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Showing posts from June 12, 2018

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Human Crisis Trend Johnny Depp and Tucson Discovery

Mysterious Trends     Q Trends     Celestial Event Trend    Fireballs Trend   Mysterious Booms Human Crisis Johnny Depp and Tucson Discovery 2018-06-12 Just How is actor Johnny Depp associated to the Tucson latest discovery about a camp used by child trafficking ring. Well through symbols. Not long ago a bloodline survivor of child abuse Cheryl Hersha ties the knots of how the occult works. Cheryl has written a book about her life with her sister and their life being born into an occult family full of wicked traditions . Since her birth in 1961 she shares her life and warns the world about the cult symbolism being in our face. Watch and listen to the March 16, 2018 video in Red Pill Channel" #Illuminati #Whistleblower #SRA Survivor Cheryl Hersha Interview, VL Reloaded W/ Jim & Angie ". DID ANYONE NOTICE THIS ABOUT JOHNNY DEPP??? #Illuminati #Whistleblower #SRA Survivor Cheryl Hersha Interview, VL Reloaded ...