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Showing posts from April 16, 2018

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Parables of the Tares of the Field

Parables of the Tares of the Field 2018-04-16 Yesterday and Today I had a beautiful warning from the Lord up above. God works in numbers and what i did not see was what he was trying to tell me at 7:11pm yesterday and at 11:17 am today. You see how the angel numbers are 11 and 111 and how angels communicated with us with  heavenly code. It is like they are dialing a number. Today was a very stressful and yet heavenly day as the Angels were divinely with me today as my rights were spiritually raped and violated. Many times this has happened in my life and I begin to call out the Angels and begin to recognize they are never far away out of reach. The more I study the word of God the more the  External angry world sends out one demonic being or Witch after me. And today was one of those days. As I share this moment as a Testimony of  Parables of the Tares of the Field of what happened to me as I opened today the Sacred Holy Bible to this verse Matthew 13:36. ...