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Showing posts from June 14, 2018

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Human Crisis Nicaraguan Journalist under Attack

Human Crisis Trend More about Nicaragua Latest News Human Crisis Nicaraguan Journalist under Attack 2 pm 2018-6-14 #leon #censorship #sosnicaragua #journalism Journalist are under attack after the military police from Cuba invades Leon, Nicaragua. Their target is the journalists and director of radio stations. In the next tweets, the townspeople speak: Leon Nicaragua Journalism attacked #SOSNicaragua #Leon — Yane Palacio (@PalacioYaneyri) June 14, 2018 Periodista Gilbert Idiaquez de @Corporacion540 y camarógrafo de canal 10 fueron apuntado con arma por bomberos y policias en Nindiri. Los afectados afirman que pudieron reconocer a sus agresores. Nos solidarizamos y exigimos respeto a los periodistas. — Café con Voz (@CafeconVozNi) June 14, 2018 #BastadeOdio #NicaraguaQuierePaz Entre la vida y la muerte se encuentra el Cro. Leonel Morales, delegado de UNEN ante el Diálogo Nacional, quien la noche d...

Human Crisis Trend #sosnicaragua #ParoPorNicaragua

Human Crisis Trend More about Nicaragua Latest News Human Crisis Trend #sosnicaragua Nicaraguan Priests Threatened by Veronica Davis 2018-06-14 #genocide #sosnicaragua #ParoPorNicaragua By Noon Today, a young woman from Leon sends out attacks are happening in Leon, Nicaragua. The Church is the center of attention. They tweet their messages to Bishop Silvio Baez .:  León, Nicaragua atacan el barrio de Zaragoza!! Quieren tomarse la iglesia!! Ayuda ayuda! #SOSNicaragua @silviojbaez atacan la iglesia por sonar las campanas en forma de aviso @laprensa The Zaragoza Church Bells begin to ring: León, Nicaragua attack the Zaragoza neighborhood !! They want to take the church !! Help help! #SOSNicaragua @silviojbaez attack the church by ringing the bells in the form of notice @laprensa En León atacan Zaragoza — Radio Dario 89.3 (@RadioDarioNi) June 14, 2018 Military Cuban Police begin to attack the entrance of San Carlos, L...