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Chemtrail trends and Mystery Booms

by Veronica Davis 2019-01-17

#laserweapons #secretspaceprogram #heatwave #Satellites #DEWs #EMR #HAARP #5G #Chemtrails #WeatherWarfare

John the Baptist Predicting Chem-trails and Mystery Boom p2

John the Baptist Predicting Chem-trails and Mystery Boom p2
There is a word in the Biblical scripture linking to weather manipulation.
The Holy Spirit did it again! Has led me to a path  unraveling the truth.

Next time your hear a mystery boom  ,sonic boom or  see  fireballs,  you may be asking yourself  twice if it is a meteor or something more. Ever heard of chemtrails or project blue beam. Or perhaps biological weather warfare ,  weather manipulation. Or perhaps the secret space programs is thinking way too far ahead into the atmosphere. Something more closer to the ionesphere is being tested and the reading the sacred scripture word of God has let me to the answer.

Has anyone heard of the word chaff. The word chaff is an important word today if you are the military. However the word "chaff' goes back to biblical times over 2,000 years ago. Chaff is known to farmers . In ancient times back in the time of Jesus Christ, there was a special method incorporated to the wheat grains called winnowing. Farming was part of their daily routine. The wheat farmer knew what a chaff was because the chaff is the shell found in cereal grains. The outer part of the grain is the chaff. The chaff is useless because it is not eatable. It is lighter than the seed and blown away by the wind. The process is known as winnowing.

Now that we know both chaffs then let us continue to finding where in the Bible God predicts the outcome of the chaff. The Sacred Bible scripture described by Saint Matthew said by John the Baptist.

Who was John the Baptist you may ask. John the Baptist was sent from Heaven specifically to proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven. When the time came  near to declare  Jesus Chris identity, his popularity in baptising in the River Jordan grew as well. John the Baptist is the nephew of Virgin Mary cousin of Jesus Christ. The scripture does not say if  John and Jesus knew each other before he baptizing Jesus at the River Jordan. But John the Baptist calls Our Lord Yeshua Jesus Christ, as someone "existing before his time" (Jn 1:30). He also describes him as "the Lamb of God".( Jn 1:29).

10  ‘ I baptise you in water for repentance, but the one who comes after me is more powerful than I, and I am not fit to carry his sandals; he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and

12 fire. i His winnowing-fan is in his hand; he will clear his threshing- floor and gather his wheat into his barn; but the chaff he will burn in a fire that will never go out.’j

 (Mt  3:11-12 NJB)

So John the Baptist mentions to the Pharisee what God will do to the chaff. It is no coincidence how chaff in the past in going to be referred to chaff of today and both having the same outcome.What Jesus Christ will plan to do with the chaff and those performing the chaff is said in the last sentence:

  the chaff he will burn in a fire that will never go out.

The word of God does not change only the setting does. Jesus Christ is omnipresent back then as he is now.

I learnt that although I am not that into military terms the actual military performs tests into the atmosphere closer than you think. Think now of the term "chaff" nope not the nature "chaff" of grains and cereals. But an invention known to deter missiles momentarily. Even-though it is a warfare weapon in the United States it is being used to manipulate weather. Since 2012, the concerned public has been questioning if this method is harmful to the environment or livestock or even the farmland.  Is this part of a bigger agenda like depopulation?

On Sunday January 13, 2018 The Lord has led me to this today. The Chaff Prophecy, : Chemstrails Mystery Boom Fireballs



Did she say: Tiny Particles of Plastic or Milar into the Atmosphere??

It has been around as long as radar been around?

Chemtrail Disclosure? Military Chaff Reported on Radar by Local News

Climate Chaos Sweden Germany Norway Record Snow  in Europe

On January 11, 2018 Climate Chaos early in the Year as record heavy snow falls in parts of Germany, Norway and Sweden on Friday. Roads were  blocked, trains halted and schools shut.

Meanwhile in the Southern Pole, in Australia something evil lurks in the waters.

The Ocean in Australia has naughty critters very angry. Over 20,000 people have been bitten by jellyfish near beaches for months now It makes one wonder are they real. Nope not the people but the jellyfish. When nature fights its because something terrible is hurting them. But can we say that they are not nature made but hybrids ready to attack. An army of critters? The big wobble weather website reports:

The news media have tried out various names for this new plague: “the jellyfish typhoon,” “the rise of slime,” “the spineless menace.” Nobody knows exactly what’s behind it, but there’s a queasy sense among scientists that jellyfish just might be avengers from the deep, repaying all the insults we’ve heaped on the world’s oceans.

The bluebottle jellyfish stings are very similar to the wood ticks symptoms. The only difference one lives in the ocean and the other lives in the woods. However the jellyfish stings is more considered poisonous than the wood ticks that appear to be harmless. For the sting jellyfish are venomous stingers trigger Irukandji syndrome. The syndrome causes painful muscle cramps, back and kidney pain, a sensation of skin burning, nausea, restlessness, and panic.

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