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Showing posts from May 1, 2020

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Strange Animal Behavior Penguins outside of Ocean into the Streets

nexplained Events          Animal mutilations Trend        Animal Invasion Trend        Animal Deaths Trend       Animal Disappearance Trend           Animal rescue trend           Animal Invasion Trend Strange Animal Behavior Trend: Feral Pigs eating anything Penguins outside of Ocean into the Streets 5/1/2020 In the past decade in North America, and in Europe such as in England wolves, coyotes and foxes have been invading and living among the people. But this March and April animals are getting away from their normal habitat and have been doing strange things such as penguins out in the street of South Africa. Are the animals looking for food? Are the wild animals leaving their natural habitat because something or someone driving them away? Or is it something more?  Are the animals being targeted with weathe...

Human Crisis Trend Fake News Trend Faith What is in a name?

Human Crisis and Fake News Trend: Faith What is in a name? Is 'Faithful America' the Voice of Christians? Who Are They? Jon Rappoport,, a guest on David Knight calling it fake news psyop.

Human Crisis Trend Food Shortage Crisis Meat Closure Trend Food Dumping Trend Food Line ups State of Emergency Jail Trend

Trends while Global Pandemic 2020 Human Crisis Trend    Food Shortage Crisis    Meat Closure Trend    Food Dumping Trend     Food Line ups     State of Emergency Jail Trend    5/1/2020 Total Confirmed Covid-19 cases  6:32 AM 3,274,747 Not sure this picture is for the ducks to read or for the humans but regardless in Canada pictures mean more than words. Perhaps it has to do with multiculturalism in case you do not speak the word language of Canada. Worldwide Trends El Salvador, Peru, US, Canada, Brazil, Sweden Covid-19 State of Emergency Jail Trend   El Salvador and Peru While some pictures can be humorous others send chills. Yeshua Jesus Christ called his generation perverse. Is society making slaves or are the pagans and the sinners enslaving themselves? Who fathered this people? Who made them that way? Did they make themselves that way? The lost society? The lack of  Jesus Christ....