Evacuation Order Trend Full Moon Disaster Correlation Trend CME Trend Climate Chaos Trend Fireball Trend Volcano Eruption Trend Asteroid Trend Q Anon Trend Biological Weapon Trend False Missile Alert Trend Sinkhole Trend Direct Energy Weapons Trend: Destructive Events in 2017 2018-01-27 10:00 am #weatherwar #haarp #hurricaneterrorism #weathermanipulation #directedenergyweapon #targetedindividual #bluelasers #microwaveweapons #frequencywaves #haarp #satellite targeted individual trend mk ultra trend microwave weapon trend haarp trend Unusual Blasts and burnt vehicles in New York, look the same as the ones in Napa, California and China. Nature burnt in the most bizarre ways such as tree trunks burning only on the inside of the trunk or tree burnt left behind with fresh leaves on them. Is God trying to tell us...