is there alot more happening behind the curtain.

Mr Jordan has said that they were not allowed to call the investigation as so. Instead they used the term "matter". Meanwhile Mr Fitton from Judicial Watch has said that Mrs Aberdeen did the heavy lifting for Hillary. He also claims as the investigation process they were only allowed to read newspaper articles and not actual evidence.

Clinton investigation called "matter" NOT allowed to be known as "investigation".
Mr Jordan asks Mr. Fitton about Clinton Foundation

Whistleblower Public Hearing Clinton Foundation
Part 4 Ms Maloney questions Mr. Mr. Phillip Hackney an Associate Professor of Law about Dark Money and Donor Advanced Funds

 Investigation Dirty little Pig and Mr Ross asks Mr Fitton about uranium one deal. Mr Fitton says that the uranium one deal was "silenced" by not pursuing certain leads. Everything to protect the Clinton's reputation.

part 5 Smell's Like A Pig Joke Hillary Clinton Foundation

 P8 Mr. Lawrence W. Doyle Clinton investigation

In 2002-2004, the foundation were approved for a Library activities why was the foundation negotiating health related contracts without changing articles of corporation? They did not seek approval from the IRS? Clinton Foundation, Senior Officials emails would say "This is not a Clinton program per say?" says Mr Doyle.

p9 Whistleblowers to Clinton Foundation Mr. John F. Moynihan Mr. Lawrence W. Doyle


The House oversight and government reform hearing set to start in 15 minutes 3:31 pm Eastern time. There seems to be a media blackout in effect. However, this is what we know so far from "Clinton Whistleblowers: Thursday’s Public Hearing to Reveal “Explosive” Information" :

a former whistleblower, who has spoken with agents from the Little Rock FBI field office last year and worked for years as an undercover informant collecting information on Russia’s nuclear energy industry for the bureau, noted his enormous frustration with the DOJ and FBI. He describes as a two-tiered justice system that failed to actively investigate the information he provided years ago on the Clinton Foundation and Russia’s dangerous meddling with the U.S. nuclear industry and energy industry during the Obama administration.

William D. Campbell’s story was first published by this reporter in 2017. He turned over more than 5,000 documents and detailed daily briefs to the bureau when he served as a confidential informant reporting on Russia’s nuclear giant Rosatom. Campbell worked as an energy consultant, gaining the trust of Russians and providing significant insight into Russia’s strategic plans to gain global dominance in the uranium industry. He reported on Russian’s intentions to build a closer relationship with Obama administration officials, to include then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as reported. The documents he turned over to the DOJ, which were reviewed by this news site, showed Campbell had also provided highly sensitive information both related to the uranium case, as well as other intelligence matters, since 2006.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller was the director of the FBI at the time Campbell was a confidential informant and according to Campbell, the information was briefed to Mueller by his FBI handlers.

Hillary Clinton Whistleblower Hearing  December 13, 2018 6,000 documents  Uranium One


#TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #Q #QAnon #MAGA #SealedIndictments #MassArrests

The Public Hearing will be on December 13, 2018  not sure where it will be live but perhaps on Cspan or Fox News.  Sarah Carter was on Fox News Today, and has exposed the information although it was cut very shortly . The Whistleblower is a government  formal investigator. More of Uranium One will be released from over of 6,000 documents that has already be given over a year ago to the IRS.

Clinton Criminal Investigation Released Thurs. Dec 13th. by Earthwatch

LA State Senator John Milkovich - 12/11/2018 - Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the NWO by Hagmann Hagmann Report

Q Anon Trend  Clinton Foundation, Bush Funeral, Eipstein  

by Veronica Davis  2018-12-08

#TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #Q #QAnon #MAGA #SealedIndictments #MassArrests

Q  trend point to   the scandal behind Epstein island and  megatrndz writes about it on C'oup D'etat Trend : American Politics Smokescreen April 12, 2018

Now the Miami Herald reports on how "Virginia Roberts was working at Mar-a-Lago when she was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell to be a masseuse to Palm Beach hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein." Her claims of being groomed for sex with him and his associates, attorney Alan Dershowitz and Prince Andrew. Miami Herald's full story

How teen runaway Virginia Roberts become one of Jefferey Epsteins victims by Miami Herald