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Wolf Super Blood Moon over America Seen Today Jan 2019

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Wolf Super Blood Moon over America Seen Today Jan 2019

by Veronica Davis 2019-01-20

Toning Jan. 20-21, 2019 total lunar eclipse will last 1 hour and 2 minutes, according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Total lunar eclipse visible
 Magnitude: 1.1953
Duration:5 hours, 11 minutes, 33 seconds
Duration of totality: 1 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
Penumbral begins: Jan 20 at 8:36:29 pm
Partial begins: Jan 20 at 9:33:54 pm
Full begins: Jan 20 at 10:41:17 pm
Maximum:Jan 20 at 11:12:14 pm
Full ends: Jan 20 at 11:43:15 pm
Partial ends: Jan 21 at 12:50:39 am
Penumbral ends: Jan 21 at 1:48:02 am

The United States is in a lot of confusion right now as their government is divided. Tonight's blood moon could be an omen. There are so many blood moons and eclipses in the past couple of years with each having their own stories and background.

Americans  believe it is a sign due to the fact that the American President Donald Trump was born 70 years ago, June 24,  1946  during a blood moon. Many people are typing the dots. Last blood moon was seen over Jerusalem another biblical sign. The reason why it is a biblical sign not only because the Sacred Bible says so, it is because the talk of Peace and the Temple is constantly being brought up. Also the locust infestation over Mecca that occurred last week is being seen as a sign listen to videos below for great point of views about all the signs of the Super Blood Wolf Moon.

One thing interesting to add  about the wolf moon that is super blood and an eclipse, is that a few days ago I have found information that could lead me being part of a wolf pack. I mean being part of one of the Tribes of Israel which is from the Tribe of Benjamin. The Tribe of Benjamin is known to have a symbol of a wolf because there is a prophecy where the tribe devours its prey and divides the spoil. So I thought that was so weird to see the whole wolf connection just before the wolf moon. We will have to wait and see what else Yeshua Jesus Christ has in store.

Today's Yeshua's Chosen Words are found in Isaiah 14:13 Against Assyria ; Isaiah 15:3 Against Philistines

More Signs   BLOOD

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If you are a Christian the Temple is a sign of times of tribulation and anti Christ living in it.

Last Blood Moon Story

Celestial Event Trend: Blue Moon, Blood Moon, and Super Moon Heavenly SIGNS
January 30, 2018
Isaiah 34 Judgement on the Nations Blood Moon July 27, 2018
by Veronica Davis  July 26, 2018
Celestial Signs Partial Solar Eclipse Super Blood Moon Earth Cracks in Yellowstone
July 13, 2018

Celestial Trend and Signs in the Sky

Genesis 1:14   Saint Luke 21   Saint Luke 25   Saint Luke 28   Joel 2   Acts 2    Revelation 6  Isaiah 24:20

Mark Biltz & Paul Begley: Prophecy: "Super Blood Moon Harbinger For America" by El Shaddai

BLOOD MOON Unleashes the BEAST before JUPITER/VENUS Conjunction Resurrects the 144000 - Prophecy

Advertencia Profética (Luna de Sangre Enero 2019) por el Roeh Dr. Javier Palacios Celorio by Shalom132

Judgement on the Nations Blood Moon July 27, 2018

Secret Societies Deep State and Cabalists in America Jan 2019


The United States falling into 30 days of government partial shutdown . Beware of the Ides of March is the Rogers Stone's message of what is going on in America. Alex Jones says that President Trump needs to admit that his advisers are the deep state and they are leading him in the wrong path. The deep state are betraying  Mr President. Alex says that he has to fully admit what is really going on , he has to defend his family and family values says Alex.   Alex  says that if he does not see Mr Trump admitting to current lies and deep state schemes then he will have no choice to abandon supporting President Trump. Tweets are great but they have to be backed up with action says  Roger Stone about Donald Trump. There is no Russian Collusion says Roger Stone it is all a lie. He says that Mr President Donald Trump gets his  executive orders stolen straight  from his desk.

Alex suggests that Mr President should select Roger Stone to speak about Uranium One. Roger suggests that Mr Trump should select a special counsel to deal with Uranium One in order to hold those criminally responsible whom are Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller and others. He also says that in this interview that 'they' the Cabalist are making a move on  President  Trump in March. Alex says that it is Robert Muller and Hillary Clinton that need to go to prison.

  Listen to who Alex thinks is Q?

VIDEO: Jones And Stone Warn Trump Of Impending Disaster

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