Nov 17 2020 Hurricane IOTA Cat 5 Nicaragua Makes Destruction By Veronica Davis 2020-11-17 #sosnicaragua #hurricaneiota #nicaraguastrong #barriohermanorodriguez #hermanosrodriguez #iota #Niquinohomo #nicaragua #HuracanETA Read previous Hurricane Trend Hurricane Iota LANDS in Nicaragua Nov 16 2020 The Lost Kingdoms Now being born in Nicaragua I feel passionate about a beautiful country that has been taken by pirates, wealthy foreign merchants and now dictatorships. This is where I was born. But regardless I still think there is ample of hope, or not? Question mark. A few years ago before the downfall of the dictatorship of the country I began my curiosity of this country i was born in but hardly made a connection with. But even though i was connected i truly was not it was like Abraham watched Sodom and Gomorrah fall to the ground as it burned there i was. Lost ...