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Showing posts from November 24, 2020

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Election Fraud Trend: President For Life?

  November Trends  Election Fraud Trend:  U.S Elections 2020 Children of Darkness Trend :  Vigano    Climate Chaos Trend :  Hurricane Storm Eta and Iota Build back better, President For Life? 2020-11-24 Build back better, President For Life? Can President's be there for life. The Answer will surprise you. It is yes. In countries where dictatorship is totalitarian it is possible. This falls under countries where communism exists. Russia. It is a country where the President has been one of the longest President to serve. Vladimir Putin has been in office for two decades. PUTIN IN THE YEARS How long has Vladimir Putin been President for?  How long has Vladimir Putin been President for? – The Sun  Nov 6 2020 Daniel Ortega has been in dictator for many years in Nicaragua. Nicaragua is under the Sandinista Communist Regime. He was the 58 th and 62 president of Nicaragua.. He also has been accused of a violent and anti- human practices killing h...

People are questioning the mask safety?

  November Trends  Election Fraud Trend:  U.S Elections 2020 Children of Darkness Trend :  Vigano    Climate Chaos Trend :  Hurricane Storm Eta and Iota People are Questioning the mask safety, Should not You? Veronica Davis Tuesday 2020-11-24 We find in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Jesus Christ saying to his Disciples:  'And he said to the, " Do you not see these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down. And he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us when these things happen, and what will be the sign of your Coming, and of the End of the Age?" And Jesus answered and said to them, " See that no one misleads you. For many will come in my name saying 'I am the Christ', and will mislead many."  "You will be hearing wars and rumors of War. See that you are n...