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Will the Corona Virus be a Global Agenda and Pandemic?
Transcript from February 25, 2019 from video 'Global Pandemic, will it spread like an avalanche?'
Is the corona virus a threat to humanity what do you guys think?
Or are we just exaggerating?
What do you guys think? Well we are very close to a global pandemic and the WHO is the one who is reporting it.
We are also hearing it in the news also I will be talking about today about dreams, do you guys believe in dreams . God sends us Messages through dreams and is it possible that we are reaching to the climax what could be the end to the outbreak and the beginning to a pandemic?
(0:35) Ok on the screen I have a picture of my dream which I will be talking about in a bit, and for now, I am just going to go ahead and discuss what is going on in the world this past week.
(0:51)Which is very very important because we are in the..what could be the end of an outbreak and beginning of a pandemic. So They are telling us to prepare now for road closures, as a pandemic could come like an avalanche.
(1:22) Those are my words, CBC, that is what they are telling us here in Canada to prepare for the villages or towns or cities to close, just like in Italy. There is also a human crisis with the fear of the actual corona virus coming to your city, and town and people are against it. And I begin with, Is the world prepared for a pandemic or coronavirus. Are you prepared for your town and city to lockdown.
(2:00)What once was considered impossible is now a potential truth. Is it a human instinct causing a fast reaction or will it be like an avalanche falling? So now I am going to get to my dream that I had. The second picture that I put here on the screen is an image of my actual dream.
So I believe God send me a message and he is letting me know what exactly will be going on?
I was lost, and at the same time I was trying to find my way back to the city. And I eventually found the downtown and Boom came an actual avalanche. So I decided to run and go the opposite direction, I ended up in a tunnel. Which looks very similar to the picture.
It was in beige. And after I called, several times I was in fear that this avalanche would bury me alive. So I was going faster and faster and at the end of the actual tunnel looked like the face of the dragon that was attached to the building.
Global Pandemic, will it spread like an avalanche?
(3:00)And that got me thinking that it is symbol of China and the coronavirus because it originated there. Now China is also known for a symbol being a dragon so the dragon is also a serpent and this is also explained in the Bible that Satan and the Devil represents the Serpent. It is also known to be reptilian creatures. So for those of you who believe in human reptiles. There is something really strange with this corona virus. I have been reading in a few articles that could be connected to bats and this goes back to 2002. Now we see that in Australia there has recently been an invasion of bats. So what exactly and where exactly did the coronovirus begin is not the concern here however, it is something to think about because this is leaning to more questions like:
Is this part of Global Agenda 2021, 2030? Is this part of a mass genocide plan? Population reduction? There is alot, is there a bigger Agenda behind all this? Are we looking perhaps a change of Global Governments and how they behave? And the reason this comes to mind is because with all this discussions the rfid chips, I think this virus is being spread within hospitals. And because it is being spread within hospitals there is alot of gathering information.
(5:00) There is a lot of Governments regulations, and how are they going to be dealing with each individual ? With each family? Not only in the provincial level, but in the federal level, the Global level? As we all have our eyes to the WHO organization now that we are being told what to do, by this Global government, dictating us what to do and where to go and how to think? And now we are seeing also by the media. How to think , so here the world health organization is already saying where 'all countries communities, families, and individuals so to focus on preparing? And that is what they are telling us. There is nothing wrong with preparing, this IS something that we have heard of for many many years now.
(6:00) Now it is coming in a new scale and this could also come with huge regulations and a "climate change". It is going to bring a climate change as governments and countries are going to be either working together or not? Helping each other or not helping each other? People are going to be helping other people and so many many. So in my dream with the avalanche coming down is a symbol of the pandemic coming super fast. And when it comes it will come in such a way I believe more in a spiritual level and then it is going to move to a realm as:
How are we going to be deal with it as an individuals? Because this is all going to start as a speculation . It always starts as a speculation . And we all get sick as some point in our lives. But at times the sickness can look is something more or something less and that judgement call we are going to make by going to a doctor or visiting hospital?
(7:00)Will either change our lives for ever or will not? And so it is very important how we deal with an actual disease that could potentially not even be there and grow to become one. What do I mean by this? I am a witness to how dangerous being in hospital and how infectious diseases come from actually hospitals. So please be very aware that just because you are coughing or feel sick or you feel a little bit under the weather does not mean that you are part of the coronovirus.
Another thing is that we do not know what is going to be given to us during this process that we will be taking. We do not know, how our lives are going to change forever? For the worst or for the best?
(8:00) It could potentially look very threatening We must keep God in our hearts and to know that he is going to be the one helping us through this process. And so also, seeing the dragon at the end of this tunnel, Who are we going to choose?
It always starts voluntary? I have heard that people say, the mark of the beast will come voluntary thing. So we have to keep that in mind. So I hope you guys read the article I posted online I have posted the many videos from the actual media. Also one other thing the media is also saying , cbc, that Italy is taking this draconian measures of lockdowns. So be prepared that this happens in your own neighborhood and this is speaking in Canada.
(9:00) And another thing in California residents in Costa mesa have already gone through the court system preventing people from entering their area due to the fact it is in a residential area. And they want to be put this infectious people who already have the actual virus. In the Ukraine they went against the government. And the government behaved very violently towards these people. So the way the dialogue is being heard and implemented in different countries varies. But this could also come to a global measurements. Where the governments are going to deciding globally what is right and what is wrong and no longer locally.
So this is going to be very interesting how this is going unravel. How it is going to be affecting our future. So you guys all know i have written a book called 'what would yahweh elohim el shaddai yeshua Jesus Christ say? Triumphants. I talk about the 'crown of life', in the second book which is called 'Perfect Love'. Because the crown of life is the crown the God Almighty has given us to wear. For those of us who have earned it. And so this corona virus called corona means crown in spanish. So how are we going to be wearing this crown? How are we going to be walking around with it? Are we going to be taking the mark of the beast? Or are we going to have Jesus Christ in our hearts who protects us from all evil?
Italy U.S Ukraine Human Crisis Lockdown Corona Virus Feb 25 2020
#covid-19 #coronavirusoutbreak Veronica Davis Tuesday 02/25/2020 11:00 AM
This happened this week February 17- 25, 2020


United States

Is the World Prepared for a Pandemic of Corona virus? Are you prepared for your town and city to lockdown? What once was considered impossible is now a potential truth? Is it human instinct causing a fast reaction. Or will it be like an Avalanche falling? On Saturday I had a dream where I was running away from a huge avalanche that was falling in the middle of downtown? Already I was lost to begin with, but I managed to go the opposite direction of the avalanche. As I ran through a tunnel I was in fear of getting trapped underground. Finally I reached the end of the long tunnel. Then I saw a marble face of a dragon at the end of the tunnel which seemed to be part of a building? This to me is a warning perhaps to the world.
Coronavirus: World must prepare for pandemic, says WHO BBC News
This week the world is now slowly closing its doors to the external world. This is being done out of fear to prevent the corona virus from spreading from within.
Shortly before Italy made world wide headlines. Ukraine was on the map at the end of the week of February 17.
So the question here is, are quarantine centers being set up with the public in mind or with the victims in mind?
And While some towns are being selected for quarantine centers, this is leaving local citizens upset with the government decisions. They are rising up. This week two communities one in the Ukraine and the Other in California in the United States are thinking twice before they let anyone into their territory . But has this been a challenge for residents? Has the government co operated with its citizens? Or perhaps neither or nor?
Self Quarantine or city lockdowns around the World will be the new precautions. Iran has had 15 deaths in a short time frame.
If you are in Italy food stockpiling has already missed its mark. If you are in Canada, news of one day to prepare for City lockdowns could be a potential.
Italy's Lockdown
It is happening already in Italy? As Milan's Fashion Week was put to a halt after the Countries lock down. Watch footage on Globalnews. Some complained however, it was still shown online. So why was the Fashion Week put to a halt? It was not long ago, Feb 21 that there were three cases of the corona virus in Italy. Fast forward four days later, it grew to drastically. It was reported on February 25 that Fifty thousand are on lockdown after five deaths in the area and 270 cases. This means no one can leave without permission.

Israel's Lockdown
In the middle east, Israel is closing its doors to anyone coming from South Korea.
Coronavirus Outbreak: Italy Quarantines Northern towns as new cases jump by Frances 24
New Book out, 'What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ say ? Triumphants' by Veronica Davis
First the world reacted to the residents of a small Ukraine town that did not want the Chinese refugees arriving there. Now human behavior is questioning others? In the same way about how Quarantine Centers are being set up world wide. Are the Quarantine centers actual and virus proof?
This is what is making most residents nearby to fear for their safety and health. But the reaction from Governments has been ruthless as they are not creating an open dialogue with its local tax paying citizens.
The Government in the Ukraine did not back down, but rather brought in the Police to fight against anyone who resisted their decisions.

California Costa Mesa Orange County
On February 23, 2020 In Sacramento, it had locals thinking if the facility chosen for Quarantine meets the standards for this type of virus . Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa California was immediately stopped as one of the facilities for Quarantine. The residents immediately took action and Judge ordered for an immediate stop to bring 70 coronavirus new patients to a facility where nearby residents live. Begin by watching these two videos of the california residents speaking up here and
Overall this reminds me of a recently seen movie called 'City of Joy'. There was a small community of lepers that were more living away from the others. But in one seen, one Indian non leper woman said to her husband, 'If your heart is clean you can not get it'. This also reminds me of when Jesus Christ said to the Pharisees that being dirty did not come from the outside but rather from the inside. He was trying to teach them a lesson for the Pharisees hypocritical ways of teaching.
And this is what I have always believed, that Jesus Christ wants us to carry the Holy Spirit as a mantel or veil of protection not just from Evil but from diseases too.
At the beginning of the week, some claim seven thousand are already under self quarantined in the United States. See Lisa Haven's report.

Potential Pandemic
Focus to Prepare for a potential Pandemic. Those are the words being used in Canadian Media. We need to prepare for citywide or town lockdowns. News reporter says 'we the public need to be mentally prepared for this as well'
We do have to be critical of determining whether or not we are really sick or creating the sickness. Many will be led to the slaughter. Many are reporting, that the virus is spreading quicker at the hospitals. Also pay attention on the patterns and the past speculations and put all the pieces together. This is what I talk about in my latest book, ' What would Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai, Yeshua Jesus Christ say?'
Who's crown are you wearing?
We may be walking into the mouth of the dragon. Could the world be entering right into the mouth of dragon with the coronavirus. After the Corona of Life is only earned by Jesus Christ. What am I trying to say? That the signs are everywhere, to give up your own rights voluntarily out of fear. So now is the time to stop and think with the Holy Spirit as our guidance.