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Bizzare wave activities out along the Pacific Coastline

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Bizarre wave activities out along the Pacific Coastline


Strange ocean activity with a rhythmic movements like a donut shape out around the Pacific Coast from the United States to Canada. Not normal ocean activity as if something was stirring the ocean in that direction..The torsion may be related to the satanic weather manipulation system.One would think that the Japan 6.3 mag earthquake that just happened 7 hours ago would bring a tsunami movement to California coastline but it did not. Instead this strange movement continues to stay out in the ocean for several hours now.

Bizzare wave activities out along the Pacific Coastline January 08, 2019

Disaster boosts other weak industries.

Gulf of Farallones

United States / Lat.: 37°20'N / Lon.: 121°53'W / Altitude: 26m Timezone: America/Los_Angeles (UTC-8) / Current time: 11 AM 01/08/2019

Recent 10 km depth Quakes

Tuesday January 8 2019, 12:39:31 UTC 6 hours ago 16km SSE of Nishinoomote, Japan 6.3 mag 

Tuesday January 8 2019, 12:16:45 UTC 6 hours ago 68km NE of Taitung City, Taiwan 4.9 25.3

Tuesday January 8 2019, 10:00:09 UTC 9 hours ago 53km W of Saquena, Peru 5.1 10.0
Tuesday January 8 2019, 10:56:05 UTC 8 hours ago 35km WSW of Talkeetna, Alaska 1.8 10.8
Tuesday January 8 2019, 12:15:43 UTC 6 hours ago 11km WNW of Fernley, Nevada 1.5 11.2
Tuesday January 8 2019, 14:49:02 UTC 4 hours ago 112km NNW of Neiafu, Tonga 5.2 10.0

Animals Circle like Zombies Mandela Effect
6.8  Magnitude Earthquakes This Week Brazil

Breaking “Mega Quake 6.8 Hits Brazil” by Paul Begley

Other 6.8 earthquakes so far in Greece, Vancouver

Greece / Lat.: 37°46'N / Lon.: 20°53'E / Altitude: 12m
A magnitude-6.8 earthquake which is 35.9 kilometres southwest of Lithakia in the southern part of the island with a depth of 16 kilometres and struck at 22:55 GMT on Thursday. The island of Zakynthos in western Greece, the U.S. Geological Survey reported the undersea quake had a depth of 14 kilometers.

On October 22, 2018 a 6.6-magnitude earthquake was 6.8 miles deep, about 135 miles southwest of Port Hardy, a town on the northeastern end of Vancouver Island. It occurred at 10:39 p.m. local time (1:39 a.m. Monday ET), according to the USGS. The 6.8-magnitude quake came about 35 minutes later and was centered about 12 miles closer to Port Hardy at a depth of about 6 miles, the USGS said.