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triumphants in #belgium #brussels #brugge #warwick during covid19 pandem...

triumphants in #belgium #brussels #brugge #warwick Angels and Gargoyles  in Middle Ages


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Belgium a country full of history. If you are interested in knowing the historical facts of mediaval castles and knights this is where you start. You really do not need to read a book to understand this history. You will find it  sculpted on old stone buildings. 

I recommend you start in Bruxxels a place that is at the heart of castles. There was the Light part of history such as the Cathedrals but there you can find the dark part of history like the Dark ages. 

What do I mean of this?

 For example, you will find in the Town Square on buildings stone carved gargoyles or demonic winged creatures. These ancient satanic form of sculptures was another form of worshipping the dark side. So walking the past amid the covid-19 crisis was a spiritual one.

Starting from the Warwick Hotel you are in the center of everything. Excellent service for the tourists.  Around the corner from the town square there a bronze statue of a man lying on his death bed. So although I made the wrong turn to the Towns Square on my way to Saint Michael Church , this was needed for the experience. God Almighty was opening up my eyes to something more. We cannot walk with our eyes close in life. Knowing there is darkness all around us it the purpose I wrote, 'Triumphants'. 

 Brugge is the next city to my visit. A quiet and ancient city it is an hour and a half from Bruxxels. You will need a whole day the trains run every half an hour. costs about fifty dollars per person. So from Bruxxels to Brugge train ride you will see the beautiful countryside of Belgium.

I will post my train ride from Bruxxels to Brugge on the on coming posts. 

The visit to the Holy Blood Church where Joseph, the wealthy man who bought Jesus Christ tomb took a small cloth with Jesus Christ blood and is found in Brugge. My moment infront of it was breathtaking a personal moment with God.  Remember how Jesus Christ said, there is life in the blood. So having been there infront of Jesus Christ's blood was certainly God Almighty spoiling me.

I received a message from the Lord, he said to 'Do not be Afraid'. It is a message we are hearing more and more in the news amid the Covid-19 pandemic where fear is lurking all over.

Regardless, the times we are in, God Almighty is more powerful than the times and he will cover us in the light.

More of that on the next posts.

Enjoy my visit to the Saint Michael's Cathedral in Bruxxels Belgium.

Yours Truly, Veronica Davis

link to see video on youtube