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#STAYHOME worldwide news megatrndz

1 Peter 2:13-   Psalms 91

#stayhome #yomequedoencasa

#stayhome covid-19 is a human crisis. Five year old children are getting the covid-19.  Do not disobey parents and authorities .

The United States maintains its spot to number one for having most cases worldwide. Canada is not in the top 13. China is now holding the sixth spot for having covid-19 as of April 4, 2020. 

Children face uncertainty over when they will be in school. Education worldwide will become at home as countries around the World are stating different returning dates in most place 'indefinitely'.

United States and Canada

People receiving emergency alerts on their homes to stay at home.

Miami, United States

Kids will not be going to school until December 2020 ...possibly. RECTA FINAL 1 por el Roeh Dr. Javier Palacios Celorio EN VIVO 7 PM

Last Minute Groceries

Countries worldwide are still trying to get their groceries places like Barbados and Ecuador do not follow social distance in supermarkets.

Noticias Ecuador:Noticiero 24 Horas 01/04/2020 (Primera Emisión)  y  Noticias Ecuador: Noticiero 24 Horas, 03/04/2020 (Emisión Estelar)

Five Years Old Infected with Covid-19

 Up to April 3 2020 in Ecuador over 45 children under 5 years of age have been contaminated with the virus. One five year old has died while the Father was prohibited from entering the Hospital. Watch Noticias Ecuador: Noticiero 24 Horas 01/04/2020 (Primera Emisión)

In the Uk another five year old has been in the hospital with the virus. The child was hallucinating and the mother took him to the hospital. He had told his mother that he will die. Singer Pink and her young child had the covid-19 two weeks ago, now they are cleared from having the virus. Pink has donated one million.


Like it was seen first in China in January, it was the seen in Ecuador, in Guayas 2388 cases infected as of Apr 3. Dead bodies were left in the streets. In China people were dropping dead on the spot. Watch April 3 video entitled, ' La triste realidad del coronavirus en Ecuador' by AmericaTV April 2 2020.. Just like in Italy, people were at home with their dead ones.   Watch video  "Coronavirus en Ecuador: "La Italia de América Latina"  by La Nacion April 2 2020 

click to enlarge Ecuador map Ap 3 2020 Noticias Ecuador: Noticiero 24 Horas, 03/04/2020 (Emisión Estelar) by teleamazonas ecuador


Columbia will get aid from South Korea. South Korea has not shut down totally its economy and has been able to contain the virus. Two native mothers living with 65 native children were kicked out of their rooming house on April 3, 2020. Speaking in their native language they said that the night dropped 11 not before the Red Cross picked them out of the street. 

A message to the kids and youth stay at home during coronavirus Global Pandemic.

Total Worldwide Covid-19 cases 1,197,405  total deaths 64,606  total recovered  246,152 as of April 4, 2020

308,850 US
126,168 Spain
124,632 Italy
96,092 Germany
90,848 France
82,543 China
55,743 Iran
42,477 United Kingdom
23,934 Turkey
20,505 Switzerland
18,431 Belgium
16,727 Netherlands
12,978 Canada
11,781 Austria
10,524 Portugal
10,360 Brazil
10,156 Korea, South
7,851 Israel
6,443 Sweden
5,550 Australia
5,550 Norway
4,731 Russia
4,604 Ireland
4,472 Czechia
4,269 Denmark
4,161 Chile
3,627 Poland
3,613 Romania
3,483 Malaysia
3,465 Ecuador
3,139 Japan
3,094 Philippines
3,082 India
2,818 Pakistan
2,729 Luxembourg
2,179 Saudi Arabia
2,092 Indonesia
2,067 Thailand
1,882 Finland
1,746 Peru
1,688 Mexico
1,673 Greece
1,673 Panama
1,624 Serbia
1,585 South Africa
1,505 United Arab Emirates
1,488 Dominican Republic
1,451 Argentina
1,417 Iceland
1,406 Colombia
1,325 Qatar
1,251 Algeria
1,225 Ukraine
1,189 Singapore
1,126 Croatia
1,070 Egypt
1,039 Estonia
977 Slovenia
950 New Zealand
919 Morocco
878 Iraq
771 Lithuania
770 Armenia
752 Moldova
712 Diamond Princess
688 Bahrain
678 Hungary
624 Bosnia and Herzegovina
555 Cameroon
553 Tunisia
531 Kazakhstan
521 Azerbaijan
520 Lebanon
509 Latvia
503 Bulgaria
483 North Macedonia
479 Kuwait
471 Slovakia
466 Andorra
440 Belarus
435 Costa Rica
426 Cyprus
400 Uruguay
355 Taiwan*
333 Albania
323 Jordan
318 Burkina Faso
299 Afghanistan
288 Cuba
277 Oman
266 Uzbekistan
264 Honduras
259 San Marino
245 Cote d'Ivoire
240 Vietnam
219 Senegal
217 West Bank and Gaza
214 Nigeria
213 Malta
205 Ghana
201 Montenegro
196 Mauritius
166 Sri Lanka
162 Georgia
155 Venezuela
154 Congo (Kinshasa)
144 Kyrgyzstan
144 Niger
139 Bolivia
135 Brunei
135 Kosovo
126 Kenya
114 Cambodia
111 Guinea
103 Trinidad and Tobago
102 Rwanda
96 Paraguay
77 Liechtenstein
70 Bangladesh
70 Madagascar
66 Monaco
61 Guatemala
56 El Salvador
53 Jamaica
52 Barbados
50 Djibouti
48 Uganda
41 Mali
41 Togo
39 Zambia
38 Ethiopia
29 Eritrea
28 Bahamas
23 Guyana
22 Congo (Brazzaville)
21 Burma
21 Gabon
20 Haiti
20 Tanzania
19 Maldives
18 Guinea-Bissau
18 Libya
16 Benin
16 Equatorial Guinea
16 Syria
15 Antigua and Barbuda
14 Dominica
14 Mongolia
14 Namibia
14 Saint Lucia
12 Fiji
12 Grenada
10 Angola
10 Laos
10 Liberia
10 Mozambique
10 Seychelles
10 Sudan
10 Suriname
9 Chad
9 Eswatini
9 MS Zaandam
9 Nepal
9 Saint Kitts and Nevis
9 Zimbabwe
8 Central African Republic
7 Cabo Verde
7 Holy See
7 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
7 Somalia
6 Mauritania
5 Bhutan
5 Nicaragua
4 Belize
4 Botswana
4 Gambia
4 Malawi
4 Sierra Leone
3 Burundi
1 Papua New Guinea
1 Timor-Leste