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Parallelism Between Hollywood and Reality Protest and Hidden Hand November 18-30, 2018

  Unexplained  5G Dangers   Animal Deaths

Deception Trend: Parallelism Between Hollywood and Reality Protest and Hidden Hand November 18-30, 2018

by Veronica Davis 2018-12-03 6:00 pm

#GiletsJaunes #France #Paris #YellowVests #ChampsElysees #1erDecembre #France #Paris #YellowVest

Can Movies foretell  what will happen in the future. I was surprised with the amount of parallelism there was between the current events around the world with the events that took place in a Hollywood movie.  The movie I am talking about is called , Children of Men , 2006. The movie takes place in London November 16, 2027 the British Borders are closed for 8 years deporting all illegal immigrants. There are riots and a lot chaos in the streets.  There is the group of refugees known as Fugees whom are the incarcerated ones. The world has turned into a very dark and a political prison . The street protesters were wearing all yellow jackets.  It reminded me of what is going on in the French streets of Paris today. There is also clashes of religious groups one fighting against the other. The Islamic people vs the non Islamic. There is war in the streets and the streets are filled with human size cages where the people are immediately incarcerated.

Police officer downed by mob amid Yellow Vest protests by RT News Dec 1 2018

December 1, 2018

Many believe that we are living under the deception age as more and more people are being censored on various social media. On November 29, 2018 an investigating American journalist with Jewish descent has been silence on twitter. She quickly took her story in the third dimensional into the streets of New York. After several hours handcuffing herself in front of twitter headquarters front doors she finally was taken away mysteriously in a black car which may have been federal. Laura Loomer is not the only journalist that seems to have had the same thing happen with just recently Alex Jones was taken out of social media as well. Many truth seekers are being removed. This is all part of the deception age we are all being entertained .

Steve Quayle, another truth seeker is also starting to mention that is it possible that "we are all being dooped". What if the political leaders have already been removed and replaced with hybrids. He continues on to discuss about the  50 year old chip technology.

Smart dust  Soul Chip

With all the world changes and Europe creating a world European seven country Army some are calling it Bible prophecies.

December 2, 2018   Macron French President calls out for Emergency Decleration
                                 Weekend of Destruction Paris streets
November 29, 2018 Laura Loomer trends on twitter after being banned
November 24, 2018 Trump and FBI reopens Hillary Investigation
November 24-25      Weekend Protest in Paris streets continues
November 17, 2018 Yellow Jackets Peace Protest begins
November 11, 2018 Arc of Baal Paris Remembrance Global Meeting

((((Boom!!)))) Steve Quayle This is a WATER SHED EVENT!! ((WATCH!!))

Super Humans

Le Zap des Gilets Jaunes : (débordements, accidents, danses,etc..)

Middle East Update, Dec. 2, 2018 by Behold Israel

The Possibility of Hope - Children of Men Extra (1/3)

Human Crisis: Tijuana Mexico Street Protest and Hidden Hand November 18-24, 2018

by Veronica Davis 2018-11-24 6:50 pm

Is it a fight against the nationalist or against the globalists?
Has the  Creepy Meeting at the Arc of Baal November 11, 2018 released unseen demonic?