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April 6, 2020 69,309 Total Deaths and 1,270,069 covid-19 infected Worldwide


UK PM Boris Johnson has only been PM for a few months and now he is receiving oxygen. PM of UK under intensive case at St.Thomas Hospital as his case is getting worst. He is on the tenth day with covid-19.  Yesterday he was fine, today he has deputized to the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Robb. Britain is in its third week in lockdown.

Today, CBC shows a report of Canadians rallying to support one another expressing thanks to front line workers.   People are seen out in the neighborhood singing. But the irony of this situation is that it contradicts other reports of getting tickets and fines for being outside.

Today  the United States has the most infected cases of  1362,759 US .

April 5, 2020 4:07 PM 69,309 Total Deaths and 1,270,069 covid-19 Infected Worldwide 259,810 recovered
April 6, 2020 1,331,032  Total Deaths and 73,917   covid-19 Infected Worldwide 275851 recovered

1362,759 US 
 135,032 Spain
 132,547 Italy 
 102,024 Germany 
 98,959 France
 82,665 China 
 60,500 Iran 
 52,274 United Kingdom 
 30,217 Turkey 
 21,657 Switzerland 
 20,814 Belgium 
 18,926 Netherlands 
 16,500 Canada 
 12,293 Austria 
 12,056 Brazil 
 11,730 Portugal 
 10,284 Korea, South 
 8,904 Israel 
 7,206 Sweden 
 6,343 Russia
5,797 Australia
5,763 Norway
5,364 Ireland
4,875 Denmark
4,815 Chile
4,778 India
4,735 Czechia
4,413 Poland
4,057 Romania
3,793 Malaysia
3,766 Pakistan
3,747 Ecuador
3,660 Philippines
3,654 Japan
2,843 Luxembourg
2,605 Saudi Arabia
2,561 Peru
2,491 Indonesia
2,220 Thailand
2,200 Serbia
2,176 Finland
2,143 Mexico
2,076 United Arab Emirates
1,988 Panama
1,832 Qatar
1,828 Dominican Republic
1,755 Greece
1,686 South Africa
1,579 Colombia
1,562 Iceland
1,554 Argentina
1,423 Algeria
1,375 Singapore
1,322 Egypt
1,319 Ukraine
1,222 Croatia
1,120 Morocco
1,108 Estonia
1,106 New Zealand
1,031 Iraq
1,021 Slovenia

965 Moldova
843 Lithuania
833 Armenia
756 Bahrain
744 Hungary
712 Diamond Princess
700 Belarus
674 Bosnia and Herzegovina
665 Kuwait
662 Kazakhstan
658 Cameroon
641 Azerbaijan
596 Tunisia
570 North Macedonia
549 Bulgaria
542 Latvia
541 Lebanon
534 Slovakia
525 Andorra
467 Costa Rica
465 Cyprus
457 Uzbekistan
406 Uruguay
377 Albania
373 Taiwan*
367 Afghanistan
350 Cuba
349 Jordan
345 Burkina Faso
331 Oman
323 Cote d'Ivoire
298 Honduras
266 San Marino
253 Niger
253 West Bank and Gaza
245 Vietnam
244 Mauritius
241 Malta
238 Nigeria
233 Montenegro
226 Senegal
216 Kyrgyzstan
214 Ghana
188 Georgia
183 Bolivia
178 Sri Lanka
161 Congo (Kinshasa)
159 Venezuela
158 Kenya
145 Kosovo
135 Brunei
123 Bangladesh
121 Guinea
114 Cambodia
113 Paraguay
105 Rwanda
105 Trinidad and Tobago
82 Madagascar
77 Liechtenstein
77 Monaco
70 Guatemala
69 El Salvador
59 Djibouti
58 Jamaica
56 Barbados
52 Togo
52 Uganda
47 Mali
45 Congo (Brazzaville)
44 Ethiopia
39 Zambia
31 Eritrea

29 Bahamas
29 Guyana
24 Gabon
24 Haiti
24 Tanzania
23 Benin
22 Burma
19 Maldives
19 Syria
18 Guinea-Bissau
18 Libya
16 Angola
16 Equatorial Guinea
16 Namibia
15 Antigua and Barbuda
15 Mongolia
14 Dominica
14 Fiji
14 Liberia
14 Saint Lucia
12 Grenada
12 Laos
12 Sudan
11 Seychelles
10 Eswatini
10 Mozambique
10 Saint Kitts and Nevis
10 Suriname
10 Zimbabwe
9 Chad
9 MS Zaandam
9 Nepal
8 Central African Republic
7 Belize
7 Cabo Verde
7 Holy See
7 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
7 Somalia
6 Botswana
6 Mauritania
6 Nicaragua
6 Sierra Leone
5 Bhutan
5 Malawi
4 Gambia
4 Sao Tome and Principe
4 Western Sahara
3 Burundi
2 Papua New Guinea
1 South Sudan
1 Timor-Leste


In Québec, to date, 8 580 confirmed cases of COVID‑19, including 121 deaths, have been reported.

Regions   Number of confirmed cases, on April 6, 1 p.m.

01 - Bas-Saint-Laurent  29
02 - Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean 93
03 - Capitale-Nationale 357
04 - Mauricie-et-Centre-du-Québec 549
05 - Estrie 548
06 - Montréal 3 977
07 - Outaouais 117
08 - Abitibi-Témiscamingue 101
09 - Côte-Nord 68
10 - Nord-du-Québec 2
11 - Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine 62
12 - Chaudière-Appalaches  158
13 - Laval 712
14 - Lanaudière  491
15 - Laurentides413
16 - Montérégie 894
17 - Nunavik 5
18 - Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James 4

Total 8 580

Status of cases in Ontario
4,347 Total cases 1,624 Resolved
132 Deaths 589 Hospitalized
216 In ICU 160 In ICU on a ventilator
78,796 Total tests
329 Currently under investigation
Numbers above were last updated on April 6, 2020, at 10:30 a.m.

April 5, 2020 69,309 Total Deaths and 1,270,069 covid-19 Infected Worldwide 259,810 recovered

335,524 US
131,646 Spain
128,948 Italy
100,024 Germany
93,759 France
82,602 China
58,226 Iran
48,436 United Kingdom
27,069 Turkey
21,100 Switzerland
19,691 Belgium
17,953 Netherlands
15,422 Canada
12,051 Austria
11,278 Portugal
11,130 Brazil
10,237 Korea, South
8,430 Israel
6,830 Sweden
5,687 Australia

5,687 Norway
5,389 Russia
4,994 Ireland
4,561 Denmark
4,543 Czechia
4,471 Chile
4,102 Poland
3,864 Romania
3,662 Malaysia
3,646 Ecuador
3,588 India
3,246 Philippines
3,157 Pakistan
3,139 Japan
2,804 Luxembourg
2,402 Saudi Arabia
2,281 Peru
2,273 Indonesia
2,169 Thailand
1,927 Finland
1,908 Serbia
1,890 Mexico
1,801 Panama
1,799 United Arab Emirates
1,745 Dominican Republic
1,735 Greece
1,655 South Africa
1,604 Qatar
1,486 Iceland
1,485 Colombia
1,451 Argentina
1,320 Algeria
1,309 Singapore
1,308 Ukraine
1,182 Croatia
1,173 Egypt
1,097 Estonia
1,039 New Zealand
1,021 Morocco
997 Slovenia
961 Iraq
864 Moldova
822 Armenia
811 Lithuania
733 Hungary
712 Diamond Princess
700 Bahrain
654 Bosnia and Herzegovina
650 Cameroon
584 Azerbaijan
584 Kazakhstan
574 Tunisia
562 Belarus
556 Kuwait
555 North Macedonia
533 Latvia
531 Bulgaria
527 Lebanon
501 Andorra
485 Slovakia
454 Costa Rica
446 Cyprus
400 Uruguay
363 Taiwan*
361 Albania
349 Afghanistan
345 Burkina Faso
345 Jordan
342 Uzbekistan
320 Cuba
298 Oman
268 Honduras
266 San Marino
261 Cote d'Ivoire
241 Vietnam
237 West Bank and Gaza
232 Nigeria
227 Malta
227 Mauritius
222 Senegal
214 Ghana
214 Montenegro
184 Niger
176 Sri Lanka
174 Georgia
159 Venezuela
157 Bolivia
154 Congo (Kinshasa)
147 Kyrgyzstan
145 Kosovo
142 Kenya
135 Brunei
121 Guinea
114 Cambodia
104 Paraguay
104 Rwanda
104 Trinidad and Tobago
88 Bangladesh
77 Liechtenstein
73 Monaco
72 Madagascar
62 El Salvador
61 Guatemala
59 Djibouti
56 Barbados
55 Jamaica
52 Uganda
45 Congo (Brazzaville)
45 Mali
44 Togo
43 Ethiopia
39 Zambia
29 Eritrea
28 Bahamas
24 Guyana
22 Benin
22 Tanzania
21 Burma
21 Gabon
21 Haiti
19 Maldives
19 Syria
18 Guinea-Bissau
18 Libya
16 Equatorial Guinea
16 Namibia
15 Antigua and Barbuda
14 Dominica
14 Mongolia
14 Saint Lucia
13 Liberia
12 Fiji
12 Grenada
12 Sudan
11 Laos
10 Angola
10 Mozambique
10 Saint Kitts and Nevis
10 Seychelles
10 Suriname
9 Chad
9 Eswatini
9 MS Zaandam
9 Nepal
9 Zimbabwe
8 Central African Republic
7 Cabo Verde
7 Holy See
7 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
7 Somalia
6 Botswana
6 Mauritania
6 Nicaragua
6 Sierra Leone
5 Belize
5 Bhutan
4 Gambia
4 Malawi
4 Western Sahara
3 Burundi
1 Papua New Guinea
1 South Sudan
1 Timor-Leste


Status of cases in Ontario April 5, 2020, at 10:30 a.m.
4,038 Total cases  1,449 Resolved  119 Deaths 523 Hospitalized 200 In ICU 154 In ICU on a ventilator 75,046 Total tests 981 Currently under investigation

In Québec, to date, 7 944 confirmed cases* of COVID‑19, including 94 deaths, have been reported.

Regions Number of confirmed cases, on April 5, 1 p.m.

01 - Bas-Saint-Laurent 27
02 - Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean 79
03 - Capitale-Nationale 345
04 - Mauricie-et-Centre-du-Québec 494
05 - Estrie 518
06 - Montréal 3 713
07 - Outaouais 109
08 - Abitibi-Témiscamingue 83
09 - Côte-Nord 58
10 - Nord-du-Québec 2
11 - Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine 54
12 - Chaudière-Appalaches  156
13 - Laval 640
14 - Lanaudière 446
15 - Laurentides 408
16 - Montérégie 806
17 - Nunavik 2
18 - Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James 4

Total 7 944