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Showing posts from March 16, 2020

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Global Pandemic Precautions Flights and Border Closures Around the World

Human Crisis   Global Pandemic Global Pandemic Precautions Flights and Border Closures Around the World Monday March 16, 2020 2 PM Around the World   175,275 as of March 16, 2020  12:33 PM . The Dragon Avalanche continues. Important links  and Three circuit breaker  rules drop SNP Trading down 7% Trading resumed at 9:45 am Eastern  SMP drops by 13% if decline reaches 20% trading will be suspended for the day Amazon 111 dollars Google dropped 110 dollars Tesla 90 dollars Apple 30 dollars Blackrock 55 Italy Italy 27, 980 infected as of March 16, 2020  +3,233 349 new Deaths Spain 9,428 infected as of March 16, 2020    +1,440 Among the 2nd highest jumps 1,440 since March  15, 2020 Germany Germany 7,174  infected as of March 16, 2020...