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They are being called the resistants? Violating of Bill of Rights?

They are being called the resistants? Violating of Bill of Rights?


Seven days ago I had a dream where there were rallies. But I saw it during the Holy weekend. In the name for Jesus Christ people got in their cars although it did not happen during the time I had the dream. It happened seven days later. During the American rallies people were saying that they wanted they right for religious rights. This is happening after there were arrests around the United States ordered by the Governors to arrest church congregates. Sounds like what happened two thousand years ago when the Roman Governor  arrested and then killed Jesus Christ.

Just a couple of  days before the President of the United States  announced in many U.S States of the  to reopen the economy then  this happens. In a location where forty percent of the infected covid-19 has stepped outside their doors. Many people were arrested in Los Angeles. A secret guard unit is ready for Martial Law in Washington Dc.  Yesterday Minnesota people want freedom and liberty. Rallies has been happening around the United States. Three days ago Michigan, Texas and North Carolina has been outside wanting to go to work. Yesterday in Texas a woman at a car rally got a warning by police for honking her car. People have been arrested for sitting and staring at the sun at beaches.

Italy has slowly re opened a few days ago their economy.

Residentes de Los Angeles se resisten a quedarse en casa

Mas de 20 estados de EE.UU buscan poner fin a la cuarentena

Protesters rally against stay-at-home orders

Italia comienza a reabrir negocios tras restricciones por el Covid-19

Large Group Protests Stay-at-Home Order outside Governor's Mansion

Armed protesters demand an end to Michigans's coronavirus lockdown orders

4/18/2020 Covid-19 2,328,600 Total cases 

Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty

734,969 US

194,416 Spain

175,925 Italy

152,978 France

143,724 Germany

115,314 United Kingdom

83,804 China

82,329 Turkey

80,868 Iran

37,183 Belgium

36,793 Russia

36,760 Brazil

34,386 Canada