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Showing posts from August 19, 2020

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Triumphants now Triunfantes

 Triumphants now Triunfantes Veronica Davis (Author) Veronica Davis will help you understand who Almighty God is. "Triumphant, what would Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Jesus Christ say?" Veronica Davis describes her Signs, Visitation and Dreams leading up to this day. She proclaims the Scriptures in an amazing way. She deciphers the riddles wrapped in Mysteries told by Jesus Christ written in the Word of God. Available all over the world. Hurry to read because the veil is too thin and earthly time will only last until the cup is full. Read how and when you received your call and what it has to say.  (Autora) Veronica Davis te ayudará a comprender quién es Dios Todopoderoso. "Triunfantes, ¿Qué diría Yahweh Elohim El Shaddai Yeshua Jesucristo?" Veronica Davis describe sus Signos, Visitaciones y Sueños previos a este día. Ella proclama las Escrituras de una manera asombrosa. Ella descifra los acertijos envueltos en Misterios dichos por Jesucristo escritos en la Palab...