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NWO Satanic Agenda May 2 2020

And knowing their thoughts, Jesus said:

Any Kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.

If Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?
If I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out for this reason they will be your judges.

But if I cast down demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.
Or how can anyone  enter the strong's man house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder  his house.

Gospel of Saint Matthew 12:27-

Original Word: ἐρημόω
 to desolate
 Verb 5 x
Matthew 12:25 Luke 11:17 Revelation 17:16  18:17  18:19
 I make desolate, bring to desolation, destroy, waste, (b) of a person: I strip, rob.

Who is Marina ? How does the New World Order NWO use other figures to push their Agenda? How is Microsoft using Marina as their front image for their Agenda? The  Satanic Agenda is not quietly being pushed in your face during the end times.

Leo Zagami joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the signs pointing to the fact that humanity is facing the end times.

Vatican Expert: The End Times Have Begun

Part 3 of 3- COVID - LOCKDOWN - GLOBAL BANKRUPTCY - the PLAN 6,001 views This video is published by NEW on May 2, 2020

May 2 2020

Total Confirmed
Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty

1,130,115 US
216,582 Spain
209,328 Italy
183,500 United Kingdom
168,518 France
164,967 Germany
124,375 Turkey
124,054 Russia
96,559 Brazil
96,448 Iran
83,959 China
57,926 Canada
49,517 Belgium
42,534 Peru
40,434 Netherlands
39,699 India
29,817 Switzerland
27,464 Ecuador
25,459 Saudi Arabia
25,190 Portugal
22,082 Sweden
21,176 Ireland
20,739 Mexico
19,022 Pakistan
18,435 Chile
17,548 Singapore
16,185 Israel
15,828 Belarus
15,558 Austria
14,872 Qatar
14,305 Japan
13,599 United Arab Emirates
13,375 Poland
12,732 Romania
11,411 Ukraine
10,843 Indonesia
10,780 Korea, South
9,605 Denmark
9,362 Serbia
8,928 Philippines
8,790 Bangladesh
7,809 Norway
7,755 Czechia
7,578 Dominican Republic
7,285 Colombia
6,782 Australia
6,720 Panama
6,336 South Africa
6,193 Egypt
6,176 Malaysia
5,176 Finland
4,729 Morocco
4,619 Kuwait
4,532 Argentina
4,295 Algeria
4,052 Moldova
3,857 Kazakhstan
3,812 Luxembourg
3,284 Bahrain
2,966 Thailand
2,942 Hungary
2,620 Greece
2,483 Oman
2,469 Afghanistan
2,388 Nigeria
2,273 Armenia
2,219 Iraq
2,169 Ghana
2,118 Uzbekistan
2,088 Croatia
2,077 Cameroon
1,894 Azerbaijan
1,839 Bosnia and Herzegovina
1,798 Iceland
1,699 Estonia
1,611 Cuba
1,594 Bulgaria
1,586 Guinea
1,506 North Macedonia
1,485 New Zealand
1,439 Slovenia
1,407 Slovakia
1,406 Lithuania
1,362 Cote d'Ivoire
1,229 Bolivia
1,115 Senegal
1,112 Djibouti
1,009 Tunisia
899 Honduras
871 Latvia
864 Cyprus
823 Kosovo
789 Albania
769 Kyrgyzstan
747 Andorra
736 Niger
733 Costa Rica
733 Lebanon
712 Diamond Princess
702 Sri Lanka
671 Somalia
652 Burkina Faso
652 Uruguay
644 Guatemala
604 Congo (Kinshasa)
592 Sudan
582 Georgia
580 San Marino
544 Mali
519 Maldives
480 Tanzania
468 Malta
460 Jordan
446 El Salvador
435 Kenya
432 Jamaica
432 Taiwan*
353 West Bank and Gaza
345 Venezuela
335 Gabon
333 Paraguay
332 Mauritius
322 Montenegro
315 Equatorial Guinea
270 Vietnam
257 Guinea-Bissau
255 Rwanda
229 Congo (Brazzaville)
155 Sierra Leone
154 Liberia
152 Cabo Verde
151 Burma
138 Brunei
135 Madagascar
133 Ethiopia
123 Togo
122 Cambodia
119 Zambia
117 Chad
116 Trinidad and Tobago
108 Eswatini
95 Monaco
90 Benin
88 Uganda
85 Haiti
82 Bahamas
82 Guyana
82 Liechtenstein
81 Barbados
79 Mozambique
76 Tajikistan
72 Central African Republic
63 Libya
59 Nepal
45 South Sudan
44 Syria
39 Eritrea
39 Mongolia
38 Malawi
35 Angola
34 Zimbabwe
25 Antigua and Barbuda
24 Timor-Leste
23 Botswana
21 Grenada
19 Laos
18 Belize
18 Fiji
17 Gambia
17 Saint Lucia
16 Dominica
16 Namibia
16 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
16 Sao Tome and Principe
15 Burundi
15 Saint Kitts and Nevis
14 Nicaragua
11 Holy See
11 Seychelles
10 Suriname
10 Yemen
9 MS Zaandam
8 Mauritania
8 Papua New Guinea
7 Bhutan
6 Western Sahara
3 Comoros

Saturday May 2 2020 Total Deaths 243,524

28,710 deaths  Italy
28,131 deaths   United Kingdom
25,100 deaths   Spain
24,729 deaths   France
18,491 deaths New York City New York US
7,765 deaths   Belgium
6,812 deaths   Germany
6,750 deaths   Brazil
6,156 deaths   Iran
4,987 deaths   Netherlands
4,512 deaths  Hubei China
3,336 deaths  Turkey
2,669 deaths   Sweden
2,136 deaths  Quebec Canada
1,972 deaths   Mexico
1,884 deaths
Wayne Michigan US 1,762 deaths
 Switzerland 1,745 deaths
Nassau New York US 1,743 deaths
Cook Illinois US
1,371 deaths   Ecuador
1,323 deaths   India
1,292 deaths  Ontario Canada
1,286 deaths   Ireland
1,265 deaths Essex New Jersey US
1,227 deaths Suffolk New York US
1,222 deaths   Russia
1,209 deaths Los Angeles California US
1,202 deaths Bergen New Jersey US
1,200 deaths   Peru
1,067 deaths Westchester New York US
1,023 deaths   Portugal
885 deaths Middlesex Massachusetts US
865 deaths Fairfield Connecticut US
834 deaths Hudson New Jersey US
831 deaths   Indonesia
771 deaths   Romania
745 deaths Oakland Michigan US
741 deaths Hartford Connecticut US
731 deaths Union New Jersey US
664 deaths   Poland
638 deaths Philadelphia Pennsylvania US
625 deaths Macomb Michigan US
624 deaths Passaic New Jersey US
618 deaths Middlesex New Jersey US
603 deaths   Philippines
596 deaths   Austria
565 deaths New Haven Connecticut US
550 deaths
Suffolk Massachusetts US
522 deaths Norfolk Massachusetts US
519 deaths Rockland New York US
475 deaths   Denmark
460 deaths Essex Massachusetts US
459 deaths   Algeria
457 deaths King Washington US
455 deaths   Japan
440 deaths Morris New Jersey US
439 deaths Orleans Louisiana US
437 deaths   Pakistan
426 deaths Ocean New Jersey US
415 deaths   Egypt
381 deaths Hampden Massachusetts US
372 deaths Monmouth New Jersey US
369 deaths Jefferson Louisiana US
369 deaths Montgomery Pennsylvania US
367 deaths Miami-Dade Florida US
357 deaths Marion Indiana US
335 deaths   Hungary
329 deaths Orange New York US
326 deaths   Dominican Republic
324 deaths   Colombia
301 deaths Plymouth Massachusetts US
296 deaths Unassigned Rhode Island US
289 deaths Somerset New Jersey US
282 deaths Montgomery Maryland US
279 deaths   Ukraine
278 deaths Worcester Massachusetts US
269 deaths Prince George's Maryland US
266 deaths Erie New York US
259 deaths Hennepin Minnesota US
255 deaths Delaware Pennsylvania US
252 deaths Mercer New Jersey US
250 deaths   Korea, South
247 deaths   Chile
245 deaths  Czechia
240 deaths District of Columbia District of Columbia US
237 deaths Bucks Pennsylvania US
229 deaths   Argentina
229 deaths   Israel
220 deaths  Finland
215 deaths Clark Nevada US
211 deaths Norway
204 deaths Broward Florida US
196 deaths Genesee Michigan US
195 deaths Palm Beach Florida US
192 deaths


191 deaths Milwaukee Wisconsin US

189 deaths Serbia

188 deaths DuPage Illinois US

182 deaths Bristol Massachusetts US

177 deaths St. Louis Missouri US

176 deaths   Saudi Arabia

175 deaths   Bangladesh

173 deaths  Morocco

173 deaths Lancaster Pennsylvania US

164 deaths Denver Colorado US

164 deaths Will Illinois US

161 deaths Camden New Jersey US

156 deaths Riverside California US

153 deaths Arapahoe Colorado US

153 deaths Fairfax Virginia US

148 deaths East Baton Rouge Louisiana US

147 deaths Maricopa Arizona US

146 deaths Burlington New Jersey US

143 deaths  Greece

141 deaths Lake Illinois US

139 deaths Baltimore Maryland US

134 deaths San Diego California US

129 deaths Harris Texas US

126 deaths Baltimore City Maryland US

124 deaths   Moldova

124 deaths Dougherty Georgia US

123 deaths   South Africa

122 deaths Fulton Georgia US

121 deaths Monroe New York US

119 deaths United Arab Emirates

119 deaths Lucas Ohio US

118 deaths Berks Pennsylvania US

117 deaths Chester Pennsylvania US

115 deaths Cuyahoga Ohio US

114 deaths British Columbia Canada

114 deaths Santa Clara California US

114 deaths St. Tammany Louisiana US

114 deaths Sussex New Jersey US

113 deaths Caddo Louisiana US

109 deaths Snohomish Washington US
106 deaths Dallas Texas US
104 deaths Henrico Virginia US
103 deaths   Malaysia
102 deaths Allegheny Pennsylvania US
100 deaths Weld Colorado US
97 deaths   Belarus
97 deaths Luzerne Pennsylvania US
96 deaths Cobb Georgia US
95 deaths   Iraq
95 deaths Lake Indiana US
95 deaths  Puerto Rico US
94 deaths  Alberta Canada
94 deaths  Slovenia
94 deaths San Bernardino California US
94 deaths Anne Arundel Maryland US
94 deaths Northampton Pennsylvania US
93 deaths Jefferson Kentucky US
92 deaths   Luxembourg
91 deaths Middlesex Connecticut US
89 deaths Litchfield Connecticut US
85 deaths   Nigeria
85 deaths Unassigned Maryland US

84 deaths Warren New Jersey US

83 deaths Lackawanna Pennsylvania US

83 deaths Lehigh Pennsylvania US

82 deaths   North Macedonia

82 deaths Mahoning Ohio US

81 deaths Pima Arizona US

81 deaths Jefferson Colorado US

78 deaths Franklin Ohio US

78 deaths Hamilton Ohio US

77 deaths  Croatia

76 deaths New Castle Delaware US

75 deaths   Honduras

74 deaths El Paso Colorado US

72 deaths Afghanistan

72 deaths  Bosnia and Herzegovina

72 deaths   Bulgaria

71 deaths St. John the Baptist Louisiana US

70 deaths Washtenaw Michigan US

69 deaths Johnson Indiana US

69 deaths Tarrant Texas US

68 deaths Adams Colorado US

68 deaths Hamilton Indiana US

68 deaths Beaver Pennsylvania US

66 deaths  Bolivia

66 deaths   Cuba

66 deaths Saginaw Michigan US

65 deaths St. Louis City Missouri US

64 deaths Cameroon

63 deaths Alameda California US

63 deaths Sussex Delaware US

61 deaths Mobile Alabama US

59 deaths Manatee Florida US
59 deaths Frederick Maryland US
58 deaths Gwinnett Georgia US
57 deaths Summit Ohio US
55 deaths Wyandotte Kansas US
55 deaths Monroe Pennsylvania US
55 deaths Shelby Tennessee US
54 deaths  Thailand
54 deaths Kane Illinois US
53 deaths   Estonia
52 deaths Orange California US
52 deaths DeKalb Georgia US
52 deaths Allen Indiana US
52 deaths Madison Indiana US
52 deaths Lafourche Louisiana US
52 deaths Stark Ohio US
51 deaths San Mateo California US
51 deaths San Juan New Mexico US
51 deaths Travis Texas US
50 deaths Gloucester New Jersey US
50 deaths Pierce Washington US
49 deaths Mecklenburg North Carolina US
48 deaths Jefferson Alabama US
48 deaths Atlantic New Jersey US
48 deaths Bexar Texas US
47 deaths Sarasota Florida US
47 deaths Linn Iowa US
47 deaths Charles Maryland US
47 deaths Yakima Washington US
46 deaths   Lithuania
46 deaths Carroll Maryland US
46 deaths Multnomah Oregon US
46 deaths Arlington Virginia US
45 deaths Barnstable Massachusetts US
44 deaths   Andorra
44 deaths   Burkina Faso
44 deaths Coconino Arizona US
44 deaths St. Landry Louisiana US
44 deaths Albany New York US
43 deaths New London Connecticut US
43 deaths Unassigned Louisiana US
43 deaths Lubbock Texas US
43 deaths Benton Washington US
42 deaths  New South Wales Australia
42 deaths   Tunisia
42 deaths Sacramento California US
42 deaths Boulder Colorado US
42 deaths Lee Florida US
42 deaths Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) Michigan US
41 deaths San Marino
41 deaths   Sudan
41 deaths  Channel Islands United Kingdom
41 deaths Pinellas Florida US
41 deaths Hendricks Indiana US
41 deaths Johnson Kansas US
41 deaths Portage Ohio US
40 deaths Tulare California US
40 deaths Ascension Louisiana US
39 deaths Tolland Connecticut US
39 deaths St. Charles Louisiana US
39 deaths Greenville South Carolina US
38 deaths McHenry Illinois US