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Showing posts from February 7, 2018

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Strange Trend: An Abnormal January had massive Animal Deaths

Strange Trend  Climate Change Climate Chaos Strange Trend: Abnormal Animal Deaths  2018-02-2018 Today heavy snow buried cars in Japan and in Ile-de-France region covered snow on the streets in late Feb. 6 and into Feb. 7 causing chaos in the Paris metropolitan area. Zagora. Morocco desert snow on January 29, 2018. Not seen snow since 40 years ago, in the Middle East in the northern Tabuk region of Saudi Arabia on Jan. 26, 2018l On the fourth week  of January, Geostorm is what some were calling it. Whether or not you believe is global warming or global warning the worst is taking place as temperatures in many  places where it is hot was colder than ever such as in Florida, or countries such as in Mexico. But to the countries that are use to the cold, the extreme was taking place. People and Animals were experiencing unprecedented events.  Hares and Dog frozen to death as temperatures reach -56 c in Kazakhstan on January 24, 2018. T...