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March 21 2020 COVID-19 update: Trudeau addresses Canadians | Special coverage

March 21 2020

No Emergency Act declared yet

The World is Halted in Two Weeks

March 21 2020

Over 2,000 unknown Canadians stranded in Peru. Peru is currently in a lockdown. No one can leave. Right now there are over 900 Canadians together in Peru waiting for their flight's help from the Canadian Government. Global affairs says there are 4,300 Canadians in Peru. People in Peru stranded feel they have been left in the dark. Transparency has been limited and some did not know what they were in an State emergency.

First flight is leaving from Morocco per PM Trudeau this afternoon. Air Canada flight from Morocco arrives in Canada. Military has other flight from Peru will leave from Spain.

Borders around the world are closed and in a lockdown. 70 million in the US under lockdown. Martial Law, curfews implemented in some states in the United States, Latin American Countries and Europe. Alex Jones is calling it a World War 4 the third one was the Cold War. A restaurant store in California has been robbed during Lockdown. As of Infowars March 20 2020, 'National Guard setting up at FedExField, home of the NFL’s Washington Redskins in Landover, Maryland'. In France those ignoring lockdown have been given citation up to 39,000 as of today.
Involuntary Self- Isolation measurements were the first steps governments took worldwide without declaring National State of Emergencies were applied. Lockdowns are steps Governments taken after National State of Emergency. Stay at home, were measurements taken already sounding like Martial Law without declaring State of Emergency.

State of Emergency  March 21, 2020

State of Emergency are measurement taken worldwide to bring Military. Military assists Laws and rules to be enforced as a State of War. Army Vehicles were seen infront of Bergamo, Italy Cemetery  bringing coffins to crematoriums. Trunews reported Italy's Military on site watch CHOPPED FLUEY: TEAM TRUMP PINS CORONAVIRUS BLAME ON CHINA (2:50 March 19 2020) 

Today so far Canada remains in top 20 country with covid-19

Worldwide 287, 239 confirmed 11, 921 deaths 167 countries

81,304 China
47,021 Italy
25,374 Spain
21,652 Germany
20,610 Iran
19,931 US
12,483 France Lockdown as of Tuesday Mar 17,2020
8,799 Korea, South
6,113 Switzerland
4,014 United Kingdom

3,640 Netherlands
2,815 Belgium
2,814 Austria
2,030 Norway
1,763 Sweden
1,420 Denmark
1,280 Portugal
1,183 Malaysia
1,085 Canada  59 new in BC 348 cases total
1,071 Australia
1,007 Japan

Quarantine Laws

Canada Provincial Quarantine Act and Canada has a Federal Quarantine Act. Federal Quarantine Acts applies for International.   Quebec arrests a covid-19.

Hospital Bed Shortages
Italy where there was 50 now housing 120(source)

Shortage Masks News

LVMH orders 40 million masks from China for France Reuters•March 21, 2020
Amid shortage, Pence says millions of masks available 'now' for hospitals to buy
The CDC says bandanas could be used as a 'last resort."
Coronavirus: Deaconess asks public to sew CDC-compliant face masks for staff March 18, 2020
Mexico selling 7 dollars per Masks
Quebec Premier aware of Employees stealing Masks March 17, 2020 press conference
There Aren't Enough Medical Masks to Fight Coronavirus. Here's Why It's Not Going to Get Better Anytime Soon Feb 27, 2020