Mysterious Trends mystery boom sonic boom fireballs chemtrails biological weather warfare weather manipulation secret space programs Asteroid Trend 3 Asteroids Today and 2 Tomorrow 2019-01-15 Asteroid Trend 3 asteroids will come close to the Earth today. 2 asteroids will come close tomorrow to the Earth. Do you believe it? With the closest one passing by today at 937 thousand miles away. It is the size of 94 ft or the size of a plane. So how far is 937 thousand miles, it is almost three times the distance between the Earth and the moon. See Image below for all asteroid facts today and tomorrow. Average distance between Earth and the moon is about 239,000 miles (385,000 kilometers). Climate Chaos Sweden Germany Norway Record Snow in Europe 2019-01-15 On January 11, 2018 Climate Chaos early in the Year as record heavy snow falls in parts of Germany, Norway and Sw...