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Eclipse Trend: Israel June 5 2020

 Celestial Trend       Blood Moon Trend      Deception Trend   Pole Shift Trend      Laser Technology Trend   Direct Energy Weapon Trend   Emp Attack Trend      Chemtrail trend  Weather Warfare  Trend  Weather Manipulation Trend

Lunar Eclipse Trend: Israel June 5 2020

Psalms 83:4  Jr 49: 34 

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Friday Day 10 Worldwide Civil Unrest
June 5 2020 Penumbra  Lunar Eclipse 13  in the   3rd Hebrew month see link
Next Eclipse in 15 days June 21 2020  see link Annual Solar
Next Eclipse in 30 days July 4-5 2020 see external link

-What kind of  judgment will the June 5 2020 eclipse bring? The second lunar eclipse will be from 20:45 to 00.05. On the night of June 5, the Moon will pass from the penumbra (Earth's semi-shadow). What are some highlights happening worldwide that could bring judgment to the following nations?

-Israel PM tells his people he will not break in Israeli homes to chip kids?

-Pakistan and India Locust Invasion Trend worst in 27 years predicting for Monsoon June 2020 coming from southeast Iran, southwest Pakistan and the Horn of Africa

- President of United States Donald Trump ends ties with United Health Organization

-United States and China tension increasing

-Jared Kushner and First Prime Minister of  Israel discussing Samaria and Judea , West Bank annexation

- Anniversary of Six day war Arab–Israeli War, or Third Arab–Israeli War, Jun. 5, 1967 – Jun. 10, 1967 Jerusalem is recaptured

June 5 2020 Israel Eclipse

Psalms 83:4  Jr 49: 34 

Psalms 83:4

Jr 49: 34  Today there are lots of tension between the United States and Iran. What was then Persia, What was then Elam

RECTA FINAL 6: "EL ECLIPSE DE ISRAEL por el Roeh Dr. Javier Palacios Ce...


Only 2 major quakes within five hours during Eclipse passing through the ring of fire. Actual time Saturday June 6 2020, 02:11:56 UTC

Friday June 5 2020, 22:44:42 UTC 3 hours ago 3 km NW of Kitahiroshima, Japan 4.3 144.9

Friday June 5 2020, 21:27:10 UTC 4 hours ago 225 km ESE of Mil’kovo, Russia 4.9 mag  35.0 km depth

Friday June 5 2020, 21:22:04 UTC 5 hours ago 682 km N of Santa Cruz da Graciosa, Portugal 4.7 10.0

Only 2 major earthquakes between  Friday June 5 2020, 21:06:51 UTC to  Saturday June 6 2020, 02:10:26 UTC

The stratovolcano 1117 m / 3,665 ft located on Kyushu, Japan, 31.59°N / 130.66°E has been currently erupting (4 out of 5). Last time it was erupting was 1955. ( According to volcano discovery:

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Tokyo (VAAC) issued the following June 5 2020 report:
See link 
FVFE01 at 14:30 UTC, 05/06/20 from RJTD
DTG: 20200605/1430Z
PSN: N3136 E13039
ADVISORY NR: 2020/527
OBS VA DTG: 05/1410Z

Also posted

The activity of the volcano continues at moderate to high levels. Another powerful explosion occurred this night at 03:00 local time that generated a dense dark ash plume, which reached approx. 9,000 ft (2,743 m) altitude and drifted E.
Incandescent material is ejected above the crater that caused avalanches of material and glow over the summit.

The warning bulletin states that ballistic impacts of volcanic bombs and pyroclastic flows could affect an area of about 2 km distance from the main crater.

Just yesterday a major Indonesia 6.4 - 6.7 earthquakes occurred :

Time Mag. / Depth Location Map Source
Thu, 4 Jun 2020
Thu, 4 Jun 08:49 UTC M 6.4 / 112 km - [info] Indonesia Halmahera, Indonesia

Date & time: Thursday, 4 June 2020 08:49 UTC
Magnitude: 6.4
Depth: 112.0 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude: 2.93°N / 128.28°E  (Indonesia)
Nearest volcano: Tarakan (135 km)
Primary data source: GFZ
Estimated released energy: 2.5*10^14 J (69.8 GWh / 60036 tons of TNT / 3.8 atomic bombs equivalent) [learn more]

Blind Gatherings Peaceful Protest an Oxymoron 

Tuesday 6/2/2020

Read more:

Tuesday Day 7 June 2 of Chaos Anarchy and Violence Trend    Bling Gathering Trend        Curfew Trends

What is an anarchist? George Floyd demonstration, peaceful protest to violence and chaos, destruction to terrorism. George Floyd a porn-star and security guard may have died a week ago but remembering what he stood for is shrouded in mystery and chaos.

Total Confirmed
Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty

1,897,239 US
614,941 Brazil
449,256 Russia
284,734 United Kingdom
240,978 Spain
236,184 India
234,531 Italy
190,180 France
187,400 Peru
184,924 Germany
168,340 Turkey
167,156 Iran
122,499 Chile
110,026 Mexico
95,947 Canada
95,748 Saudi Arabia
89,249 Pakistan
84,174 China
65,495 Qatar
60,391 Bangladesh
58,907 Belgium
47,358 Netherlands
46,868 Belarus
43,434 South Africa
42,939 Sweden
41,575 Ecuador
37,642 United Arab Emirates
37,183 Singapore
35,240 Colombia
33,969 Portugal
31,115 Egypt
30,936 Switzerland
30,644 Kuwait
29,521 Indonesia
26,542 Ukraine
25,410 Poland
25,163 Ireland
21,037 Argentina
20,626 Philippines
20,103 Romania
18,969 Afghanistan
18,708 Dominican Republic
17,562 Israel
16,958 Japan
16,843 Austria
15,463 Panama
15,086 Oman
13,835 Bahrain
12,312 Kazakhstan
12,245 Bolivia
12,075 Denmark
11,844 Nigeria
11,817 Armenia
11,668 Korea, South
11,667 Serbia
9,935 Algeria
9,846 Iraq
9,529 Czechia
9,247 Moldova
9,168 Ghana
8,522 Norway
8,266 Malaysia
8,071 Morocco
7,392 Cameroon
7,251 Australia
6,941 Finland
6,860 Azerbaijan
6,485 Guatemala
5,880 Honduras
5,865 Sudan
4,370 Tajikistan
4,155 Senegal
4,123 Djibouti
4,060 Guinea
4,032 Luxembourg
4,007 Uzbekistan
3,970 Hungary
3,764 Congo (Kinshasa)
3,431 Cote d'Ivoire
3,102 Thailand
3,101 Gabon
2,967 Greece
2,912 Nepal
2,849 El Salvador
2,790 North Macedonia
2,740 Haiti
2,627 Bulgaria
2,606 Bosnia and Herzegovina
2,474 Kenya
2,247 Croatia
2,204 Somalia
2,145 Venezuela
2,133 Cuba
1,936 Kyrgyzstan
1,910 Estonia
1,883 Maldives
1,806 Iceland
1,805 Ethiopia
1,801 Sri Lanka
1,694 Lithuania
1,526 Slovakia
1,504 New Zealand
1,485 Mali
1,479 Slovenia
1,451 Central African Republic
1,339 Guinea-Bissau
1,312 Lebanon
1,306 Equatorial Guinea
1,228 Costa Rica
1,212 Albania
1,142 Kosovo
1,118 Nicaragua
1,089 Zambia
1,087 Paraguay
1,087 Tunisia
1,085 Latvia
994 South Sudan
975 Madagascar
966 Niger
960 Cyprus
929 Sierra Leone
888 Burkina Faso
883 Mauritania
852 Andorra
836 Chad
834 Uruguay
805 Georgia
784 Jordan
712 Diamond Princess
680 San Marino
635 Congo (Brazzaville)
625 Malta
595 Jamaica
557 Uganda
536 Cabo Verde
509 Tanzania
499 Sao Tome and Principe
485 Togo
469 Yemen
464 West Bank and Gaza
443 Taiwan*
420 Rwanda
409 Malawi
354 Mozambique
337 Mauritius
334 Liberia
328 Vietnam
324 Montenegro
305 Eswatini
265 Zimbabwe
261 Benin
239 Libya
236 Burma
191 Mongolia
153 Guyana
141 Brunei
132 Comoros
125 Cambodia
124 Syria
117 Trinidad and Tobago
102 Bahamas
99 Monaco
92 Barbados
90 Suriname
86 Angola
82 Liechtenstein
63 Burundi
48 Bhutan
40 Botswana
39 Eritrea
26 Antigua and Barbuda
26 Gambia
26 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
25 Namibia
24 Timor-Leste
23 Grenada
19 Belize
19 Laos
19 Saint Lucia
18 Dominica
18 Fiji
15 Saint Kitts and Nevis
12 Holy See
11 Seychelles
9 MS Zaandam
9 Western Sahara
8 Papua New Guinea
4 Lesotho

6/5/2020  6:33 pm Global Deaths 394,787

109,127 deaths US
40,344 deaths United Kingdom
34,021 deaths Brazil
33,774 deaths Italy
29,114 deaths France
27,134 deaths Spain
13,170 deaths Mexico
9,566 deaths Belgium
8,658 deaths Germany
8,134 deaths Iran
7,778 deaths Canada
6,649 deaths India
6,024 deaths Netherlands
5,520 deaths Russia
5,162 deaths Peru
4,648 deaths Turkey
4,639 deaths Sweden
4,638 deaths China
3,534 deaths Ecuador
1,921 deaths Switzerland
1,838 deaths Pakistan
1,770 deaths Indonesia
1,670 deaths Ireland
1,465 deaths Portugal
1,448 deaths Chile
1,316 deaths Romania
1,166 deaths Egypt
1,142 deaths Colombia
1,137 deaths Poland
987 deaths Philippines
916 deaths Japan
908 deaths South Africa
811 deaths Bangladesh
770 deaths Ukraine
690 deaths Algeria
672 deaths Austria
642 deaths Saudi Arabia
632 deaths Argentina
586 deaths Denmark
542 deaths Hungary
525 deaths Dominican Republic
415 deaths Bolivia
370 deaths Panama
347 deaths Sudan
333 deaths Nigeria
327 deaths Czechia
323 deaths Moldova
322 deaths Finland
309 deaths Afghanistan
291 deaths Israel
285 deaths Iraq
274 deaths United Arab Emirates
273 deathsKorea, South
259 deaths Belarus
247 deaths Serbia
244 deaths Kuwait
243 deaths Honduras
238 deaths Norway
216 deaths Guatemala
208 deaths Morocco
205 deaths Cameroon
183 deaths Armenia
180 deaths Greece
159 deaths Bosnia and Herzegovina
159 deaths Bulgaria
149 deaths North Macedonia
116 deaths Malaysia
111 deaths Yemen
110 deaths Luxembourg
109 deaths Slovenia
103 deaths Croatia
102 deaths Australia
87 deaths Mali
83 deaths Cuba
82 deaths Azerbaijan
81 deaths Congo (Kinshasa)
79 deaths Kenya, Somalia
72 deaths Oman
71 deaths Lithuania
69 deaths Estonia
68 deaths Chad
65 deaths Niger
58 deaths Thailand
53 deaths Burkina Faso, El Salvador
52 deaths Kazakhstan
51 deaths Andorra
50 deaths Haiti
49 deaths Qatar, Tunisia
48 deaths Tajikistan
47 deaths Sierra Leone
46 deaths Nicaragua
45 deaths Senegal
43 deaths Mauritania
42 deaths Ghana, San Marino
36 deaths Cote d'Ivoire
33 deaths Albania
30 deaths Kosovo, Liberia
28 deaths Lebanon, Slovakia
26 deaths Djibouti
25 deathsLatvia
24 deaths Singapore
23 deaths Guinea, Uruguay
22 deaths Bahrain, Kyrgyzstan
22 deaths New Zealand
21 deaths Gabon
21 deaths Tanzania
20 deaths Congo (Brazzaville)
20 deaths Venezuela
19 deaths Ethiopia
17 deaths Cyprus
16 deaths Uzbekistan
13 deaths Diamond Princess, Georgia, Togo
12 deaths Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Sao Tome and Principe
11 deaths Bahamas, Nepal, Paraguay, Sri Lanka
10 deaths Iceland, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mauritius, South Sudan
9 deaths Jordan, Malta, Montenegro
8 deaths Guinea-Bissau, Trinidad and Tobago
7 deaths Barbados, Madagascar, Maldives, Taiwan*, Zambia
6 deaths Burma, Syria
5 deaths Cabo Verde, Libya
4 deaths Angola, Central African Republic, Malawi, Monaco, Zimbabwe
3 deaths Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Eswatini, West Bank and Gaza
2 deaths Belize, Brunei, Comoros, MS Zaandam, Mozambique, Rwanda
1 deaths Botswana, Burundi, Gambia, Liechtenstein, Suriname, Western Sahara

US State Level Deaths, Recovered
30,236 deaths, 66,992 recovered New York US
12,049 deaths, 27,433 recovered New Jersey US
7,235 deaths,  recovered Massachusetts US
5,898 deaths, 52,069 recovered Pennsylvania US
5,795 deaths,  recovered Illinois US
5,613 deaths, 38,099 recovered Michigan US
4,529 deaths,  recovered California US
4,038 deaths, 7,284 recovered Connecticut US
2,912 deaths, 31,728 recovered Louisiana US
2,702 deaths, 4,159 recovered Maryland US
2,660 deaths,  recovered Florida US
2,357 deaths,  recovered Ohio US
2,258 deaths, 24,317 recovered Indiana US
2,174 deaths,  recovered Georgia US
1,812 deaths, 47,865 recoveredTexas US
1,524 deaths, 4,034 recovered Colorado US
 ,454 deaths, 6,392 recovered Virginia US
1,159 deaths, 21,864 recovered Minnesota US
1,149 deaths,  recovered Washington US
1,015 deaths, 5,298 recovered Arizona US
1,015 deaths, 18,860 recovered North Carolina US
805 deaths,  recovered Missouri US
803 deaths, 11,203 recovered Mississippi US
772 deaths, 1,336 recovered Rhode Island US
676 deaths, 11,395 recoveredmAlabama US
633 deaths, 13,337 recoveredmWisconsin US
593 deaths, 12,585 recovered Iowa US
539 deaths, 7,347 recovered South Carolina US
479 deaths, 1,138 recovered District of Columbia US
466 deaths, 3,316 recovered Kentucky US
436 deaths, 522 recovered Nevada US
408 deaths, 16,925 recovered Tennessee US
388 deaths, 5,631 recovered Delaware US
387 deaths, 3,115 recovered New Mexico US
345 deaths, 5,781 recovered Oklahoma US
273 deaths, 3,187 recovered New Hampshire US
232 deaths, 612 recovered Kansas US
187 deaths, 7,598 recovered Nebraska US
161 deaths, 2,214 recovered Oregon US
152 deaths, 5,919 recovered Arkansas US
141 deaths,  recovered Puerto Rico US
120 deaths, 6,788 recovered Utah US
98 deaths, 1,797 recovered Maine US
84 deaths, 1,445 recovered West Virginia US
83 deaths, 2,362 recovered Idaho US
71 deaths, 2,242 recovered North Dakota US
64 deaths, 4,179 recovered South Dakota US
55 deaths, 882 recovered Vermont US
18 deaths, 470 recovered Montana US
17 deaths, 611 recovered Hawaii US
17 deaths, 755 recovered Wyoming US
16 deaths, 16 recovered Northern Mariana Islands US
10 deaths, 380 recovered Alaska US
6 deaths, 62 recovered Virgin Islands US
5 deaths, 162 recovered Guam US

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