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Boom Boom Military Exercise in L.A California Question

Military Exercise in L.A California Question


Before, After and During the Military Exercises in L.A  California there was the boom boom heards in Georgia, NY, Atlanta, Kentucky,  Brooklyn, North Carolina and two cities in Louisiana. Doesn't it all sound like January 16, 2018 all over again. Remember the Michigan fireballs. Well if you do not remember....

Refresh your mind here in 2018, Let us connect the dots :

false alarm trend
fireball trend
meteor trend
boom trend
unusual deep earthquakes
all in the month of January 2018

Missile Alert Trend: False Threat Hawaii 2018-01-13

Sonic Boom, Meteor, Fireball January 17, 2018

False Alarm Trend: Hawaii and Japan recent Alarm is it forgotten or unjustified 2018-01-27

This is all sounding too repetitive, so what is really going on. Whatever it is, it sure none of the public's business because 'they' will keep us all again in the dark.

It has been surfacing online that the military exercise in Los Angeles ended only a couple of days ago, but it might have been the real thing. If you think about it, the timing of not announcing it months before would say so. The aerial video footage was shot by who. The buildings where the military was coming or going to? It is fascinating the information gathered by the truth seekers when we look at it through the eyes of the public not the media. The truth investigators have been asking all the right questions.

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Mysterious Loud Booms Reported Across The Country by DAHBOO77Published on Feb 8, 2019

Last Day of Military Exercise in L.A California


On Monday February 4, 2019 at around 9 pm , Americans were scared because of the loud BOOMS and explosions heard. Black Hawks  Choppers such as Boeing A-MH-6M, Little Bird, Sikorsky UH-60  landing right in the middle of  Wilshire boulevard. But if anyone knows anything of war it comes suddenly and unexpectedly each time becoming more realistic for Americans.

The Boeing A-MH-6M developers came from Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Hughes Aircraft was acquired by General Motors from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in 1985 and was put under the umbrella of Hughes Electronics, now known as DirecTV, until GM sold its assets to Raytheon in 1997. Below is an image of H-64A with weapons in display.

This Blackhawks have been used since the 1960 in Iran 1981, the invasion in Grenada October 1983 , Nicaragua 1983, and Iraq July 1987.

Does anyone remember Jade Helm several years ago?This is somewhat a military training exercise like Jade Helm only this time they did not warn anyone until the moment they were doing the exercise in Los Angeles and Long Beach California. So what are they preparing for? Today is the last day of the military training seen in the streets of Los Angeles for the last day of its 6th day.

In other parts of the United States chaffs were seen by locals? So could this be chemical thrown into the environment or something more. Several Days ago, United States, China and the Russians have been testing their missile devices for what really?

Meanwhile In Canada, last December sent out a strange news about how they would be testing radiation if possible on food.

Lastly, the Pope spent the past weekend of February 2, 2019, asking for Peace in the Middle Eastern Islamic countries.

So why all of this mixed messages? Hopefully Yahweh Yeshua Our Lord Jesus Christ will enlighten this one.

Los Angeles Attack Military Drill Sparks Panick by Inside Edition


Breaking Boom Military Exercises LA California Startled

Último día de ejercicio militar en L.A California      


Este Lunes Febrero 4 2019 a las 9 de la noche, los de California  Los Angeles estaban asustados por los fuertes BOOMS y las explosiones que se escucharon. Los helicópteros aterrizan justo en el medio de bulevar wilshire.  si alguien sabe algo de guerra, de repente e inesperadamente se vuelve cada vez más realista para los Americanos.

Los desarrolladores de Boeing A-MH-6M provinieron de Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Hughes Aircraft fue adquirida por General Motors del Instituto Médico Howard Hughes en 1985 y fue puesta bajo el paraguas de Hughes Electronics, ahora conocida como DirecTV, hasta que GM vendió sus activos. a Raytheon en 1997. A continuación se muestra una imagen del H-64A con armas en exhibición.

Estos Blackhawks se han utilizado desde 1960 en Irán en 1981, la invasión en Granada en octubre de 1983, Nicaragua en 1983 y Irak en julio de 1987.

¿Alguien recuerda a Jade Helm? Esto es un ejercicio de entrenamiento militar como Jade Helm, pero esta vez no advirtieron a nadie hasta el momento en que estaban haciendo el ejercicio en Los Ángeles. Entonces, ¿para qué se están preparando? Hoy es el último día del entrenamiento militar visto en las calles de Los Ángeles para el último día de su sexto día.

¿En otras partes de los Estados Unidos las chaffs fueron vistas por los locales? Entonces, ¿esto podría ser un químico arrojado al medio ambiente o algo más? Hace varios días, Estados Unidos, China y los rusos han estado probando sus dispositivos de misiles ¿qué es lo que realmente?

Mientras tanto, en Canadá, el pasado mes de diciembre se envió una noticia extraña sobre cómo, de ser posible, probarían la radiación en los alimentos.

Finalmente, el Papa pasó el pasado fin de semana del 2 de febrero de 2019, pidiendo la paz en los países islámicos del Medio Oriente.

Entonces, ¿por qué todos estos mensajes mezclados? Ojalá Yahweh Yeshua Nuestro Señor Jesucristo iluminará este.


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