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Human Crisis Coronavirus Covid-19 March 4, 2022

Human Crisis Trend    Corona Virus    Greece Turkey Border Invasion

Worldwide Coronavirus Crisis 2020  Covid-19 Amazon Employee 

Veronica Davis 3/4/2020

95, 120 with Covid-19  3,254 dead March 4, 2020 3:23 PM   

80,270 Mainland China
5,621 South Korea
3,089 Italy 587 new cases and 28 new deaths in Italy
2,922 Iran
706 Others
331 Japan
285 France 73 new cases in France
262 Germany 59 new cases in Germany
222 Spain  63 new cases and 1 new death in Spain
153 US  2 new deaths and 30 new cases in the United States
33 Canada 3 new cases in Canada (British Columbia) [source] linked to Iran

Canada and United States media continues to  push alcohol sanitizers and washing hands for 20 seconds and avoiding touching face. As it spreads through touch and coughing and virus stays on surface of objects.

 In Los Angeles U.S they have declared a state of health emergency with 6 new cases. Seattle has become a Ghosttown because there has been 106 so far while Washington is ground zero with 27 cases confirmed. This brings a total of 39 cases in Washington with 12 new cases in Washington state 10 deaths.  Nursing homes are in lockdown and in the U.S they are not accepting anyone from Iran or China.On March 2, 2020  Dominican Republic report first case. March 3 2020 Chile reports first.  Now the wife of the first case has the virus . Today Italy has closed all schools until March 15. Meanwhile NYC disinfected trains and station everywhere. 


Third person has tested positive in New York. Man drops sick at NYC confirmed-It is really strange to see so many people around this man. Do they not know how dangerous the virus is. This shows how many people in NYC have no idea about Covid-19

An amazon employee at Seattle headquarters has tested positive for the virus. March 3, 2022 its interesting how the reporter says 'worked'. The reporters states that the covid-19 patient went to work last Tuesday which was Feb 25 , 2020. This raises more questions, once an employee has been infected with covid-19  and if recuperated how soon can they arrive back to work?

March 3 2020, In front of the military containment center where an Italian infected with covid-19 has arrived in the Dominican Republic and people do not want him there. In the video you will see how the people are rhyming chant saying how  they prefer to die from a shot from the government than from a virus.   It is unusure what country he is from but the report calls the infected person a 'tourist' . A day before, the first country's  case was tv broadcasted  calling the patient an Italian national. The 62 year old arrived from Italy February 22, 2020 without symptons but began to show signs  later on the 29th.
New York man drops while walking. Why
NYC disinfecting trains, stations, as coronovirus

Amazon employee at Seattle headquarters test
Coronavirus: Dominicans protest against the infected patient

In the United States they closed all flights from Iran and China. While in Canada, the Canadian Government is not concerned. While the numbers rise of Infected Canadians coming from Iran in the past two weeks.

On March 2 2020, David Menzies from Rebel News has stood at the Pearson airport to interview individuals coming from Iran who claim that there are no screening procedures to keep the public safe from this virus from spreading in Canada. And they will voluntarily quarantine themselves even though they have no symptoms? This is a public safety concern when  on March 1 2020 businesses were closed after a business class high rise building was disinfecting on 90 Eglington ave east a  heavily trafficked area.  In Richmond Hill area a woman coming from Iran. Traveling business class on Feb 25 2020  has been positive with Covid-19 along with her husband.

Coronavirus in Canada: Travelers from Iran report NO SCREENING at Toronto’s Pearson Airport

Global Pandemic will it spreak like an avalanche? I explain about my dream. Censorship Trend

Censorship Trend 2020 What is Laura Lynn's Silence while She Finds Things in Life?

Veronica Davis 3/3/2020

Do you know where your children are all the time?

Censorship has been the trend I have tried to avoid for many reasons. The first one lies with the truth, there are way too many victims. In an information age surge, exchanging information is our freedom. Jesus Christ told us there, to expose everything occult and hidden.  A few years ago, I was watching Laura Lynn at the 700 club Christian show. I often wondered where she went, why was she replaced from the show? Today I found out. Read More..

Cuban American Community for President Donald Trump 2020 Elections Mar 2 2020


President Donald Trump has the support of Cuban Miami Community.

Miami residents supporting the Presidency of Donald Trump rally Feb 29 2020. One woman wearing Make America Again hat said she will vote for President Trump Read More..

Ironically on the same day the Cuban Miami community was for President Donald Trump, at the U.S El Paso border something different was happening at the U.S Mexico border.

Will the Richmond Hill Toronto Public  or North York Region be infected? Mar 2 2020


Human Crisis Trend State of Emergency Trend Outbreak Trend   Agenda 21

It has been a question on everyone's mind? What about public transit? It is not just a concern about air flight? What about public bus transit? Read more..

Mysterious Flu and Hiv Like Mutation Mar 1, 2020


Something continues to be strange about the Why are Aids experts being selected to take on the Coronavirus situation in the United States? An article that came out in Hong Kong, in the South China Post, 'Coronavirus far more likely than Sars to bond to Human Cells due to HIV-like mutation, Scientist say. Mutated genes that did not exist in Sars but were similar to those found to HIV and Ebola'. Read More..

The Coronavirus Situation Febrary 28, 2020


A new secretive virus is also being reported yesterday. What is this new mysterious virus behind the coronavirus? Read More..