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Total Solar Eclipse Argentina

 Celestial Event Trend: 1207 BCE THE DAY THE SUN AND MOON STOOD STILL 
by Veronica Davis 10:00 AM updated 10:40 am

Total Sun eclipse is  one often missed if you are in other parts of the World. As I sit infront of my computer screen and look over to the left of my window, I see the Sun. But before the totality, I see nothing happening. During its totality my room lit bright an unusual brightness over the Central part of Canada. We were not in total darkness and nothing seemed at all like in Argentina where people gathered in crowds outdoors.

Eclipses are not to be looked at directly as it will turn you partially blind. Every year there are over four eclipses partial and total sun or moon.  Eclipses bring judgements. So its best to pray during these Celestial moments.

As I watch the Live event happening at 10:08 am central time, the people in Argentina cheered in the dark during  its totality. 

It is also a good time to say thank you and pray to the Lord. On October 30 1207 BCE  over 3227 years ago, one man was thanking God Almighty his name was Joshua. In the Ancient Book of Joshua chapter 10 . Joshua asked for the Sun and the Moon to stand still and it did. Joshua had a great Love for God Almighty. When Moses his Brother died, it was his job to lead the Tribes to the promised land. God Almighty delivered Five Great Nations which was always God's Promise for those who obeyed.

It is  almost a total eclipse 10 am central Winnipeg Time the sun seems super bright on its totality but nothing different. But in Argentina it has reached its totality at 10:08 am ten minutes later, both the Sun and the Moon already begins to separate  from each other.

December 14 2020 Total Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse over Argentina 10:28 am central time December 14 2020

December 14 20020 10:28 AM Total Eclipse over Argentina

Total Solar Eclipse over Argentina 10:40 am central time December 14 2020

South America's Total Solar Eclipse December 14 2020 10:40 AM
South America's Total Solar Eclipse December 14 2020 10:50 AM Central Time

South America's Total Solar Eclipse December 14 2020 11 AM Central Time

Today in Central Canada Winnipeg the temperatures sored from +3 three days ago to - 22 below zero during the time of the Total Eclipse.

Near Argentina's Ocean waters there are waves up to 13 ft around 9 am an hour before the Total Eclipse.

There are twin storms brewing  in the ocean waters near Australia, One in the Atlantic Ocean. One near Australia is called Zazu. Yasa seems to be at this time a bit stronger.

Zazu coordinates at 10:40 am December 14 2020:

Monday December 14 2020 9:00 am central time an hour before South America's Total Solar Eclipse Ventusky screenshot

location of zazu during this time, zoom in and out to resize:

Lat.: 18°41'S / Lon.: 174°58'W / Altitude: 0m

Timezone: (UTC-12) / Current time: 04 AM 12/14/2020

Location of Yasa is at 11:30 am:

Lat.: 15°7'S / Lon.: 171°55'E / Altitude: -1m

Timezone: (UTC+11) / Current time: 04 AM 12/15/2020

Total Solar Eclipse over Argentina see live by Ruptly

Actual December 14 12 AM  Zazu

Lat.: 18°48'S / Lon.: 174°50'W / Altitude: 0m Timezone: (UTC-12) / Current time: 05 AM 12/14/2020

Actual December 14 12 AM Yasa

Lat.: 15°39'S / Lon.: 172°4'E / Altitude: -1m
Timezone: (UTC+11) / Current time: 06 AM 12/15/2020

Screenshot Photo below of Both Yasa and  Zazu an hour after the Total Solar Eclipse totality

See location on Google Maps

copy and paste to url browser link

Predictions of  Yasa and Zazu

Both Yasa and Zazu move away from Australia

Predictions of Yasa 

Dec 14 12 pm location the wind speed increased slightly from 38 mph to 69 mph in an hour. By tommorow December 15 9 pm it will be at  40 mph where the eye of the storm use to be located.

Mon Dec 14 12 pm Eye of the Storm location:

Lat.: 15°39'S / Lon.: 172°4'E / Altitude: -1m
Timezone: (UTC+11) / Current time: 06 AM 12/15/2020

Tues Dec 15 9 pm  Eye of the Storm location:

Lat.: 15°29'S / Lon.: 174°27'E / Altitude: -1m
Timezone: (UTC+12) / Current time: 06 AM 12/15/2020

Predictions of  Zazu

Dec 14 12 pm location the wind speed increased slightly from 22 mph to 27 mph 

Mon Dec 14 12 pm Eye of the Storm location:

Lat.: 18°48'S / Lon.: 174°50'W / Altitude: 0m Timezone: (UTC-12) / Current time: 05 AM 12/14/2020

Tues Dec 15 9 pm  Eye of the Storm location:
Lat.: 20°46'S / Lon.: 171°48'W / Altitude: -1m Timezone: (UTC-11) / Current time: 07 AM 12/14/2020

Interesting Facts