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Showing posts from March 27, 2020

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Praying for 27, 198 deaths Worldwide Due to the Covid-19

Praying for 27, 198 deaths Worldwide Due to the Covid-19 3/27/2020 by Veronica Davis World Wide Pandemic Covid-19 Psalms 91 I do not mean to put it blunt but sometimes you have to  know what is happening. Its amazing the number of deaths that are being put in our faces worldwide digitally. Are we living a different era? We are at home away from our regular routines. We are loosing money but have we reflected on those that have been lost on Earth. And I have yet to see anyone pray over all the deaths that are occurring as I write this. The people we will never see, or talk to anymore, the people in sadness for loosing their lost ones. I know what it is like to loose a loved one. I wrote a book about it, and how I came closer to God Almighty. So in memory of all those who lost their lives to Covid-19,  I am offering it for free on amazon until March 31. So sit quietly at home and relax and read my Free eBook   until March 31 below: So it is important that w...

'What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ say ? Triumphants' Free e book Promotion

'What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ say ? Triumphants' Free e book Promotion  Historical Worldwide  Pandemic Covid-19 Stay at Home and Learn the Word of God book promotion. Learn about the Word of God,  author Veronica Davis delivers to you the special messages behind the sacred scriptures. She looks at the words meanings in Hebrew and in Greek. Read 'What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ say ? Triumphants',  in less than five days.' The eBook teaches you about details you may have never heard before.  In the next five days you will read it for FREE . Do not miss out on this opportunity to get close to Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Jesus Christ. If you do not know what those names represent than start reading its your time to get to know those names. Free Offer ends March 31, 2020  If you would like to Donate to support use this link 2.  Free Offer ends March 31, 2020 ...