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Human Crisis Trend: Economy Breakdown #IStandwithAdam

  November 2020 Trends

Human Crisis Trend: Economy Breakdown #IStandwithAdam

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Human Crisis Trend: Economy Breakdown #IStandwithAdam

Veronica Davis 2020-11-27

#pharmakeia #pan #sorcery #babylon #IStandwithAdam

There is no fear in love but perfect love cast out fear. 1 John 4:18

We are the Watchers.

Around the world  people were protesting for just about everything that bothered them last year. But now there has been a role reversal just who is on the streets and what exactly are they demanding? 

Not since the p andemic of 2020 people have began to question freedom.

 This question is a relevant one since not many people think it is a question to ask. So where is our freedom heading? There are those that say it is heading to a dictatorship while others say it is becoming like the communist society. But Canadian economy is heading to nowhere land if it continues to oppress small business owners. 

This is beginning to surface as the second business owner of a Toronto gym opened its doors to their customers. People showed up despite the oppressed Toronto Government. But it is not as bad as what Winnipeg has mandated to remove non essential goods off the shelves just for an invisible monster that may or not exist. 

No one every asked the public about anything where society is heading now? What about asking the people not the doctors what laws should be enforced in our Canadian society. It seems like there is no room for democracy where the big elephant in the room is silent and invisible. Isn't it just like the technocracy of today dictating the laws.


I for one have always said that I do not believe in Science or Diseases as the only cure is Jesus Christ because we are all going to go to Heaven if we where the crown of life. The origin of the P andemic is pagan god and . The Hospitals themselves do not guarantee to save you only Jesus Christ. Right now we are worshipping the wrong gods so we are in the dark days.

Jesus Christ said:

I am the way. The Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through me.

John 14:6

Adam Skelly the owner of three restaurants in Toronto did announce that there would be others that would follow his step for freedom. But it is not just freedom but he said in an interview that his restaurant would not survive this winter. For full story of Adam Skelly read 'What is freedom for One is not for the Other #IStandWithAdam'.

Eviction notices are going to start happening and breakdown of society will be the end results. Express Fitness the owners that opened yesterday November 26 had already received one. So should we be living in the dark days of the Great Depression? I do not want to live in the Great Depression. People today never want to repeat the past, and are too smart to be dumb founded.

People should be exiting where there is oppression. God Almighty warned the Fathers of Israel.  Protesting is not the answer. Pray the rosary Pray Holy Rosary Mondays Saturdays and Season of Advent on Sunday ( and ask God for help we are the Watchers and speak the Truth. We are not here to Rise because Christ already has Risen.

Let us not forget what Jesus Christ told the Pharisees, leave to Caeser what belongs to him.

When the big stores like walmart, and costco are allowed to be open and racial profiling which race has more covid than the other is wrong.

So let us not forget how what happened more than 3,000 years ago when God Almighty told a weaker nation Israel, that he would deliver them from the mightier seven nations. So it was a ratio of 7:1 but anything is possible with God Almighy. Once the Israelites one, God Almigty warned them not to do any covenant with them. ( Deutoronomy 7) The first covenant Yahweh did was with Noah. The Hebrew word is berith or a covenant.(Genesis 6:18)

 The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the  peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples.
But because the LORD loved you and kept the oath He swore to your forefathers,
the Lord brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
Know therefore that the LORD your God He is God, the faithful God who keeps His lovingkindness to a thousandth generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.
Deutoronomy 7: 7-9

Does freedom lead to totalitarian temptations? listen to Lifesitenews

Complicit Clergy Fr. Robert Altier exposes the lies behind the Coronavirus pandemic.  Please support Fr. Altier's


What is freedom for One is not for the Other #IStandWithAdam

Veronica Davis Thursday 2020-11-26

#IStandWithAdam #Canada  #toronto  #adamsonbarbeque

The Owner of Adamson Barbecue has been trending in twitter for the last hours. There is a very good reason for it. Feeling bullied by society and bullied by a disease that is not visible. Should we be bullied for a fight that is not ours? Adam Skelly is speaking for many who are finding themselves in the bottom of the pit a place where no one wants to be.

Is the risk that the country is taking enough when people end up without money? Without money we can not move from point a and point b.

Everyone knows that this pandem ic is not just about safety. Jesus Christ said that in the 'end of age' there would be discussions of safety. He also said not to let no one deceive you.

So when one person like Adam gets arrested for keeping his restaurant open it is because God Almighty put him there. When I saw Adam speaking of his thoughts for what he thought was freedom;  he spoke without fear. It is no coincidence that he is setting a precedent for other restaurant owners who are feeling drowned by the laws mandated by the invisible. It is no coincidence that Adam was the name of the first man that also was set by God Almighty. My thoughts and prayers are with Adam Skelly and we should all pray for his safety and the safety of all in these dark repressed days.

There is no fear in love. Way to go Adam when we look back in life make no mistake you are speaking for the majority who are working day to day for their living expenses.

To all Canadian whom stand with God Almighty Jesus Christ one  day we will All face him and when you look back in life you will be asked by him..

If you do not know Jesus Christ today you are beginning to now.. he told the Governor before he was put on the cross to be executed, that he was not  part of this World. Jesus Christ also said, they do not hate you, they hate you because of me.  

What we are seeing now happen when people are getting arrested it is because everything they stood up for everything Jesus Christ taught us to believe, to be free.

Abraham watched Sodom and Gomorrah from far away destroyed. Abraham was accompanied by God Almighty Yahweh and two Angels whom were sent to destroy. In the end it is by God Almighty Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Jesus Christ.

Today Tweets #IStandWithAdam #IStandWithAdamsonBarbecue: 

A young man just trying to feed his family ... and this is Toronto Mayor Tory's response ... but city gang violence?...meh ... no big deal.What ya goin do when they come for you ...— Monica Henry: TrumpWon2020 REJECTGlobalRESET (@chevymo) November 26, 2020

Earning a living is now a crime in Canada. #IStandWithAdam  Rowan (@canmericanized) November 26, 2020

Owner of Adamson Barbecue led away in handcuffs Thursday as protesters clash with police Hamilton Spectator (@TheSpec) November 26, 2020

Owner of Adamson Barbecue led away in handcuffs Thursday as protesters clash with police Hamilton Spectator (@TheSpec) November 26, 2020

toronto so called r iot by Noble Savages

There is still lots of injustice in the world, while one is starving the other getting fatter by the wallet

The world should not stop operating just because of a disease...babies are being born by the day ...the world still keeps on operating

he's opening up! fuck the commies!

Posted by Justin Haynes on Thursday, November 26, 2020

People are Questioning the mask safety, Should not You?

Veronica Davis Tuesday 2020-11-24

We find in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Jesus Christ saying to his Disciples:

 'And he said to the, " Do you not see these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down. And he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us when these things happen, and what will be the sign of your Coming, and of the End of the Age?" And Jesus answered and said to them, " See that no one misleads you. For many will come in my name saying 'I am the Christ', and will mislead many." 

"You will be hearing wars and rumors of War. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation , and kingdom against kingdom

Does wearing masks fall into safety or dress attire ? The Governments around the world are mandating certain rules to wear masks due to safety. But what kind of safety. Safety to the others or safety to yourself. Covering your air flow is dangerous and amount of clearance allowed is also a matter to the individual's health.

 Should there  be a liability against Governments if something goes wrong while wearing mask? 

In October, I had just came from a long travel from Belgium, Europe. I found myself feeling light headed wearing a mask during a 7 hour flight. There is some information said about changing your masks for every two hours but nothing is precise. In Toronto on my way there, I was wearing a bandana  and the person behind was too. On the line to customs before flight to Europe, I was told that I could not wear the bandana.  If I wanted to be allowed on board on the Plane. Luckily the previous airline gave away free masks to everyone on board. Perhaps it was all fixed..who knows. Was it a coincidence that I had an extra mask at hand? There is no such thing as coincidence..

Behind me there was a couple that was not so lucky . The young man before me was also wearing a bandana as a face covering. Because he had no mask, he was forbidden on flight.  Not sure what happened to him. Did he even have money to buy a mask? Did he loose his flight over a mask? But unfortunate events can happen due to cold hearted people. And Jesus Christ did say people heart's would grow cold in the End of  Age.My airport experience in Toronto felt cold, heartless. It was that very moment I  lost my Sacred Bible. Who took it? Was it done intentional? My Sacred Bible disappeared never to be in my possession again. 

The Toronto airport announcement kept on using the term 'face coverings' not masks so when the custom agents a big black one and an older lady with an accent forbid me to come on board if I did not have a mask it really proved that it was a question of choice. Nothing is set in stone. The older lady with an accent demanded for me to take away the bandana off my neck and place it on the tray before the scanning. So really asking me to  take off a bandana that was placed on my mouth and then put on a tray made absolutely no sense.

What should be mandatory should also be paid for? So should not the Governments around the world pass on the costs for each household mask expenditure . This should also include damages incurred while wearing a mask.

If the Governments around the World will not be providing for the costs than it should not be mandatory. Regardless, freedom of choice to wear whatever we want onto our bodies, is really also something that should be discussed even in the highest of Courts if it needs to be addressed.

The Freedom to wear whatever you want is a human right in many countries such as in North America and Europe.

Certain private places are not enforcing the use of masks. The Government's are enforcing public space the use of masks. Then there is the discussion of what private property is to the Government. It all becomes a series of questioning. The act of Questioning only to find unanswered questions?  Just so that in the next few years more new laws will be created? Will the laws be about  who owns our bodies or what is safety?

Laws are being broken world wide. Grocery stores, alcoholic stores are demanding for people to remove their hoodies when people walk in. Loose the bag at the front. Who thought we would be loosing our rights so fast . What next?

If we are clever enough we should answer, God almighty owns our bodies, only he can decide what is best. It is the same question of who owns the body after it dies. After all a living body or a dead body should be a body?

Safety is not the question the World should be asking but rather who owns the individual.

Also then there is the question who owns safety? Isn't it up to God Almighty to provide safety? And even if it was up to the Government's around the World to keep the individual safe, then why are there wars around the world, or fighting in the streets, or human trafficking's happening everyday..?

So now one has to argue who's right is it to define 'safety'.

In the next video you will find a story about a young child that was forced to wear mask in school. The outcome was not of a great one.  Children are not enforced to wear masks in many places as the excuse is that they are immune to the virus. But of course this will be questioned when the vaccine will be enforced to the youth. In nursing homes in the past few years the flue vaccine is given to all elders. But this does not even keep them from dying.

 On November 24, there was an article by the Edmonton Journal  of Edmonton 17 different cases where people were apprehended for not following isolation and quarantine. What is going to happen in the next year when the World has been a year into this pandemic. 

Even the word Pandemic has a demonic reference?

Winnipeg politicians created the rule to remove all non essential items from the actual retail stores. This became effective at midnight the day of the Black Friday event. Winnipeg has the strictest rules created by politicians overnight. So are they legal? Are they against the human right code? Worldwide politicians should be challenged for the temporary changes they are creating that are infringing on the human right not on the human safety. 

Are people around the World being robbed of their individual rights? What will the World become, one more of a dystopian.

Last Story

Panic from "PAN-DEMIC” based in Idolatry; connected to Perilous Times, Fear & Satan November 22 2020 by Evangelist Anita