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Showing posts from March, 2020

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America's Navy Hospitals, Canadian Highway Check Points, American Prayer Warriors March 29-30 2020

March 29-30 2020 Prayer Warriors during Global Pandemic United States Hospital Navy Ships begin to arrive in L.A, Norfolk, New York City Florida Football Fields, and Miami Festival Tents used to treat Covid-19 patients Georgia Hospital Parking Lot becomes prayer battle field against invisible enemy Canada  Inter Province Check stops Mandatory 14 day Quarantine for all Ground Travelers PM of Canada's wife cleared after having covid- United States  Navy hospital ship arrives NY this morning, others 'Comfort' in Norfolk and 'Mercy' off Los Angeles coast — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 30, 2020 March 29, 2020 Everyone should go this around the world but Jesus Christ told us when we ask, we ask in secret — by veronica (@megatrndz) March 29, 2020 Canada God bless guys! Sophie Grégoire Trudeau given all clear from health officials after contracting cor...

Praying for 27, 198 deaths Worldwide Due to the Covid-19

Praying for 27, 198 deaths Worldwide Due to the Covid-19 3/27/2020 by Veronica Davis World Wide Pandemic Covid-19 Psalms 91 I do not mean to put it blunt but sometimes you have to  know what is happening. Its amazing the number of deaths that are being put in our faces worldwide digitally. Are we living a different era? We are at home away from our regular routines. We are loosing money but have we reflected on those that have been lost on Earth. And I have yet to see anyone pray over all the deaths that are occurring as I write this. The people we will never see, or talk to anymore, the people in sadness for loosing their lost ones. I know what it is like to loose a loved one. I wrote a book about it, and how I came closer to God Almighty. So in memory of all those who lost their lives to Covid-19,  I am offering it for free on amazon until March 31. So sit quietly at home and relax and read my Free eBook   until March 31 below: So it is important that w...

'What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ say ? Triumphants' Free e book Promotion

'What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ say ? Triumphants' Free e book Promotion  Historical Worldwide  Pandemic Covid-19 Stay at Home and Learn the Word of God book promotion. Learn about the Word of God,  author Veronica Davis delivers to you the special messages behind the sacred scriptures. She looks at the words meanings in Hebrew and in Greek. Read 'What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ say ? Triumphants',  in less than five days.' The eBook teaches you about details you may have never heard before.  In the next five days you will read it for FREE . Do not miss out on this opportunity to get close to Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Jesus Christ. If you do not know what those names represent than start reading its your time to get to know those names. Free Offer ends March 31, 2020  If you would like to Donate to support use this link 2.  Free Offer ends March 31, 2020 ...

Global Pandemic PM Trudeau addresses Canadians March 26 2020

March 26, 2020- President Trudeau wants to start the economy to become up and running by Easter. The United States had an increase of 603 new Covid-19 cases since yesterday. The United States is right now the third in highest cases worldwide and it has a total of 68,814 cases as of March 26, 2020 and a total of 1037 new deaths.Canada holds the  15th  spot worldwide, just yesterday it was at number 14th for a while. Last week Canada was at 20th. Canada total cases as of March 26, 2020 is 3,409 and total deaths, 36. In Canada, Canadian travelers coming on planes from abroad have been disobeying Governments and seen shopping for food instead of starting their Quarantine 14 days. In Canada the Federal Quarantine Act takes effect March 25, 2020 midnight. Mandatory and Penalties Mandatory to go into this 14 days penalties if you are disobeying the Maximum penanlty is  $750, 000 and or  six months in prison. Or Worse Up to a Million Dollars If you have done so...

March 26, 2020 Stock market volatility continues during Global Pandemic

#NYSE #StockMarket March 26 2020 Coronavirus outbreak: NYSE looks for third straight day of gains after stimulus plan passes LIVE: Stock market volatility continues after U.S. jobless claims shatte...

Pandemiaa Global en 196 Paises 3/26/2020

Salmos 91 Pandemiaa Global en 196 Paises 3/26/2020 Importante mensajes mundial. Una virus que ahora no tiene vacuna dice en el discurso desde España Marzo, 26 2020. #España Marzo 26 2020  Casos Total  1,211 Nuevo Casos   Muertes Total   29 Nueva Muetes  Recuperado Total   3  Casos Activo  Casos Criticos  #EstadodeAlarma #España #Coronavirus DIRECTO ESTADO DE ALARMA| Salvador Illa ante la Comisión de Sanidad #Ecuador Marzo 26 2020 Casos Total  56,188 Nuevo Casos  +6,673  Muertes Total    4,089 Nueva Muetes +442  Recuperado Total   7,015  Casos Activo  45,084 Casos Criticos  3,166

82 Billion Aid Package during Covid-19 Canadian Pandemic

Canada jumps one spot ranking  16th worldwide in Covd-19. By the end of the day it ranked top 14 COVID-19 update: Trudeau addresses Canadians | Special coverage Right now the Senate is reviewing the Bill and after 14 hours of delay the House will pass the  82 Billion dollar aid package in Canada. This is for  'distribution of equipment', 'that is why we have a standardized healthcare in this country' said Blain Higgs Premier of New Brunswick. Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hop Worldwide Global Pandemic Covid-19 3/25/2020 1:19 PM Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty Worldwide 454, 398 cases 20, 550 Deaths  113,  045 recovered 81,661 China 74,386 Italy 61,167 US 47,610 Spain 37,066 Germany 27,017 Iran 22,654 France 10,897 Switzerland 9,137 Korea, South 8,365 United Kingdom 6,438 Netherlands 5,588 Austria 4,937 Belgium 3,034 Norway 2,995 Portugal 2,792 Canada...

Emergency Legislation Passed March 24 2020 PM Trudeau

Emergency Legislation Passed March 24 2020 PM Trudeau 3/24/2020 10:30 AM According to Trudeau, Federal Assistance as announced last week is on its way. Passing the Bill today. All of us in Parliament must work together' says Trudeau today as he addresses the Canadians from Ottawa. One more flight from Moroco and Peru will leave today. Other places where Canadians will be picked up are Tanishia, Ukraine, Honduras, Ecuador, El Salvador and Spain.  How long will these emergency measurements take place Trudeau answered, 'We do not know yet'. Times are Avalanche Changing   What does Emergency readiness and Wartime mean? Today Toronto will be bringing in Military. In the United States Illinois, New York, and California have been setting up for several days. UK is in total Lockdown. Worldwide Covid-19 Pandemic Infected 396, 249  17, 252 deaths  103, 334 recovered 81,588 China 63,927 Italy 46,548 US 39,673 Spain 31,370 Germany 24,811 Ir...

Pestilence Times of Tribulations

Pestilence Times of Tribulations 3/23/2020 In 2013 a barefoot man appeared in Italy's square during Pope's Election saying: Coronavirus is only the beginning to one more greater  tribulations that Jesus had prophesied a Great tribulation before of his return. This is the message of Assisi, the city of Saint Francisco a Prophetic Message a vaccine against the coronavirus. Listen to this vaccine against the coronavirus it is the best vaccine it is the Word of God it  says Psalms 91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High (Elyon) will abide in the Shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD (Yahweh ) My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!" For it is he who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings, you may seek refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. You will not be afraid of the terror by night, and or of the arrow that flies by day...

Monday March 23, 2020 COVID-19 Trudeau addresses Canadians | Special coverage

Monday March 23, 2020 COVID-19 Trudeau addresses Canadians | Special coverage March 23 2020 Confirmed Cases and Deaths by Country, Territory, or Conveyance The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 193 countries and territories around the world and 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan). The day is reset after midnight GMT+0. Source Date March 22 and March 23 2020 March 22 2020 Country, Other Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Total Recovered Active Cases Serious, Critical Tot Cases/ 1M pop China 81,054 +46 3,261 +6 72,440 5,353 1,845 56 Italy 59,138 +5,560 5,476 +651 7,024 46,638 3,000 978 USA 33,546 +9,339 419 +117 178 32,949 795 101 Spain 28,768 +3,272 1,772 +391 2,575 24,421 1,785 615 Germany 24,873 +2,509 94 +10 266 24,513 23 297 Iran 21,638 +1,028 1,685 +129 7,913 12,040 258 France 16,018 +1,559 674 +112 2,200 13,144 1,746 245 S. Korea 8,89...