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April 29 2020 5:55 am Asteroid

Climate Chaos      Meteor Trend   Fireball Trend   Asteroid Trend     Mysterious Boom Trend Asteroids passing close by the Earth has been a trend for the past five years. Why? Because more than ever are passing pass by the Earth. So are we in danger? Some asteroids pass by and people are not aware of them until NASA writes about it. Asteroids pass over their anniversary date almost every year.  However if the Sacred Bible speaks of Asteroids then it is significant . An important trend one must keep  high on on our list of trends. So five asteroids will pass by today with three more passing tomorrow. The closest of the five asteroids passing is the Asteroid (2020 HJ6) 2020-Apr-29 01:00 ± < 00:01  . The most likely close approach distance from Earth center to NEO (Near Earth Object) center is 1.68 | 0.00432 1.68 | The lunar distance an au is 0.00432 16.51 16.47 26.7 12 m - 28 m. On May 1 five asteroids will pass ...

Dragon Slayed #kimjongun Kim Jong Un Dead

Ding Dong..Dragon Slayed Kim Jong Un Dead 4/25/2020 #kimjongun #KIMJONGUNDEAD Reported worldwide Hong Kong' foreign Minister, China's medical team and Japan. Did 36 year old Kim Jong Un die of Corona virus..heart failure? The hashtag says it all as it is trending on twitter. — by veronica (@megatrndz) April 25, 2020 It must of not been predicted but the Bible speaks of the Dragon, flying serpent and satan. Are we living in Biblical times when..? Probably one of the most hated men.. has kicked the bucket over a botched surgery. apparently Kim Jong un. has fallen off on the country side visits. Reports are not that sketchy..just as sketchy when another political communist dictator  disappeared for months Daniel Ortega and abandoned his country amidst the pandemic. We saw how Kim Jong Un mocking Christians when he stepped out of the sunset with pictures of him on a white horse. It was a strange enough or. A well orch...

Global Pandemic Trend Covid-19 4/24/2020

Human Crisis  Global Pandemic Trend 4/24/2020 The Covid-19 virus has been spreading like wild fire in some countries. A human crisis that seem to not go away. It does not matter whether or not it is a first world country like the United States or a third world country. The United States came in first with the most Covid-19 new cases +38,764. The second country is Ecuador +11,536. The Third Country with the biggest jump as of April 23, 2020 was Spain with an increase of  +6,740. According to the W orld Health Organization : Every year an estimated 290,000 to 650,000 people die in the world due to complications from seasonal influenza (flu) viruses. This figure corresponds to 795 to 1,781 deaths per day due to the seasonal flu. SARS (November 2002 to July 2003): was a coronavirus that originated from Beijing, China, spread to 29 countries, and resulted in 8,096 people infected with 774 deaths (fatality rate of 9.6%). Considering that SARS ended up infecting...

They are being called the resistants? Violating of Bill of Rights?

They are being called the resistants? Violating of Bill of Rights? 4/18/2020 Seven days ago I had a dream where there were rallies. But I saw it during the Holy weekend. In the name for Jesus Christ people got in their cars although it did not happen during the time I had the dream. It happened seven days later. During the American rallies people were saying that they wanted they right for religious rights. This is happening after there were arrests around the United States ordered by the Governors to arrest church congregates. Sounds like what happened two thousand years ago when the Roman Governor  arrested and then killed Jesus Christ. Just a couple of  days before the President of the United States  announced in many U.S States of the  to reopen the economy then  this happens. In a location where forty percent of the infected covid-19 has stepped outside their doors. Many people were arrested in Los Angeles. A secret guard unit is ready for M...

4/18/2020 Covid-19 Has Countries on Edge Spraying Disinfincting Solutions?

Whether it is a military plane or people spraying what they call disinfectant it has been happening. Strangely enough if you are in South America cars and  streets are being sprayed with disinfectant. In Columbia they have been receiving advice from South Korea a country that barely closed its Economy. But the mystery behind why people fully clothed are being sprayed in supermarkets. Or the mystery behind why people are spraying cars in the street is one to remember historically. In some countries people are sprayed outdoors in the streets around supermarkets with huge hydro looking trucks. In others countries you can not go into a grocery store unless you are being sprayed by the employees. A military plane has sprayed disinfectant over the Country Spain.  This report is found by zerohedge or 4/18/2020 Covid-19 2,328,600 Total cases  Confirmed Cases by Cou...

A Community Full of Hatred

4/13/2020 Yesterday I saw this disturbing video. I am wondering if people could help me with this problem that society is implying that it is ok to go after Christians. The Christian faith is based on love. So why are there videos supporting the gay agenda of mobsters going after one Christian. I flagged the youtube video because I feel that everyone has the right to practise their faith. Listen to the video where they state that the person with Christian faith was not just banned from the Parade but banned from the community. This does not make sense in a free society. So eventhough we are in a global pandemic allowing this video to surface online is still putting the Christian faith in fear or as if it is ok to mob a faithful believer of Christianity. Remember how Nero the Roman Emperor burnt them alive and held them as torches in the streets. Persecuting Christians is not new, it was already part of History. Christians need to speak up and have this video removed. Toront...

The Empty Sites Trend

4/13/2020 There is alot of filming and evidence that there are alot of sites of testing and hospitals that have no one there. Is the media hyping something that simply is not there. If you live near a testing site or a hospital please observe what is going on. You may be the only one paying attention to what is really going on out there.  The Lord God Almighty taught us to speak the truth and serve as the watchers. Observe and Share. On one occasion an American Mayor  last week went to a site where it appeared to be a testing site and people wearing all white uniforms. They took everything with them and refused to speak to the Mayor. They refuse to speak to the Mayor and took off in a truck.

Shalom a todos!

English         Espanol Shalom a todos! No se preocupe por la pandemia de Covid-19, el mundo se ha expandido en miles de millones incluso después de persecuciones históricas, guerras mundiales, hambrunas, desastres y plagas anteriores. ¡Sobreviviremos! De hecho, Dios Todopoderoso bendice aún más a las personas cuando creen en él. Pero no se trata solo de creer sino de perseguir la Palabra de Dios. Miles no leen las Escrituras. Dios nos enseñó, ¡qué bueno es eso! ¡Compre mi libro y descubra cómo he sido bendecido! Cómo solo la supervivencia de mi pueblo sefardí, incluso después de ser expulsado de Iberia (España), los hizo más fuertes y más grandes, naciones latinas en todo el mundo. Apoye a mi duro trabajo para aprender palabras hebreas y griegas de las Escrituras bíblicas. Simplemente gastando 5.55 y compre mi libro, 'Triunfantes'. ¡Descubre cómo encontré mis raíces judías sefardíes! ¡Hoy estoy ofreciendo el ...

Shalom Everyone April 11, 2020

Shalom everyone! Do not worry about the Covid-19 Pandemic, the world has actually expanded in the billions even after historical Persecutions, World wars, Famines, Disasters and previous plagues. We will survive it! In fact God Almighty blesses people even more when they believe in him. But it is not just about believing but in pursuing the Word of God. Thousands do not read the Scriptures. We were taught by God, he taught us with Authority, how great is that! Buy my book and find out how I have been blessed! How just the survival of my Sephardic people even after being expelled from Iberia (Spain) made them a stronger a bigger nations, Latino nations worldwide. Please support my hard work and learn Hebrew words and Greek words from Bible scriptures. Simply spending 5.55 and buy my book, 'Triumphants'. Find out how I found my Sephardic Jewish Roots! I am offering today the second book 'perfect love, on the last day' f...

5 people allowed in Winnipeg Groceries Global Pandemic April 11, 2020

Veronica Davis 4/11/2020 What a strange world we are living in? Now the close by small grocery store is having people wait outside in a line up permitting only five people at a time. I have not been to that store since months ago the young cashier was rude and did not serve me even though I was the only one in the store. I believe she was one of the store owners family members with little customer service. Food fare was a store that refused to close during a Holy Canadian Holiday. The family owned possibly Egyptian background may be the reason why they did not want to stay closed last year. The store owner may not be christian which is why he did not think a Christian Holiday is an actual holiday. This story became a national news as the store was fined for not following national holiday rules. Regardless, this small grocery store is now beginning to have the customers wait outside allowing only five at a time. But the cashiers seem to not wear masks or gloves. I think this is th...

Ley de Emergencias Canadiense Nunca Utilizada? 10 de abril de 2020

Ley de Emergencias Canadiense Nunca Utilizada? 10 de abril de 2020 4/10/2020 English Mientras la gente de todo el mundo está orando, ¿el primer ministro de Canadá usará el poder en lugar de las oraciones? ¿Trudeau sienta las bases el Viernes Santo? ¿Traerá efecto a largo plazo para los canadienses? ¿Será una decisión inteligente para Trudeau invocar una Ley de Emergencia nunca utilizada? Canadá sigue estando en la lista número 13 de la mayoría de los casos en todo el mundo. Canadá continúa aumentando sus casos. El Primer Ministro canadiense Justin Trudeau sobre la Ley de Emergencias: 'No es necesario ahora' El Presidente de Estados Unidos, Trump, Reza a Isaía   4/10/2020 El presidente Trump lee Isaías 60: 2 'Porque he aquí que la oscuridad cubrirá la Tierra y la oscuridad profunda de los pueblos; pero el Señor se levantará sobre ti y su gloria aparecerá sobre ti ' via @YouTube — by veronica (@megatrndz)...