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Criminalizing Church

Criminalizing Church

by Veronica Davis 11/29/20 10:06 PM

Imagine a world that was based on truth. Then we would have no Jesus Christ. It is hard today to imagine this world because opening Church on Sunday is forbidden. Atleast that is what happened today in Winnipeg's largest Church in Manitoba. Imagine living in this World .. ...did you see ten police cars criminalizing the people. The Church was fined ..but every fine will be fought in Court. Like a Court ticket for vehicles. So they say. But do Car tickets attract ten police cars. What is next..closing down Churches forever.. 

" Invisible germs running the World"

 ..has humanity lost its mind .....what is happening in Winnipeg is a dictatorship of a Government. not even in a Dictatorship like Nicaragua...Churches were always open imagine a World where Churches were exempt from germs..Jesus Christ told the Pharisees its not what you put in your mouth that is is what comes out They had questioned Jesus Christ on cleanliness because they were hypocrites on washing hamds ans appearing clean