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82 Billion Aid Package during Covid-19 Canadian Pandemic

Canada jumps one spot ranking  16th worldwide in Covd-19. By the end of the day it ranked top 14

COVID-19 update: Trudeau addresses Canadians | Special coverage

Right now the Senate is reviewing the Bill and after 14 hours of delay the House will pass the  82 Billion dollar aid package in Canada. This is for  'distribution of equipment', 'that is why we have a standardized healthcare in this country' said Blain Higgs Premier of New Brunswick.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hop Worldwide Global Pandemic Covid-19 3/25/2020 1:19 PM

Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty
Worldwide 454, 398 cases 20, 550 Deaths  113,  045 recovered
81,661 China
74,386 Italy
61,167 US
47,610 Spain
37,066 Germany
27,017 Iran
22,654 France
10,897 Switzerland
9,137 Korea, South
8,365 United Kingdom
6,438 Netherlands
5,588 Austria
4,937 Belgium
3,034 Norway
2,995 Portugal
2,792 Canada

Elder Abuse Abandonment During Global Pandemic


God will judge one by what we do in this lifetime.

It is obvious we are in a Global Pandemic but Elder Abuse has always existed. It should not be ignored just because we are in a Pandemic. Countries like Italy and Spain, with highest numbers of Covid-19 victims had Doctors faced with life and death decisions over ventilators. The doctors have not been quiet over hospitals collapsing. And now this.

Dead Elders abandoned in Nursing Home found by the Spanish Military, March 24, 2020
Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles did not keep quiet when she claimed the army found abandoned and dead elders in a Nursing home. She claims that the law ill fall on those who do not comply. Strangely enough  By March 14, 2020 Spain  had declared of emergency and the Military had taken over and were checking up on the elder homes and disinfecting them. So what happened in between that time?

Hospital Doctors in Spain had been public about removing the ventilators from the elders.
Majority 87% of deaths in Spain are over the age of 70. Now Spain is using Ice rinks into morgues.

Spain 47, 610 infected 3,434 deaths 5,367 recovered as of March 25 2020 1:19 PM

March 23, 2020

March 20, 2020
Please do not pay attention to fact checker this is all true information it has been verified by many sources and even the government. The owner of this videos puts info:


Today my heart has been broken after listening to this audio, respirators are needed in Madrid, they are disconnecting people over 65, sedating them so that they die unworthily and giving the respirators to younger people. We need all the solidarity possible, that these respirators arrive in Madrid, I want to appeal to the Chinese government since it has reduced the pandemic or to any country, so that if it can send us these respirators and if not to our government to take their wages while This will last and buy respirators to prevent this genocide.

March 20, 2020 Day 15 Quarantine in Spain


Are Russia Earthquake a Target of NK Missile Drills?

March 25, 2020 2:28pm

Are the Russian Earthquake a Target of NK Missile Drills? The Russian earthquakes that have been occuring in the top twenty earthquakes around the world in the past 24 hours:

#1: M 7.4 East of Kuril Islands (Russia) - 16 hours ago
I felt this quake
Time (UTC): Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020 02:49
Hypocenter depth: 42.0 km
#2: M 5.2 East of Kuril Islands (Russia) - 1 hour 11 minutes ago
I felt this quake
Time (UTC): Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020 17:21
Hypocenter depth: 17.0 km
#6: M 4.7 East Of Kuril Islands (Russia) - 14 hours ago
I felt this quake
Time (UTC): Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020 04:03
Hypocenter depth: 60.0 km
#13: M 4.5 East Of Kuril Islands (Russia) - 10 hours ago
I felt this quake
Time (UTC): Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020 08:36
Hypocenter depth: 50.0 km
#14: M 4.5 210km SE of Severo-Kuril'sk, Russia - 11 hours ago
I felt this quake
Time (UTC): Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020 08:01
Hypocenter depth: 10.0 km
Local time at epicenter: 2020-03-25 19:01:17 +11:00
#19: M 4.3 East Of Kuril Islands (Russia) - 7 hours ago
I felt this quake
Time (UTC): Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020 11:13
Hypocenter depth: 50.0 km
#20: M 4.3 East Of Kuril Islands (Russia) - 9 hours ago
I felt this quake
Time (UTC): Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020 09:28
Hypocenter depth: 50.0 km

North Korea is not consered with Global Pandemic because it either is lying as it claimed it had none. It perhaps has been too busy practicing on how to press a dangerous button. In an article called 'North Korea doubles down on missile development, military exercises with global focus on coronavirus outbreak':

But for the first time since late February, North Korean soldiers conducting military drills and test firing short-range ballistic missiles over the weekend were shown not wearing face masks in state media photographs.

This is a tweet from the Globe and Mail, March 23 'North Korea doubles down on missile development, military exercises with global focus on coronavirus outbreak' (

Elderly found abandoned, dead in Spain nursing home