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Celestial Feast Trend The Ruach Kodesh Rosh Chodesh

 Celestial Feast Trend The Ruach Kodesh Rosh Chodesh

by Veronica Davis 2020-11-16

Ruach Kodesh

Ruach means Breath, Wind, Spirit   in Hebrew 

Kodesh means Holy in Hebrew

The greatest events on Earth have occured on Celestial Feasts given by the God Almighty Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Jesus Christ. Take for example, Today marks a Sabbath considered a day that is Holy a day of rest. Remember these days because trends are created by the God Almighty.

Ruach can be found many times in the Sacred Bible. The first time it appears in the Sacred Bible in the Old Testament is in the Book of Genesis  1:2  and next on chapter 3 verse 8.  Also it is found in the Gospel of John 3:8 and in the Books of Acts chapter 2.

Celestial Trend happening on feast days


As written the Book of Acts a celestial event happened. In Reading the Book of Acts chapter 2 it describes a pouring of the Holy Spirit. They were unified in prayer as they waited for the Ruach Kodesh.  On this day the Ruach Kodesh appeared as it was promised to the elected. 

Today this Celestial event is known as The Feast of Weeks or Pentecost or The Feast of  Shavuot  and Shavuot means weeks in Hebrew.

They were all in one  together in one place. They were are united. They were all praying together. The Holy Spirit came present. 

The 120 selected received the Holy Spirit or Ruach Kodesh

Today it is Rosh Chodesh A day after the new moon. The Hebrew Calendar begins with the new moon every month. Today it is November 16 2020.

It is important to remember how the Ruach Kodesh has never left the Earth since this Celestial Event The Feast of Shavuot.

In the Books of Acts chapter 19: 

It happened while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the upper country and came to Ephesus and found some  disciples.

He said to them, Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed. And they said to them,  No we have not even heard whether there is the Holy Spirit.

The Feast of  Weeks   Wheat Harvest 

Read also the Book of Exodus 34:22

Rosh Chodesh  Is the first of Hebrew Month the day after the New Moon

Read also Book of Exodus 12 The first month was given by Yahweh 


Hebrew noun means month, new moon. New moon appears 17 x in the Old Testament.

 The first time it was mentioned in the Book of Genesis 7:11. The celestial event that is described on   this date is when Yahweh opened the floodgate of the Earths fountains and Heavens during Noah Great Flood.  The next time the Chodesh appeared is on the eighth month fourth verse.

It is no coincidence when Jesus Christ said to Nicodemus in the Gospel of John 3:5:

Unless one is born of  Water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

In the same way Yahweh sent water to purify the Earth from its iniquities, Jesus Christ purifies the soul with Water.

As it is found many times in the Old Testament as   religious festival :

1 Samuel 20:5,18,24,27,34 

Hosea 5:7 a new moon shall devour them

Amos 8:5; 2

 Kings 4:23

 Isaiah 1:13 

 Isaiah 66:23

 Ezekiel 46:1,6 

Chronicles 23:31

2 Chronicles 2:3

 2 Chronicles 8:13; 31:3 

Nehemiah 10:34 

 Hosea 2:13

 Ezekiel 45:17 

Ezekiel 3:5

Psalm 81:4

Numbers 10:10 Blowing the Trumpets over burnt offerings on the First of the Month

 Numbers 28:11.

There is no fear in love 

1 John 4:18

The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it , but do not know where it comes from or where it is going  so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

John 3:8

Assembly or the Hebrew word miqra is first found in the Book of  Exodus 12:16.

Assembly or  the Hebrew word atsarah is also found in Book of Leviticus 23:36. 

The book of Isaiah 1:12-13 describes two different assemblies.

When you come to appear for me, Who requires of you this trampling of my courts
Bring your worthless offerings no longer,
Incense is an abomination to me.
New moon and sabbath, 
the Calling of Assemblies (miqra: a convocation, convoking, reading)
I cannot endure iniquity
and the Solemn Assembly (atsarah or atsereth: an assembly)

Ekklesia is the Greek Term of the New Testament