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Showing posts from March 21, 2020

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CBC story urging Canada should be on lockdown to stop COVID-19 spread, doctor warns

Global Pandemic Confirmed Covid-19 2020 BC AB SK MB ON QB NB NS P.E.I LB 3/21 349 195 26 18 377 181 17 15 2 4

March 21 2020 COVID-19 update: Trudeau addresses Canadians | Special coverage

March 21 2020 No Emergency Act declared yet The World is Halted in Two Weeks March 21 2020 Over 2,000 unknown Canadians stranded in Peru. Peru is currently in a lockdown. No one can leave. Right now there are over 900 Canadians together in Peru waiting for their flight's help from the Canadian Government. Global affairs says there are 4,300 Canadians in Peru. People in Peru stranded feel they have been left in the dark. Transparency has been limited and some did not know what they were in an State emergency. First flight is leaving from Morocco per PM Trudeau this afternoon. Air Canada flight from Morocco arrives in Canada. Military has other flight from Peru will leave from Spain. Borders around the world are closed and in a lockdown. 70 million in the US under lockdown. Martial Law, curfews implemented in some states in the United States, Latin American Countries and Europe. Alex Jones is calling it a World War 4 the third one was the Cold War. A restaurant store...